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Learn key principles for working with boards effectively, including organized communication, information diffusion, board structure, and advocating for what is right. Ensure board members are trained in correct principles for successful governance.
Northland Healthcare Alliance Working with Boards
Communicate in an organized, systematic way. Northland Healthcare Alliance Key Principles Good: Information to the Board at least one week prior to the meeting assembled in a concise packet arranged with tabs and page numbers. Bad: Information given out at Board Meeting without time for review or two days before hoping it will get there in time. Really Bad: Send out piece mill five days in a row before meeting.
Use Information Diffusion to Build Support Northland Healthcare Alliance Key Principles Good:Work with Board Committees to accomplish work of the Board - Finance, Nominating, Executive - They plow the field for progress and comfort Bad: Spring new ideas on the Board for the first time at the meeting without material in Board packet. Really Bad: Save bad news and spring it on the Board without sharing with anyone prior to the meeting.
Work to Make the Board Structure Appropriate Northland Healthcare Alliance Key Principles Good: Create variety and diversity and enough members to bring out the best ideas and input for progress. Bad: Have a Board structure with two or three egos that do not like each other and are in competitive positions. Really Bad: Have a board full of hospital administrators that hate each other and hate you as the Executive Director.
Be a Strong Proponent of What is Right Northland Healthcare Alliance Key Principles Good: Know what you want to accomplish, provide truthful information and stand up to bully. Bad: Talk in half truths, tell some Board members one thing and others another thing. ReallyBad: Never stand for anything.
Teach Board Correct Principles Northland Healthcare Alliance Key Principles Good: It is not necessary for Executive Director to do training, but it is important for members to understand what is their role. Bad: Allow Board members to continue with ignorant ideas and bad behaviors like micro managing or controlling every discussion. Really Bad: Live with intolerable board behaviors and hope that it will get better someday.