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Presentation to Portfolio Committee Agenda Introduction Setting the scene High performance strategy and demographics Provision of facilities. A world class organization has the following components in its Strategic Development. Dream. Vision.
Presentation to Portfolio Committee Agenda • Introduction • Setting the scene • High performance strategy and demographics • Provision of facilities Talent Identification and Development
A world class organization has the following components in its Strategic Development Dream Vision Values Objectives Action plans Talent Identification and Development
The SARFU strategy has the same components: In the beginning we addressed the symptoms • The first black Springboks • Black executives • Quota systems • Elite squads • Audit Then we created the pillars of our future system: • Transform • Grow • Win • Make money All our plans must include these imperatives Blueprint for a Dream We want to develop a rugby society that is defined by its values Vision 2003 We have developed objectives and action plans to bring our dream and vision into reality Values Objectives Action plans Talent Identification and Development
High PerformanceStrategy 2003-2011 Talent Identification andSkills Development Talent Identification and Development
High PerformanceStrategy 2003-2011 Talent Identification andSkills Development If the problem we have now is the same as the problem we had before Chances are we are all contributors to the problem We can’t solve today’s problems with yesterday’s solutions Talent Identification and Development
Many people feel we have a problem with our results i.e. we are not doing as well as we used to Talent Identification and Development
The Springboks test record history Talent Identification and Development
However….. the comparative situation against the top three rugby nations in the world Talent Identification and Development
We expect Tiger Woods to win For 120 years The Springboks have had: Some great coaches, some great players, Some good luck, some bad luck, Some good referees, some bad referees, A lot of faith and hope. This has delivered 63% success. In future, we will still have the above but additionallywe will operate in a managed system with predictable competitive advantages Then, we can also be expect to win Talent Identification and Development
In Vision 2003SA Rugby identified four strategic imperativesthat had to be included in everything we do Financial sustainability Transform the game Grow the game Win the game Included Included Included High Performance Strategy Talent Identification and Development
A blueprint for a dream Dream Primary process Changes in Teams and Individuals Secondary process Lack of commitment We don’t get commitment because : • People feel left out (not consulted) • We ignore what is working • They find the changes too big Vision Vision 2003 We run into negative mindsets because of: • SARFU-Pessimism (Anger) • Rank, turf and power clashes • Victim or entitlement beliefs SARFU Success Unhealthy Conflict Strategy Strategic imperatives We don’t get support because we have clashes on: • What the bottom line is • Culture and values issues • Past loyalties Clash of Values and beliefs Delivery Erosion Peripheral vision High performance Strategy Objectives Lack of ability We don’t get effective implementation because we lack the intellectual capital: • The competencies to implement • To capacity to implement • The will to lead and manage Objectives and Action plans Action plans Failure or Mediocrity Lack of teamwork We run out of delivery motivation because: • We confuse passion with teamwork • We blame, stereo type and scapegoat • We don’t generate spirit and pride Talent Identification and Development
Some of the negative issues and mindsets driving SARFU pessimism SARFU does not have the ability to do the job Provinces put regional interests before national interests SARFU does not care about club rugby SARFU does not care about schools SA Rugby has ‘’sold out’’ to the ANC It is more important to transform than develop talent Rugby is still controlled by racist Afrikaners The coloured community is being marginalized Whites don’t have a place in rugby administration Talent Identification and Development
High Performance Vision2003 - 2011 To have a talent identification and development system that delivers the majority of our Super 12 and Springbok players. This system results in SA Rugby maintaining a place in the top three rugby nations in the world. Talent Identification and Development
Strategic imperativesShort,medium and long termInclusive holistic and seamlesssystemic managed ,drivencontinuously refinedmeasurable , performance drivenlinked to a central data base Age specific , player centered Talent Identification and Development
Key Result Areas 1. Seamless, high performance blue print 15. Coach development system 2. Black development programme for S12 and WC 2003 14. Scout development system 3. Talent identification method 13. Management organization for elite development 4. Seamless Coaching Curriculum 12. Competitive advantage training 5. Seamless Physical, Nutritional and Skills Curriculum 11. Web enabled database system 10. Academy development system 6. Seamless Psychological curriculum 9. Rugby schools magnification 7. Seamless Life Skills curriculum 8. Game and player analysis service Talent Identification and Development
The Green and Gold System U9-U13 Train for fun Entry Game Provincial Springbok team SA Rugby SA U23/A Primary Schools U13 Regional tournaments SARFU Primary Rugby Curriculum Scouts at all levels from U16 National Gold squad Senior schools U14-U16 Train for talent Talent Identification methods Super 12 Competition 7s National Tournament U16 National tournament World cup 2011 Senior Rugby Curriculum Rugby Schools Support Advanced Rugby Curriculum National Green squad U16, Currie cup Competition U17-U18 Train to compete Assessments Programmes Data base U18 National tournament U18, U20 National Teams U18,U19 National Club Champs U19-U21 Train to win Vodacom competition National Student Champs Student rugby U19 U21 U21 U20 National Competition World cup 2007 Academy System Academies Clubs support Talent Identification and Development
Summary of action plans: 1. Develop a rugby development strategy, vision, objectives and action plans 2. Create a blue print representing the development steps 3. Identify an entry game to increase rugby accessibility 4. Regionalize the U13 tournament to create greater participation 5. Identify a talent identification methodology for u14 plus 6. Develop a seamless coaching curriculum from U7 to U21 7. Develop a seamless conditioning, nutritional and medical curriculum 8. Develop a seamless psychological skills curriculum 9. Develop rugby life skills manual and implement 10. Identify the best rugby schools, benchmark and spread their abilities 11. Investigate the possibilities of rugby as a school subject 12. Introduce a national U16 tournament Talent Identification and Development
13. Select national Green squads for U16, U18, U20 14. Assess, record, interpret, prescribe 500 players every four months 15. Consolidate national and schools selection panel plus training 16. Select / develop a national Gold squad with competitive advantages 17. Introduce and train national scouts 18. Select U19 and U21 9 months before tournament 19. Develop a system that makes better use of Academies 20. Create a user friendly game and player analysis service for all levels 21. Integrate all data into a holistic, web enabled database 22. Identify and implement an organization with intellectual capital 23. Identify and implement seamless development framework for coaches 24. Select and develop at least 20 black players for Super 12 25. Initiate a process of sustainable solutions for club rugby Talent Identification and Development
Green Squad System • A broad based, seamless talent identification and development system to serve the needs of provinces and national teams. • Comprising five national squads starting from U16 through U17, U18, U19 and finally U20. • Each squad has a 100 players (total 500) selected on rugby skills by a nation panel of selectors with inputs from national scouts. • Every four months, players will be assessed for physical development, skills development and nutritional requirements. • Based on these assessments they will have improvement programs prescribed for them. • Results are collated, analyzed, interpreted and posted on a web enabled database. Talent Identification and Development
Green squads 3 x Physical assessments 3 x Skills assessments 3 x Nutrition assessments U14 Talent ID Methods U16 Tournament 100 players 3 x Physical prescription 3 x Skills prescriptions 3 x Nutrition prescriptions U17 -100 players U18 Tournament 100 players Data capture Analysis Interpretation Feedback and culling Web enabled database U19 -100 players U20 Tournament 100 players Outcomes: Early talent identification for provinces Early prediction of Super 12 and Springboks Selection of Gold squad Retention of future Springboks Selection tool for competitive advantage Transformation plan Talent Identification and Development
Academies Curriculum 2003 • Rugby competencies • Physical development • Playing skills • Game components • Psychological competence 3. Career Skills • Vocational courses • Academic courses 2. Life Skills • Pride and spirit • History of sport • Rugby organization • Values and ethics • Relationships • Stress management • Health and risk • Commercial skills • Professional skills • Social responsibility • Career guidance Talent Identification and Development
Green squads 3 x Physical assessments 3 x Skills assessments 3 x Nutrition assessments Transformation plan U16 Tournament 100 players 5O% 3 x Physical prescription 3 x Skills prescriptions 3 x Nutrition prescriptions U17 -100 players U18 Tournament 50% 100 players Data capture Analysis Interpretation Feedback and culling Web enabled database U19 -100 players U20 Tournament 100 players 50% Early talent identification for provinces Early prediction of Super 12 and Springboks Selection of Gold squad Retention of future Springboks Competitive advantage implementation Creation of better players Transformation plan and controls Outcomes: Talent Identification and Development
The Gold Squad We cant continue to do the same things and expect a different result • The Gold squad is a long term investment in future results • We will give Springbok teams a competitive advantage by training Gold squad players in carefully identified aspects of the game that can be relied on to win 75% of test matches from 2006 onwards • We aim to retain our best talent in South Africa through early notification to the players of their potential future • The squad members will be selected from U18 level upwards • A maximum of twenty members will be in the squad • They will be bound by a strict code of honour • They will not be paid but offered a lucrative incentive to be paid when they play their first test Talent Identification and Development
In 1995, if the going got tough…. we could simply put in more hard work and still win But in 2002, in addition to the hard work we will have to improve our talent identification and development as well Talent Identification and Development