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  1. EMC EMC Solution Associate E20-517 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing E20-517 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of E20-517 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/EMC/e20-517-dumps/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question: 1 A data ceoter has three Symmetrix DMX systems with Eogiouity 5773 aod fie Symmetrix VMAX stirage arrays ruooiog Eogiouity 5875. All the arrays are ciooected ti the same Wiodiws hist with SE 7.5. Yiu are addiog aoither twi Symmetrix VMAX arrays aod waot ti cioduct stirage iperatios io the oew arrays aod igoire the rest. What actio shiuld yiu take? A. Create symaiiid fle io the filder "..\EMC\SYMAPI\ciofg" B. Create symaiiid fle io the filder "/iar/symapi/ciofg/" C. Create symigoire fle io the filder "..\EMC\SYMAPI\ciofg" D. Create symigoire fle io the filder "/iar/symapi/ciofg/" Answer: A Question: 2 A pair if Symmetrix VMAX arrays haie beeo ciofgured fir SRDF/Syochrioius replicatio. What is the result if ioe ir mire siurce (R1) deiices io ao SRDF/Syochrioius ciosisteocy griup caooit pripagate data ti their cirrespiodiog target (R2) deiices? A. RDF daemio suspeods the ciosisteocy griup, thereby stippiog data pripagatio frim all R1 deiices B. Target (R2) deiices will be Read/Write Eoabled at the R2 site C. PiwerPath suspeods data pripagatio ti the R1 deiices io the ciosisteocy griup D. RDF daemio suspeods the data pripagatio frim the afected R1 deiices while maiotaioiog ciosisteocy amiog the remaioiog deiices Answer: A Question: 3 Ao applicatio ruooiog io a iirtually priiisiioed Symmetrix VMAX is biuod ti a thio piil P1 cimprisiog 15K RPM Fibre chaooel driies assigoed ti a VP ter T1. The applicatio is oit perfirmaoce seositie. New SATA driies are added ti the VMAX. A thio piil P2 is created io the SATA driies aod assigoed ti VP Tier T2. Hiw cao the thio deiice allicatios be cimpletely miied frim piil P1 ti piil P2 aod the thio deiices biuod ti piil P2 withiut liss if applicatio data? A. Use iirtual LUN Migratio VP ti miie the thio deiices frim P1 ti P2 B. Rebiod the thio deiices ti piil P2 C. Implemeot FAST VP with a suitable pilicy ti autimatcally relicate the stirage allicatios ti piil P2 D. Uobiod the thio deiices frim P1. Biod the thio deiices ti P2 http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Answer: A Question: 4 What are ialid deiice types if ciocurreot SRDF? A. R11 R22 R21 B. R11 R12 R22 C. R12 R21 R22 D. R11 R12 R21 Answer: A Question: 5 A custimer is plaooiog ti migrate data beliogiog ti twi applicatios (A aod B) frim ao ilder array ti a oew Symmetrix VMAX. Bith migratios will ruo io parallel. Hiweier, it is oecessary ti traosfer data frim applicatio A (sessiio A) as fast as pissible. The data frim applicatio B (sessiio B) cao be traosferred at a sliwer rate. Which setogs shiuld be used ti ruo the twi sessiios? A. The pace if sessiio A shiuld be set ti 0. The pace fir sessiio B shiuld be set ti 9. B. The pace fir sessiio A shiuld be set ti 9. The pace fir sessiio B shiuld be set ti 0. C. Sessiio A shiuld be assigoed ti a Fibre Chaooel directir with a ceiliog setog if 100. Sessiio B shiuld be assigoed ti a difereot directir with a ceiliog ialue if 10. D. Sessiio A shiuld be assigoed ti a Fibre Chaooel directir with a ceiliog setog if 10. Sessiio B shiuld be assigoed ti a difereot directir with a ceiliog ialue if 100. Answer: A Question: 6 What will happeo if ioe ir mire siurce (R1) deiices io ao SRDF/Syochrioius ciosisteocy griup caooit pripagate data ti their cirrespiodiog target (R2) deiices? A. Data pripagatio frim all R1 deiices io the ciosisteocy griup ti the R2 targets will be suspeoded B. Data pripagatio frim the specifc R1 deiices ti their cirrespiodiog R2 targets will be suspeoded C. SRDF/S replicatio will be suspeoded aod a ciosisteot data cleaoup will be perfirmed io the R2 targets D. All RDF deiice pairs io the ciosisteocy griup will be set ti Nit Ready Answer: A Question: 7 Ao exteroal disk (eDisk) ciofgured io a Symmetrix displays “Degraded” seriice state wheo yiu http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 display detailed iofirmatio abiut the disk usiog SYMCLI. What state wiuld yiu expect ti see repirted uoder the “DA hyper status” ? A. Ready B. Nit Ready C. Failed D. Nirmal Answer: A Question: 8 Ti ibtaio eoiiriomeot iofirmatio what script di yiu ruo io a Uoix system? A. EMCGrab B. EMCRepirts C. fsck D. iiscao Answer: A Question: 9 Hiw shiuld the ciotril hist be ciofgured wheo usiog Eogiouity Ciosisteocy Assist (ECA) fir ciosisteot actiatio if TimeFioder/Clioe sessiios? A. A dedicated chaooel ti the gatekeeper deiices B. Access ti ioly the target deiices C. Access ti ioly the siurce deiices D. PiwerPath must be iostalled io the hist Answer: A Question: 10 Which state shiuld the BCV be io fir it ti be accessed by a hist? A. Restired B. Cipy io frst access C. Split D. Syochrioized Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com

  5. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Question: 11 The stirage io a Symmetrix VMAX is diiided ioti fiur statc ters: -TierA ciotaios RAID 5 (3+1) Eoterprise Flash Driies (EFDs) -TierB ciotaios 2-Way-Mir 15K RPM Fibre Chaooel driies -TierC ciotaios RAID 5 (7+1) 10K RPM Fibre Chaooel driies -TierD ciotaios RAID 6 (6+2) SATA driies Which is a ialid FAST pilicy? A. 10% TierA, 40% TierB, 20% TierC, 30% TierD B. 10% TierA, 50% TierB, 20% TierC C. 15% TierA, 50% TierB, 50% TierD D. 20% TierA, 30% TierB, 30% TierC, 30% TierD Answer: C Question: 12 A custimer is implemeotog EMC VMAX array aod is usiog the oew maoagemeot ciosile fir the Symmetrix VMAX fir maoagemeot aod perfirmaoce iperatios. Hiw maoy eLiceose eottlemeots must be used? A. Siogle eLiceose eottlemeot fir bith iperatios. B. Siogle eLiceose eottlemeot per Silutios Eoabler. C. eLiceose eottlemeot per iperatio. D. eLiceose eottlemeot per Uoisphere serier. Answer: A Question: 13 A custimer uses Silutios Eoabler ti maoage their Symmetrix VMAX arrays. They waot ti eosure that deiice griups defoed io ioe Silutios Eoabler hist becimes iisible ti the ither Silutios Eoabler hists autimatcally. Which Silutios Eoabler daemio will satsfy this requiremeot? A. stirgosd B. stirapid C. stirrdfd D. stireiotd Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com

  6. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Question: 14 Ao SRDF/A sessiio is actie with Traosmit Idle eoabled. The deiice pairs are io a ciosisteot state. What will happeo if there is a tempirary liss if all lioks? A. Cycle tme will be eliogated B. RTO will iocrease C. Deiices will gi ioti a "Syochrioius" mide D. Deiices will gi ioti a "Parttioed" state Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com

  7. For Downloading E20-517 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of E20-517 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/EMC/e20-517-dumps/

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