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Third-party quality inspection services provided by CBRI for seismic-resistant school buildings in Uttarakhand. Comprehensive training, testing, and reporting to ensure construction quality adherence.
10th Sept., 2009 Gandhinagar SarvaShikshaAbhiyan UTTARAKHAND Third Party Quality Inspection of School Buildings Dr. A. K. Mittal, Project Leader achal_cbri@rediffmail.com Central Building Research Institute ROORKEE (India)
Activities Planned by CBRI • Advice for good quality of construction system with earth quake resistant design. • Advice and guidance for efficient construction at site so that the work may be executed as per the quality norms. • A methodology for general quality inspection programme has been prepared and is being implemented on all school sites with the help of DPOs/VECs. This include • Training of the VEC, AE/ JE, BRC and other allied personals • Site visits and visual observations • Non Destructive Testing (NDT) • Checking of specifications. • Sample collection of construction materials (Brick, Sand, Cement, Steel etc.) by CBRI Team. • Material testing at CBRI. • An inspection report after each visit containing suggestions for quality improvement.
Training-cum-Workshop General Construction Awareness Earthquake Earthquake Resistant Construction Questionnaire Quality in Construction Check-List Third Party Quality Assurance NDT Non-Destructive Testing of RC Components Lab Testing Laboratory testing of Basic Materials Report Progress Reporting to the SPD
WorkshopOrganized for General Construction Awareness LECTURES DILIVERED #Achieving Quality in Construction # Concept of Earth-quake Resistant Design # Non-Destructive Testing of RC Components # Quality Control Programme Dehradun U.S. Nagar Rudraprayag Uttarkashi Tehri Garhwal Champawat Haridwar Pithoragarh Almora Nainital Chamoli Bageshwar
EarthquakeConcept of Seismicity & Earth-quake Seismicity In India Uttarakhand in Earthquake Zone IV and V Zone IV Dehradun Haridwar Tehri Nainital Champawat Udhamsingh Nagar Pauri Almora Zone V Chamoli Rudraprayag Bageshwar Pithoragarh Uttarkashi Pauri Almora BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS IS 1893 (PART 1) : 2002 IS 4326 : 1993 IS 13920 : 1993 IS 13935 : 1993 IS 13827 : 1993 IS 13828 : 1993 What is EQ Magnitude and Intensity ?
EarthquakeEarth-quake Resistant Construction Recommendation regarding Overall Arrangement of EQ Resistant Measures for Masonry Buildings Cross-section of RC band for two bars and four bars RC band Details at corner and T junction. Corner Bar Layout for EQ Provision
QuestionnaireFor Quality in Construction Excerpt from the Questionnaire Tutorial sessions were organised soon after the TRAINING/ WORKSHOP and following is the feed-back: A Questionnaire Pertaining to QC Practices was Circulated & Queries from the VECs, JEs and other participants were discussed and solutions were provided at the spot during Workshops • 35 % Participants had no idea about the Class Designation of Bricks, Grade of Cement etc. before joining the Workshop. • 25 % Participants didn’t know about the ratio of concrete, removal of shuttering, schedule of curing etc. • Very few knew about the earth-quake resistant measures and their role for the structures. • 5% participants complained that they don’t have complete set of booklet/drawings/ designs with them. • 10% participants didn’t know about the Gola, Khurra, Drip/ String courses, dado, apron etc. and their role.
NDTNon-Destructive Testing of RC Components NDT Equipments NDT Carried out during the Site Visits using the following Equipments: REBOUND HAMMER (Concrete Test Hammer) Ultrasonic Instrument (PUNDIT) PROFORMETER (Rebar Locator) CORE CUTTING TEST
Laboratory Testing • Lab Testing Carried out for the Basic Materials at • CBRI, Roorkee • Reinforcement • Concrete Samples • Chloride Content • Sulphates • pH • Aggregates • Cement • Bricks • Blocks
Check-ListThird Party Quality Assurance Excerpt from the Format of Check-List A Comprehensive Check-List has been Prepared containing the following sub-elements : FOUNDATION WALLING Shuttering work Concrete work JOINERY (DOORS, WINDOWS AND VENTILATORS) FLOORING FINISHING TERRACING (Roof treatment) Public health work Electrification SITE DEVELOPMENT WORK
ReportProgress Reporting to the SPD The Progress & Inspection Reports have been submitted directly to the SPD (State Project Director) as per the following schedule : • Site Wise Inspection Report are being Submitted with in TWO weeks after the visit. • Monthly Progress Report about the work s visited and training imparted during the month are being submitted to the SPD. • Frequent Meetings (At least once in a month) with SPD and other Senior Officials either at Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Office or at CBRI, Roorkee. • A dedicated helpline website for the SSA project has being developed for the project related technical queries of the JEs/ Teachers/VEC members. http://www.cbri-ssa.com
SarvaShikshaAbhiyan Quality Control, Monitoring & Inspection of School Buildings of Uttarakhand State BY CENTRAL BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE, ROORKEE (A Constituent Establishment of CSIR, New Delhi, India) HOME LINK TO CBRI CONTACT US HOME ABOUT PROJECT PROJECT ACTIVITIES BUILDING DESIGN & DRAWINGS GENERAL OBSERVATIONS & SUGGESTIONS LIST OF SCHOOLS OTHER PROJECTS FAQs NEWS CLIPPINGS CONTACT US HELP LINE MISSION To improve the Quality of Civil Construction Work under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan by means of Training, Regular Inspections & Other Quality Control Practices for Village Education Committees (VECs) , Engineers and other concerned officials. ACHIEVING QUALITY IN CONSTRUCTION Quality today has assumed high level of importance as the durability of building envelope is directly related to the quality of materials and components used therein. An attempt is being made by CBRI TEAM to develop & implement a methodology for Quality Improvement in the Civil Construction Work, especially considering the needs of Uttarakhand, a newly born state. Sponsored by Shri R. K. Sudhanshu, IAS State Project DirectorSarvaShikshaAbhiyan, MayurVihar, SahastraDhara Road, DEHRADUN, Uttarakhand <read more> Project Team Dr. Achal Kumar Mittal, Scientist Project Leader Central Building Research Institute ROORKEE - 247 667, Uttarakhand e~mail : achal_cbri@rediffmail.com <read more> Tip of the Day (General Observation & corresponding General Suggestion from the file) For General Queries Pertaining to Building Science & Technology, Please Contact: Prof. S. K. Bhattacharyya, FNAE DIRECTOR Central Building Research Institute ROORKEE – 247 667, Uttarakhand
Challenge in Quality Control Programme Other than the technical understanding of the VEC member and the desire to improve the quality of construction , the following additional difficulties have been noticed: • Some of the sites are situated in difficult terrains & transportation of materials/ equipments required extra efforts. (Sites are from 500m to 6000 m from the road head.) • Scarcity of water for construction / curing work • Non-availability of well trained mason near the school site
News Coverage John Ruskin enunciated that 'Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort' Thanks ….