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The South African Human Rights Commission

The South African Human Rights Commission. 2009/10 Annual Report. Contents. Overall Analysis: 2009/10 Performance Performance against pre-determined objectives Financial Performance Governance and Compliance Service Delivery Environment Promotion of Human Rights

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The South African Human Rights Commission

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The South African Human Rights Commission 2009/10 Annual Report

  2. Contents Overall Analysis: 2009/10 Performance • Performance against pre-determined objectives • Financial Performance • Governance and Compliance Service Delivery Environment • Promotion of Human Rights • Protection of Human Rights • Monitoring of Human Rights • Promotion of Access to Information Institutional Environment • Human Resources • Information Technology • Communications and Publications

  3. Overall Analysis2009/10 Performance Against Pre-determined Objectives • Only 52% of the Commission’s objectives were achieved • Financial constraints • Human resource constraints • IT challenges • Clean Audit • No matters of emphasis • Concerns raised about performance

  4. Overall Analysis2009/10 Financial Performance

  5. Overall Analysis2009/10 Governance and Compliance • Internal Audit • Internal Controls • Risk Management • Audit Committee

  6. Service Delivery EnvironmentPromotion of Human Rights • 74 Community outreach interventions • 371 presentations • 182 radio interventions • 24 seminars

  7. Service Delivery EnvironmentProtection of Human Rights

  8. Service Delivery EnvironmentMonitoring Human Rights • Public hearings on economic and social rights • Assisted in drafting National Action Plan  to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance • Health Report launched

  9. Service Delivery EnvironmentPromotion of Access to Information • 4 audits undertaken; 36 training workshops held and 1 seminar conducted • 208 legal assistance requests: 71from public bodies, 57 from private bodies and 80 from individuals • First regional Indaba for information officers in KZN

  10. Institutional EnvironmentHuman Resources • Human resources plan developed • Recruitment and selection strategy implemented • Staff development strategy • 83 staff trained • 5 bursaries awarded • 28 staff inductions

  11. Institutional EnvironmentInformation Technology • Successful upgrade of the Exchange Server to address the Commission’s bandwidth challenges • Server upgrade from 2000 to 2003 environment completed successfully • The Commission changed to a new internet service provider, moving from PCB-IS to Telkom

  12. Institutional EnvironmentCommunications and Publications • The sub-programme facilitated the production and distribution of the following reports: • 2009 Annual Report • Access to Health • A Critical Reflection on an Institutional Journey • A report on the Commission’s Investigation into issues of Rule of Law, Justice and Impunity arising from the 2008 Public Violence against Non-Nationals • Three issues of Kopanong newsletter (4000 per issue) were produced and distributed in line with the sub-programme’s distribution strategy

  13. Addressing Challenges2010/11 to 2011/12 • Strategic Planning Sessions • Mid-Term Strategic Review (15 October) • Commissioners Strategy Workshop (mid-November) • Strategic Review (end November) • Restructuring Report – Phase 1 (mid-December) • Restructuring Report – Phase 2 (February 2011)

  14. Short Term FocusAugust 2010 to March 2011 • Restructuring • Resource allocation (financial and human) • Consultative fora • Relationship with Commissioners • Focal point for Commissioners • Meaningful consultation and feedback • Relationship with Parliament • Office for Institutions Supporting Democracy • Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development • Engaging other Chapter 9s

  15. Medium Term FocusApril 2011 to November 2011 • Strategic Realignment • Strategic review • Commissioners’ portfolios • Restructuring • Organisational review • Consultative fora • External Relations • Parliament • Media • Chapter 9s • Stakeholders

  16. Road MapShort, Medium and Long-Term Goals Restructuring Commissioners Parliament Strategic Realignment External Relations Resource reallocation Restructuring Monitor & Review Weekly reports Review Fortnightly Reports Review Monitor Implementation Review Mid-Term Review Implementation Limited engagement Review Implementation phase Reporting obligations to Parliament

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