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第十章 翻译与辞格. 英汉对译: 比喻( comparison) 反语 ( irony) 转喻 ( metonymy) 排比 ( parallelism) 拟人( personification ) 设问 ( question and answer) 夸张 ( hyperbole) 反问 ( rhetorical question) 讳饰 ( euphemism) 借代 ( antonomasia) 呼告 ( apostrophe.
第十章 翻译与辞格 • 英汉对译: • 比喻(comparison) 反语 (irony) • 转喻 (metonymy) 排比 (parallelism) • 拟人(personification ) 设问 (question and answer) • 夸张 (hyperbole) 反问 (rhetorical question) • 讳饰 (euphemism) 借代 (antonomasia) • 呼告 (apostrophe
10.1 比喻明喻(simile)与暗喻(metaphor) • 明喻:as, like, as if, as though等 • 1,直译(保留原文中的比喻词): • 例1)The Red Man has ever fled the approach of the White Man, as the morning mist flees before the morning sun. • 2) Today is fair. Tomorrow may be overcast with clouds. My words are like the stars that never change.
10.1 比喻明喻(simile)与暗喻(metaphor) • 3) 老榕树的影子,也越来越看得更清楚了。—真像一位登高而望归人的老者呢。 • 4) 他突然高声大笑,好像说了什么笑话似的。
10.1 比喻10.1.1 明喻(simile) • 2. 英语中的as…as…结构大多直译成汉语: as white as snow as cold as ice as blind as an owl as cheap as dirt as busy as a bee as beautiful as the sun
10.1 比喻10.1.1明喻(simile) • 3. 由于文化上的差异,有的as…as…结构用意译法: • as clear as day • as clear as a bell • as clear as a whistle • as bold as brass • as black as one’s hat • as bald as a coot
10.1 比喻10.1.2 暗喻(metaphor) • 1. 直译: • 1) Now if death be of such a nature, I say that to die is gain; for eternity is then only a single night. • 2) Three years’ jungle life had turned him into a wild beast.
10.1 比喻10.1.2 暗喻(metaphor) • 3) 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证, • 高尚是高尚者的墓志铭。 • 4) 一切都变了,她的最亲密的文城变成了死城。 她的老父亲变成了活在地狱的“人鬼”。
10.1 比喻10.1.2 暗喻(metaphor) • 2. 根据需要,暗喻采用意译译成明喻: She is a fox. He is a weathercock. She ‘s a nightingale when she sings. He dashed out like an arrow. He is a goose.
10.2 转喻 • 1. 直译 • 1) Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? • 2) Only one thing will solve this case—the little grey cells of the brain. • 3) What they could not solve with words, they solved with bloodshed.
10.2 转喻 • 2. 意译 • 1) John spent many years in chains before he saw his family again. • 2) Have I in conquest stretch’d mine arm so far • To be afeard to tell greybeards the truth?
10.3 拟人 1. 直译法再现原文的生动形象 • 1) To its residents, Vesuvius was a benefactor – not an enemy. But without any warning, Mount Vesuvius roared to life. • 2) And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed made the most graceful curtseys. 3) Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth, and honor fled.
10.3 拟人 • 4) 田野的秩序变得井井有条, • 土地把债务都已还清, • 谷子进仓了,泥土休憩了, • 自然舒一口气,吹来了爽风。
10.3 拟人 • 2. 有时意译更符合译文表达习惯 • 1) The ship sadly caught fire and the plans to make her a floating museum died in the smoldering embers. • 2) 春天正向我们走来。
10.4 夸张 • 1. 直译保留原文的感染力 • 1) “At’em,all hands—all hands!” he roared, in a voice of thunder. • 2) Nay, he said—yes you did—deny it if you can, that you would not have confessed the truth, though master had cut you to pieces.
10.4 夸张 • 3) 为了让兄弟们的肩头 • 担起整个大地,摇醒千万个太阳 • 4)父亲严厉的话语几乎把她吓死,再也不敢说出实情。
10.4 夸张 • 2. 语言表达习惯的差异,意译 • 1) She is a girl in a million. • 2)妈妈对小明说:“下次你再不及格,看我不拧断你的脖子!”
10.5 讳饰 • 1.译入语中有字面上对应的委婉语,直译 • 1)On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think. He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep—but forever.
10.5 讳饰 • 2) 听说他是刚从那里面出来的。 • 2.译入语没有字面上与原文对应的委婉语,采取功能上与之对等的委婉语,意译。 • 1) The doctor was fiercely condemned by some for what he referred to as helping people in dying.
10.5 讳饰 • 2) 他在回家的路上遭遇到不测。 • 3)May I go to the bathroom? • May I use the facilities? • I’m going to my private office. • 3. 中西方忌讳的对象不完全相同,有时采取不带讳饰的意译。
10.5 讳饰 • 1)He put the dog to sleep. • 2) 他先她而去了。
10.6 呼告 • 保留原文中的强烈的抒情效果,直译 • 1)And love, young men, love and venerate the ideal. • 2) O you kind gods, • Cure this great breach in his abused nature! • 3) Exult, O shores! And ring, O bells!
10.6 呼告 • 4) 只要有无边的大地 • 只要有无涯沧海 • 骏马啊,任你奔腾 • 白鸥啊,任你翻飞 • 5)残雪啊,你是丑恶势力决不甘心退隐的明证;也是它摆脱不掉败亡命运的象征。
10.7 反语 • 1,为保留讽刺效果,直译 • 1) You gave her good advice, and broke her heart. That was the beginning of your reformation. • 2) You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party.
10.7 反语 • 3) 你感冒了?叫你多穿点你不听,我还以为你真的不怕冷呢! • 4) 当她听说自己被解雇了,她生气地说:“好极了!” • 2,若直译会引起误解时,采用意译。 • 1)瞧瞧你干的好事。 • 2)The French and the English were so ardent about art that they sent their armies to search for invaluable paintings and sculptures all around the world.
10.8 排比 • 1. 直译保留原文排比的感染力和气势,译文采取排比的形式。 1)Voltaire waged the splendid kind of warfare. The war of thought against matter, the war of reason against prejudice, the war of the just against the unjust. 2)They know their underground labor is a game of chance; a roll of the dice; a spin of the wheel.
3) 在这里,他比不上一盏街灯;比不上橱窗里的一个仿古花瓶;比不上挂在壁上的一副乱涂的油画;比不上掠身而过的一身紫色的衣裙;比不上眼上的蓝圈,血似的红唇;更比不上牵在女士们手中的那条小狗。
4)我不相信天是蓝的; 我不相信雷的回声; • 我不相信梦是假的; 我不相信死无报应。
2. 为避免单调枯燥,译文适当调整,更具文采。 • 1)They are rich; they are famous; they are surrounded by the world’s most beautiful women. They are the world’s top fashion designers and trendsetters.
2) 在台湾,每当我想起我的故乡,我就一定会想起那座无名的小山,一定会想起那株古老的榕树,也就一定会想起似乎还依然挂在那树梢上的我的风筝。
10.9 设问 • 1.直译 • 1)Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? • Thou art more lovely and more temperate. • 2) And who is it that deceives the state? Surely the man who speaks not what he thinks.
3) 你知道中国最有名的人是谁? • 提起此人,人人皆晓,处处闻名。 • 4)有的领导哪点水平高于群众?只是多了后台这两个字。
10.10 反问 • 1. 直译 • 1)Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? • 2) Can’t you just leave me alone? • 3) 你的心过去是苦的,你怎么能闻到红叶的香味? • 4)谁愿意和手上有同志鲜血的人握手呢?
10.11借代 • 1. 名词前加简单的说明,或用注释说明,或用意译。 • 1)Upon my word, Basil, I didn’t know you were so vain; and I really can’t see any resemblance between you, with your rugged strong face and your coal-black hair, and this young Adonis, who looks as if he was made out of ivory and rose-leaves.
2) Poor Charlie! Of all the girls in the world, he should have fallen in love with the daughter of a Judas! • 3) Her friends wondered how she could get along so well with this modern Don Quixote. • 4) 她是我们学校的林妹妹。 • 5) 你说小王的女朋友?人家就是西施啊! • 6) 他一进大门,就听见有人说:“秦桧来了!”
05年曲阜师范大学研究生外国语言学及应用语言学试题05年曲阜师范大学研究生外国语言学及应用语言学试题 • V Translation. (20) • 哈佛大学一向重视对中国的研究。 贵校已故的费正清教授,就是毕生从事中国历史文化研究的知名学者。为了有助于研究中国的历史和现实,我愿向贵校赠送一套新出版的《毛泽东评点二十四史》。二十四史是记载中国几千年历史的重要典籍。毛泽东先生对二十四史做过许多点评和批注,为认识中国的历史和吸取历史经验,留下了丰富的思想遗产。
综合练习 • I 翻译词组: • 1,as stupid as an owl • 2, as cross as two sticks • 3, as like as two peas • 4, as nimble as a squirrel • 5, as drunk as a lord • 6, like a hen with one chick
7, like a hundred of bricks • 8, like a shot • 9, like greased lightning • 10, like old boots
As blind as an owl 瞎透了 • As drunk as a boiled owl 烂醉如泥 • As grave as an owl 板起面孔 • Carry owls to Athens 多此一举 • Fly with the owl 习惯夜间活动 • Night owl 夜游神 • Take the owl 发火
II 英汉段落对译 • Certainly, the first searchlight that waved above London like a sword was wonderful… Later on, London sent forth a hundred such lights. She spent her evenings like a mathematician drawing weird geometrical figures on the darkness. She became the greatest of the Futurists, all cubes and angles. Sometimes she seemed like a crab
lying on its back and waving a multitude of inevitable pincers. Sometimes she seemed to be fishing in the sky with an immense dragnet of light. Sometimes, on misty-moisty nights, the searchlights lit up the sluggish clouds with smudges of gold. It was like a decoration of water-lilies on long stems of light…
泉太好了。泉池差不多见方,三个泉口偏西,北边便是条小溪流向西门去。看那三个大圈,一年四季,昼夜不停, 老那么翻滚。你立定呆呆地看三分钟,便觉出自然的伟大,使你不敢正眼去看。永远那么纯洁,永远那么活泼,永远那么鲜明,冒,冒,冒,永不疲乏,永不退缩,只是自然有这样的力量!冬天更好,泉上起了一片热气,白而轻软,在深绿的长的水藻上飘荡着,使你不由得想起一种似乎神秘的境界。