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South Carolina Technical College System. Sarah Bennett EDLD 8434 Spring 2012 Dr. Dotson. Celebrating 50 Years!. Where in SC are SCTCS schools?. Combined SCTCS Enrollment. Fall 2011 Credit Enrollment. 74,985. 64,221. 98,318. 2010-2011 FTE Enrollment. 135,963.
South Carolina Technical College System Sarah Bennett EDLD 8434 Spring 2012 Dr. Dotson
Combined SCTCS Enrollment Fall 2011 Credit Enrollment 74,985 64,221 98,318 2010-2011 FTE Enrollment 135,963 Fall 2011 FTE Enrollment 2010-11 Annualized Credit Enrollment
Faculty stats 2,661 full time staff system-wide 8,916 employees system-wide 4,339 temporary or adjunct faculty and staff system-wide 1,916 full time faculty system-wide
Collective Bargaining South Carolina General Assembly119th Session, 2011-2012 Introduced in the House on May 5, 2011 A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 8‑1‑200 SO AS TO PROHIBIT COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONCERNING LABOR MATTERS BY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OF THIS STATE, AND TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: SECTION 1. Chapter 1, Title 8 of the 1976 Code is amended by adding: “Section 8‑1‑200. (A) The State and its political subdivisions are prohibited from engaging in collective bargaining with an employee of the State or its political subdivisions, or an association or union advocating on behalf of an employee of the State or a political subdivision of this State. (B) For the purposes of this section, ‘collective bargaining’ means the negotiation by an employer and a majority of the employer’s employees, or their representatives, concerning representation or terms and conditions of employment of these employees in a mutually genuine effort to reach an agreement with reference to the subject under negotiation.” SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. ‑‑‑‑XX‑‑‑‑
National Science Foundation Advanced Technologies Education Exemplary Faculty Project
State/local funding Tuition and Fees with Lottery Tuition Assistance
Thinking of transferring? What are my options? Articulation Agreements Bridge Programs Transfer Tracks
Statewide Articulation ACC 101 - Accounting Principles I - 3 CreditsACC 102 - Accounting Principles II - 3 CreditsANT 101 - General Anthropology - 3 CreditsART 101 - History and Appreciation of Art - 3 CreditsART 105 - Film as Art - 3 CreditsAST 101 - Solar System Astronomy - 4 CreditsAST 102 - Stellar Astronomy - 4 CreditsBIO 101 - Biological Science I - 4 CreditsBIO 102 - Biological Science II - 4 CreditsBIO 210 - Anatomy and Physiology I - 4 CreditsBIO 211 - Anatomy and Physiology II - 4 CreditsBIO 225 - Microbiology - 4 CreditsCHM 110 - College Chemistry I - 4 CreditsCHM 111 - College Chemistry II - 4 CreditsCHM 112 - College Chemistry II - 4 CreditsCHM 211 - Organic Chemistry I - 4 CreditsCHM 212 - Organic Chemistry II - 4 CreditsECO 210 - Macroeconomics - 3 CreditsECO 211 - Microeconomics - 3 CreditsENG 101 - English Composition I - 3 CreditsENG 102 - English Composition II - 3 CreditsENG 201 - American Literature I - 3 CreditsENG 202 - American Literature II - 3 CreditsENG 203 - American Literature Survey - 3 CreditsENG 205 - English Literature I - 3 CreditsENG 206 - English Literature II - 3 CreditsENG 208 - World Literature I - 3 CreditsENG 209 - World Literature II - 3 CreditsENG 214 - Fiction - 3 CreditsENG 218 - Drama - 3 CreditsENG 222 - Poetry - 3 CreditsENG 230 - Women in Literature - 3 CreditsENG 236 - African American Lit - 3 CreditsENG 260 - Adv. Tech. Communication - 3 CreditsFRE 101 - Elementary French I - 4 CreditsFRE 102 - Elementary French II - 4 CreditsFRE 201 - Intermediate French I - 3 CreditsFRE 202 - Intermediate French II - 3 CreditsGEO 101 - Intro to Geography - 3 CreditsGEO 102 - World Geography - 3 CreditsGER 101 - Elementary German I - 4 CreditsGER 102 - Elementary German II - 4 CreditsHIS 101 - Western Civilization to 1689 - 3 CreditsHIS 102 - Western Civilization Post 1689 - 3 CreditsHIS 201 - Am. History Discovery to 1877 - 3 CreditsHIS 202 - Am. History 1877 to Pres. - 3 CreditsMAT 110 - College Algebra - 3 CreditsMAT 111 - College Trigonometry - 3 CreditsMAT 120 - Probability and Statistics - 3 CreditsMAT 122 - Finite College Mathematics - 3 CreditsMAT 130 - Elementary Calculus - 3 CreditsMAT 140 - Analytical Geo. and Calc. I - 4 CreditsMAT 141 - Analytical Geo. and Calc. II - 4 CreditsMAT 240 - Analytical Geo. and Calc. III - 4 CreditsMAT 242 - Differential Equations - 4 CreditsMUS 105 - Music Appreciation - 3 CreditsPHI 101 - Introduction to Philosophy - 3 CreditsPHI 105 - Introduction to Logic - 3 CreditsPHI 106 - Logic II Inductive Reasoning - 3 CreditsPHI 110 - Ethics - 3 CreditsPHI 115 - Contemporary Moral Issues - 3 CreditsPHY 201 - Physics I - 4 CreditsPHY 202 - Physics II - 4 CreditsPHY 221 - University Physics I - 4 CreditsPHY 222 - University Physics II - 4 CreditsPHY 223 - University Physics III - 4 CreditsPSC 201 - American Government - 3 CreditsPSC 215 - State and Local Government - 3 CreditsPSY 201 - Introduction to Psychology - 3 CreditsPSY 203 - Human Growth & Development - 3 CreditsPSY 208 - Human Sexuality - 3 CreditsPSY 212 - Abnormal Psychology - 3 CreditsSOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology - 3 CreditsSOC 102 - Marriage and the Family - 3 CreditsSOC 205 - Social Problems - 3 CreditsSOC 206 - Social Psychology - 3 CreditsSOC 210 - Juvenile Delinquency - 3 CreditsSOC 220 - Sociology and the Family - 3 CreditsSOC 235 - Thanatology - 3 CreditsSPA 101 - Elementary Spanish I - 4 CreditsSPA 102 - Elementary Spanish II - 4 CreditsSPA 201 - Intermediate Spanish I - 3 CreditsSPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II - 3 CreditsSPC 205 - Public Speaking - 3 CreditsSPC 210 - Oral Interp. of Literature - 3 CreditsTHE 101 - Introduction to Theatre - 3 Credits
Nature and number of transferring students Business Administration Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Science and Mathematics Engineering Teacher Education Nursing
Occupational Career and Technical Studies
ReadySC™’s Workforce ImpactFY 2010-2011 Trainees trained this year...........................................................................................................5,891 Trainees trained since 1961 ....................................................................................................266,897 Companies served this year ...........................................................................................................73 Companies served since 1961 ...................................................................................................2,016 Total number of projects .................................................................................................................82 New projects .....................................................................................................................................37 Expanding projects ..........................................................................................................................45 Number of new companies ............................................................................................................23 Trainee Demographics Average Age ....................................................................................................................... 37.8 years Average Education............................................................................................................. 13.2 years Percent By Race....................................................................................... (W) 52%; (B) 40%; (O) 8% Percent By Sex ..........................................................................................Male) 68%; (Female) 32%
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