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University of North Carolina Online

University of North Carolina Online. An Online University within a State System. University of North Carolina is composed of all sixteen public universities in North Carolina In early 2000s, system office invested in program development at willing campuses

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University of North Carolina Online

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Presentation Transcript

  1. University of North Carolina Online An Online University within a State System

  2. University of North Carolina is composed of all sixteen public universities in North Carolina In early 2000s, system office invested in program development at willing campuses With support, campuses built fully online academic programs/majors History

  3. When Erskine Bowles become President of the System in 2006 he pushed for a greater role for online programs Team led by Alan Mabe developed the University of North Carolina Online (UNCO) UNCO was launched on July 1, 2007 History

  4. UNC Online

  5. UNC Online has grown to have: • 72 Baccalaureate degree programs • 120 Masters degree programs • 2 Doctoral degree programs • 100 Certificate programs • 6 Licensure Programs All programs fall under the regional accreditation of the campus offering the program Programs Offered

  6. Unique Programs

  7. International Online Proctoring System

  8. Unique Features: Exchanges

  9. In-state enrollment in online courses exceeds 60,000 students Out-of-state enrollment in online courses exceeds 10,000 students Enrollment

  10. Students pursuing degrees through online programs are not required to pay most campus fees On average in-state undergraduate online programs/courses cost approximately 20% less than the tuition and fees for an on campus student Costs

  11. http://www.online.northcarolina.ecu University of North Carolina Online

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