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Boarding schools in India

The Asian school in Dehradun is one of best boarding schools in India which provides co-ed residential for both boys and<br> girls. The Asian School offers co-ed education from Nursery to XII and is affiliated to the CBSE Board. The Asian school<br> provides full facilities like swimming pool, table tennis halls, gymnasium, sports fields, dining hall etc.

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Boarding schools in India

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  1. TheAsianSchool BoardingSchoolinindia

  2. ITEducation TheLearningResourceCenteristhehubofallintellectualandacademic activitiesoftheSchool. Thelibraryhasalargepoolofresourcesviz. thelatestliteratureinfields asdiverseasinformationtechnology, science, generalknowledgeand thelike. Besides, periodicals, journals, andreferencekeepthestudents up-to-datewiththelatest. Studentsareencouragedtousethefacilitiesforreference, studyingand borrowing. www.theasianschool.net

  3. Vision & Mission Beamongstthemostadmiredcentersofworld-classeducationtofoster academicexcellence, physicalfitness, psychologicalandspiritualhealth andsocialconsciousness, committedtohelpingstudentsleapfroginto the21stcenturyasindependentlythinkingindividualsimbibingtraitsof initiativeandleadershiptoenablethemtobecomeworldcitizens Encouragestudentstodevelopsoundethicalvaluesandexposingthem tomodernandtechnologicallydrivenenvironmentthereby strengtheningourrichheritageanddevelopinghumanpotentialtowards thebettermentofsociety. www.theasianschool.net

  4. Activities CommunityServices CULTURAL ADVENTURE SPORTS & GAMES ThankYou PinnacleRealtors www.theasianschool.net

  5. Gallery ThankYou PinnacleRealtors www.theasianschool.net

  6. Contact THEASIANSCHOOL "AsianAcres", VasantVihar (IndiraNagar), DehraDun - 248006, Uttaranchal - INDIA Phone : +91-135 - 2761859, 2761860 Mobile : +91-8859500084 E-Mail : theasianschool@gmail.com ThankYou PinnacleRealtors www.theasianschool.net

  7. THANKYOU ThankYou PinnacleRealtors

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