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To meet an urgent healthcare need, Ravi Bains, a seasoned businessman with a broad commercial background, teamed up with his wife, a committed doctor. Together, they started a transformational journey, formed a CO partnership, and founded Night Watch Urgent Care as a Co-founder in 2019.<br>
but never entertain it as an end, , , , You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, - Jessica Herrin
Editor’s Note n the world of business, ideas are often glamorized as the key to success. However, as filmmaker and tech I entrepreneur Casey Neistat astutely observes, “Ideas are cheap. Ideas are easy. Ideas are common. Everybody has ideas. Ideas are highly, highly overvalued. Execution is all that matters.” The Essence of This profound statement encapsulates a fundamental truth: while innovative concepts may spark the entrepreneurial journey, it's the relentless pursuit of turning vision into Entrepreneurial reality that truly defines success. The path from ideation to implementation is paved with challenges, requiring more than just creativity—it demands constant dedication, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt in the face of Success adversity. Successful entrepreneurs are distinguished by their action- oriented approach. They possess the rare ability to trans- form obstacles into stepping stones, viewing each hurdle as an opportunity for growth and innovation. This resilience, combined with a keen business acumen, enables them to navigate the complex landscape of modern commerce. Their journeys, marked by both triumphs and setbacks, offer valuable lessons in perseverance, innovation, and strategic decision-making.
In recognition of these exceptional individuals, our team has conducted extensive research to identify the Top 10 Influential Entrepreneurs of 2024. This carefully curated list showcases leaders who have not only driven progress within their organizations but have also made significant impacts on their industries and society at large. As you delve into the stories of these remarkable entrepre- neurs, we invite you to look beyond their current success. Consider the challenges they've overcome, the risks they've taken, and the innovative strategies they've employed. Their experiences offer a wealth of insights that can inform and inspire your own entrepreneurial journey. Prepare to be inspired by the ingenuity, determination, and visionary leadership of these influential figures. - Alaya Brown Managing Editor
Editor-in-Chief Thanh Truong Sam Carter Deputy Editor Alaya Brown Managing Editor Maria Evans Assistant Editor Visualizer Chris Carter Millie Simon Art & Design Head Judy Smith Art & Design Assitant Phoebe Jacob Business Development Manager Aisha, Olivia Business Development Executives David Walker Technical Head Mia Rodricks Assitant Technical Head Helena Smith Digital Marketing Manager Eric Smith Research Analyst Richard Martinez Circulation Manager Follow us on www.facebook.com/thecioworld www.twitter.com/thecioworld We are also available on RNI No.: MAHENG/2018/75953 Copyright © 2024 The CIO World, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from The CIO World. Reprint rights remain solely with The CIO World.
Company Featuring Descrip?on Erin Michelson Erin Michelson is a social impact entrepreneur and Summery h?ps://www.humankind.community/ philanthropist working to create posi?ve change. Founder & CEO Expa Garre? Camp Garre? Camp is an entrepreneur and investor known for h?ps://www.expa.com/ founding innova?ve technology companies. Founder Kirk Cooper is a trader and educator specializing in op?ons and Kirk Cooper The Super Trader h?ps://www.thesupertrader.com/ futures trading strategies. CEO Laura Meyer is a marke?ng strategist and consultant for Laura Meyer Envision Horizons h?ps://www.envisionhorizons.com/ ecommerce and direct-to-consumer brands. Founder & CEO Majo Mansour is a health and wellness entrepreneur Majka Majo Mansour dedicated to suppor?ng mothers. h?ps://lovemajka.com/ COO Michael Fer?k Michael Fer?k is a venture capitalist focused on inves?ng in Heroic Ventures Managing Partner early-stage technology startups. h?ps://heroicvc.squarespace.com/ & Founder Ravi Bains is an experienced entrepreneur with a diverse commercial background who co-founded an innova?ve urgent Ravi Bains Nightwatch h?ps://www.nightwatchurgentcare.com/ care company to improve access to affordable and specialized Co-founder healthcare services. Roshunda Buchanan is a versa?le and dedicated change-maker 2Unique Community commi?ed to driving posi?ve impact through community Roshunda Buchanan Salva?on Founda?on development, workforce ini?a?ves, and innova?ve Founder h?ps://www.2unique-csf.org/ partnerships. Ryan Meitl is an entrepreneur and consultant helping Ryan Meitl Rivet Work businesses op?mize their opera?ons and workflows. h?ps://www.rivet.work/ CEO Tricia Meyer Tricia Meyer is an a?orney and legal advisor to startups Meyer Law Founder & Managing h?ps://meetmeyerlaw.com/ and small businesses. A?orney
Contents COVER STORY Ravi Bains From Bridging Gaps to Fostering 08. Compassionate Accessibility PROFILE Roshunda Buchanan Fostering Transformation Through 22. Passion and Purpose ARTICLES A Founder’s Playbook: Strategies for Cultivating a winning company culture 16. Work-Life Integration for Busy Founders: Practical Tips for Maintaining Productivity & Well-being 18. 10 Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur 26. 5 Operational Risks that May Kill a Startup Business 30.
be our doubts of today., , The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ravi Bains From Bridging Gaps to Fostering Compassionate Accessibility
C O V E R S T O R Y Ravi Bains Co-founder Night Watch
Combining Business Acumen and Medical Expertise to Meet the Growing Healthcare Needs! n times of happiness, we all encounter health issues that are not severe but require prompt attention. I Admission procedures in hospitals can be risky due to various protocols. However, the healthcare system has evolved to offer urgent care, which provides affordable medical services without the need for an appointment. Whether it’s an immediate illness, a minor accident, or an unexpected health concern, urgent care acts as a bridge between general care and emergency departments. Recognizing this gap, Ravi founded a company that has transformed healthcare by putting an emphasis on urgent care and developing an urgent care support system, blazing a path for creativity and compassion. To meet an urgent healthcare need, Ravi Bains, a seasoned businessman with a broad commercial background, teamed up with his wife, a committed doctor. Together, they started a transformational journey, formed a CO partnership, and founded Night Watch Urgent Care as a Co-founder in 2019. It turned out that his business acumen, developed from his experiences as a multi-franchise owner for Subway and his real estate interests, was the ideal complement to his wife’s medical skills. They set out to build a center specifically for pediatric patients in need of emergency medical care after realizing the necessity for easily accessible and specialized urgent care services. As their pediatric urgent care business prospered, Ravi and his wife noticed that there was a serious shortage of adult- specific urgent care services in the healthcare system. They grew their services to include adult patients with unrelenting dedication and a common vision, ensuring that people of all ages could obtain timely and excellent medical care when their primary care physicians weren’t accessible, or it was after usual business hours. Their CO collaboration was established on the tenet that patients should schedule separate appointments with their primary care physicians for preventative care, allowing them to concentrate on proactive health management. Between regular visits and emergencies, urgent care facilities can deliver crucial acute care services. Due to Ravi’s sharp business sense and his wife’s incessant commitment to patient care, Night Watch has reached new heights. Their cutting-edge approach to healthcare has altered how people access and receive urgent medical
Watch places great emphasis on patient education regarding medical diagnosis and regularly conducts staff training sessions to enhance efficiency. It is through these measures that Night Watch distinguishes itself and achieves success. Saving Lives and Easing Burden Night Watch Urgent Care is a leading urgent care facility located in Northern Virginia, with a special focus on pediatrics, evidence-based medicine, and patient education. The clinic operates during late hours, providing a wide range of minor urgent procedures to alleviate the burden on Emergency Rooms (ERs) by allowing them to prioritize higher-acuity cases. Additionally, Night Watch Urgent Care emphasizes the importance of preventative care and actively encourages patients to maintain a connection with their Primary Care Physicians (PCPs). Clear Goals and Innovative Solutions When asked about his qualifications and experience that make him a suitable candidate for this field, Ravi mentioned that he possesses a business mindset and has honed his skills with clear goals in mind. These goals include enhancing the quality and quantity of the business, incorporating non-medical objectives such as improving efficiency, providing competitive rates for uninsured patients, implementing payment plans and affordable subscriptions, enhancing patient communication, streamlining billing processes, and prioritizing quality medical education. treatment, in addition to meeting the urgent needs of their community. Follow-up Procedures Let us delve deeper into their inspiring journey! During a discussion about follow-up procedures with primary care doctors, Ravi mentioned that patient visit Revolutionizing Medical Care summaries are automatically faxed to PCPs. Additionally, the medical staff is encouraged to contact PCPs if Night Watch was established with the primary goal of necessary. providing reliable medical care. In a strategic move, the decision was made to operate during evening, late, and 5 Years of Growth weekend hours, recognizing that these are the peak times for ER visits and when primary care providers are typically Ravi mentioned that their business has been operating for closed. Understanding that patients are more likely to seek five years, experiencing growth, and maintaining a alternative places for medical assistance during these times, commendable 4.7 rating on Google with numerous reviews. Night Watch aims to offer efficient and quality care. To The team finds the appreciation received from the achieve this, the company has implemented various community to be highly rewarding, as it validates their hard innovative ideas, such as utilizing software that allows work and innovative approach. They never consider patients to reserve their spots in line from the comfort of themselves stagnant, always striving to enhance their their homes and hold their place in line even if they need to operations and medical services. step away from the waiting room. Additionally, Night
Grand Vision In reference to expansion and future plans, Ravi expressed the company’s intention to increase both quantity and quality. Rave Reviews and Coveted Awards We took our daughter to Night Watch for the first time and had a great experience with the nurse and pediatrician! Even though our 8-year-old was presenting with cold symptoms and an earache with no sore throat or fever, they administered a strep test. Thank goodness they did because it was positive! It is so convenient to have another option besides her pediatrician. Kid-friendly, clean, and quick! We were able to make an appointment online and waited less than 10 minutes to be seen (and even before the start of our appointment time). The reception area was roomy and clean. The exam rooms as well. The assistant and PA (Physician Assistant) talked to my son and were patient, as he explained. We will be heading back to see the Night Watch team again! I was overly impressed with the Night Watch! From Scheduling my same-day appointment online to the check-in process via text and the lack of waiting, everything was seamless. Not only was everyone from the front desk to the medical professional I saw friendly and personable, but everyone practiced great COVID measures. I would definitely recommend them to anyone needing urgent care. I usually try to stick with INOVA, but their local urgent care had horrible reviews, and I saw why after calling to inquire about their appointment vs. walk-in. After experiencing Patients Truly Matter Night Watch today, I plan to use them and refer them for urgent care needs! Night Watch is amazing.CIO Patients are genuinely cared for, treated, and educated, and their time is respected at their facility. Those are the key and most important factors that one should consider when choosing Night Watch urgent care. Essential Advice Ravi’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs would be to have faith in their product, be open to feedback, and constantly assess if their product or service is creating a positive impact on the world. He emphasizes the importance of hard work, sincere dedication, and contributing to society to achieve success. Above all, he urges them not to give up.
s a founder or leader, one of the most critical responsibili- ties is establishing and A nurturing a strong, positive company culture. A great culture can propel businesses to new heights, attracting top talent, boosting employee engage- ment and productivity, and driving innovation. Conversely, a toxic or dysfunctional culture can undermine even the most promising ventures. Creating a winning company culture is both an art and a science. It demands intentionality, consistency, and a genuine commitment to core values that resonate with the team. Here are some key strategies to consider for building a thriving cultural foundation: 1. Define Your Core Values (and Live Them) A company’s core values should be the bedrock of its culture. They articulate the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide the organization’s behavior and decision-making. When clearly defined and authentically embodied, especially by leadership, these values become the glue that binds the team together. 16 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
A Founder’s Playbook Take the time to thoughtfully define a Recognition and reward systems are members. Encourage them to discon- set of core values that truly resonate powerful tools for reinforcing desired nect from work and recharge, and lead with your team and align with your behaviors and fostering a sense of by example by modeling healthy work- company’s mission and vision. These appreciation among your team. life practices yourself. values should be more than just words Publicly celebrate wins, both big and on a wall – they should be authenti- small, and find creative ways to 7. Lead by Example cally embodied by leadership and acknowledge those who exemplify woven into the fabric of your organiza- your company’s values and contribute As a founder or leader, your actions tion’s daily operations. to its success. and behaviors set the tone for the entire organization. Embody the values and 2. Hire for Cultural Fit Implement a formal recognition culture you wish to cultivate through program that allows peers to nominate your daily interactions, decision- While skills and experience are and celebrate each other’s achieve- making processes, and overall undoubtedly important, hiring for ments or consider implementing leadership approach. When the cultural fit should be a top priority. leadership team walks the talk, it performance-based incentives or Seek out candidates who not only have rewards. Whatever approach you take, becomes easier for the rest of the the right competencies but also share organization to follow suit. ensure that your recognition efforts are the organization’s values and vision. consistent, fair, and aligned with your Cultural misfits, no matter how cultural values. 8. Embrace Diversity and Inclusion talented, can disrupt the harmony and cohesion you’ve worked so hard to 5. Invest in Professional Development A diverse and inclusive workplace cultivate. promotes creativity, innovation, and A culture that prioritizes continuous better decision-making. Actively seek During the interview process, probe for to build a team that represents a wide learning and growth is one that attracts alignment with your core values by and retains top talent. Offer ample range of backgrounds, experiences, and asking scenario-based questions and opportunities for employees to develop perspectives. seeking specific examples of how new skills, attend training programs, candidates have demonstrated those and pursue professional certifications. Provide diversity and inclusion values in their previous roles. Cultural training, establish resource groups or misfits, no matter how talented, can Not only does this demonstrate your employee affinity networks, and ensure disrupt the harmony and cohesion commitment to their growth and that your policies and practices are you’ve worked so hard to cultivate, so development, but it also ensures your inclusive and equitable. A culture that it’s crucial to prioritize fit over skills team remains at the forefront of embraces diversity and celebrates when necessary. industry knowledge and best practices. differences not only attracts top talent Consider implementing mentorship but also drives better business 3. Promote Open Communication programs, offering tuition reimburse- outcomes. ment, or partnering with external Transparency and open communication training providers to create a compre- Conclusion are hallmarks of strong company hensive professional development cultures. Encourage an environment program. Building a winning company culture is where employees feel comfortable an ongoing process that requires voicing their ideas, concerns, and 6. Encourage Work-Life Balance constant attention, nurturing, and feedback without fear of reprisal. adaptation. By implementing these In today’s always-on world, it’s strategies, you can create a work Implement regular town hall meetings, essential to promote a healthy work- environment that attracts and retains anonymous suggestion boxes, and an life balance within your organization. top talent, cultivates innovation, and open-door policy to facilitate open Offer flexible work arrangements, positions your organization for long- dialogue. Additionally, ensure that generous time off policies, and term success. communication flows seamlessly wellness programs that support across all levels of the organization, employees’ physical and mental well- creating a sense of inclusivity and being. empowerment among your team members. A culture that respects and values personal time and boundaries fosters 4. Recognize and Reward Excellence loyalty and longevity among your team 17 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
s a founder or entrepreneur, more fluid and seamless. This approach the lines between work and acknowledges that work is an integral A personal life can often become part of your life, and it allows you to blurred. The relentless pursuit of blend the two spheres in a way that success and the drive to build a suits your lifestyle and values. profitable business can lead to burnout, stress, and an overall imbalance in life. 2. Prioritize Self-Care However, striking a harmonious balance between work and personal As a founder, it’s easy to get caught up well-being is not only essential for in the demands of your business and your mental and physical health but neglect your personal well-being. also for the long-term sustainability of However, prioritizing self-care is your venture. crucial for maintaining energy, focus, and resilience. Make time for activities In this article, we explore practical tips that nourish your mind, body, and soul, and strategies to help busy founders such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, achieve work-life integration, maintain or spending quality time with loved productivity, and nurture their overall ones. When you take care of yourself, well-being. you’re better equipped to tackle the challenges of entrepreneurship. 1. Redefine Work-Life Balance 3. Set Boundaries and Respect Them The traditional concept of work-life balance, which separates work and While work-life integration promotes personal life into distinct worlds, may flexibility, setting boundaries is still not be practical or desirable for many essential. Establish clear guidelines for founders. Instead, aim for work-life when you will and won’t work, and integration, where the boundaries communicate these boundaries to your between work and personal life are team, partners, and clients. 18 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Work-Life Integra?on for Busy Founders 19 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Respect your boundaries, and don’t 7. Practice Mindfulness and Presence as and when needed. Seek feedback allow work to encroach on the time from your team, loved ones, and you’ve set aside for personal activities In the fast-paced world of entrepre- trusted advisors, and be open to trying or rest. This discipline will help you neurship, it’s easy to get caught up in new strategies or techniques that better maintain a healthy balance and avoid the constant hustle and lose sight of the align with your evolving needs and burnout. present moment. Cultivate mindfulness circumstances. by practicing techniques such as 4. Leverage Technology Smartly meditation, deep breathing exercises, In conclusion, achieving work-life or simply taking regular breaks to integration as a busy founder requires a Technology can be both a blessing and ground yourself in the present. This multifaceted approach that combines a curse for busy founders. On one practice can help you manage stress, practical strategies, mindset shifts, and hand, it enables remote work, collabo- increase focus, and appreciate the a willingness to adapt. By prioritizing ration, and increased productivity; on journey rather than solely focusing on self-care, setting boundaries, leverag- the other, it can lead to constant the destination. ing technology wisely, and cultivating distractions and an inability to a support system, you can maintain disconnect. Leverage technology 8. Embrace Flexibility and Adaptabil- productivity while nurturing your wisely by using productivity tools, ity overall well-being. Remember, your automating tasks, and setting bound- success as an entrepreneur is intrinsi- aries around your digital usage. As a founder, your work and personal cally tied to your ability to sustain a Consider implementing “digital detox” life will inevitably experience changes healthy and balanced life, so prioritize and flows, and it’s essential to embrace periods where you unplug from work- work-life integration as a key ingredi- flexibility and adaptability. There may related technology to recharge and ent in your journey toward personal be periods when you need to dedicate reconnect with the present moment. and professional fulfillment. more time and energy to your business, and others when you can prioritize 5. Delegate and Empower Your Team personal pursuits. Adjust your schedule and routines accordingly, and don’t be As a founder, it’s tempting to try to do too rigid in your approach to work-life everything yourself, but this approach is unsustainable and can lead to integration. burnout. Learn to delegate tasks and responsibilities to your team members, 9. Celebrate Small Wins empowering them to take ownership and grow within their roles. This not Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a only frees up your time and mental sprint, and it’s essential to celebrate the bandwidth but also fosters a culture of small wins along the way. Recognizing trust and accountability within your and acknowledging your accomplish- organization. ments, no matter how modest, can provide a sense of satisfaction and 6. Cultivate a Support System motivation to keep pushing forward. Whether it’s closing a big deal, hitting Building a successful business can be a a milestone, or simply taking a much- lonely journey, and it’s essential to needed break, celebrate your successes have a strong support system in place. and allow yourself to feel a sense of Surround yourself with mentors, accomplishment. advisors, and fellow entrepreneurs who understand the challenges you face and 10. Continuously Evaluate and Adjust can offer guidance and encouragement. Additionally, don’t underestimate the Work-life integration is an ongoing importance of maintaining close process, and what works today may not relationships with family and friends, work tomorrow. Continuously evaluate who can provide emotional support your approach and make adjustments and a sense of grounding. 20 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world. - Roy T. Bennett www.thecioworld.com
Top 10 Influen?al Entrepreneurs of 2024 n our diverse society, there are people who stand out for their commitment to making the world better. I These folks are like architects of change, and they leave a lasting impact on our world. Among these change-makers are dreamers. They’re the ones who look ahead and imagine a better tomorrow. They might be inventors, entrepreneurs, or innovators. Their ideas can change entire industries and make our world a better place. One of them is Roshunda Buchanan, Founder of 2Unique Community Salvation Foundation. With expertise spanning across a spectrum of fields including community development, compliance, workforce and leadership development, publishing, and nonprofit work, she embodies the spirit of versatility and adaptability. This multifaceted approach has equipped her with a unique Studies with a concentration in Organizational Leadership perspective that she channels into every endeavor. and Nonprofit Development, reflects her commitment to knowledge and self-improvement. But her quest for One of Roshunda’s defining qualities is her ability to forge learning doesn’t stop at academia. connections. She excels at bringing people together, aligning their efforts with purposeful programs that drive In 2008, Roshunda’s life took a pivotal turn that set her on a positive change. Her work is a testament to the fact that true transformative path. Joining Seedco (Structured transformation happens when like-minded individuals come Employment Economic Development Corporation), she together to collaborate and make a difference. found a platform that aligned with her deepest desires to impact lives positively. Seedco’s mission to catalyze Passion is the driving force behind Roshunda’s commitment economic opportunities for those in need resonated deeply to fostering collaborations that matter. Her dedication to with Roshunda, and it became the foundation for her meaningful partnerships is rooted in her belief that purpose-driven trajectory. collective efforts have the power to bring about enduring change within communities. Her work serves as a reminder Roshunda’s journey is a testament to the belief that purpose that collaboration isn’t just a strategy; it’s a philosophy that fuels passion and passion fuels action. Her unwavering underpins real progress. commitment to making a difference, as showcased by her selection as a Forbes Next 1000 Honoree for the nation’s Roshunda’s dedication to growth and development is most inspiring Entrepreneurial Superstars of 2021, stands as unwavering. Her academic journey, marked by an Associate a beacon of inspiration for aspiring change-makers. degree in Psychology and a bachelor’s degree in Liberal 22 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Join us as we explore her remarkable journey, her commitment to lifelong learning, and her passion for fostering collaborations that have the potential to transform communities and lives! Bridging Talent to Opportunity Established in 2005, the 2Unique Community Salvation Foundation has a clear mission: to bridge the gap between personal talent and employment opportunities. They achieve this goal through innovative programs and initiatives that offer socially enriching educational opportunities. One of their standout initiatives is the “Find Your Design” Career & Leadership Training program, which goes beyond traditional pre-apprenticeship and mobile training programs. It serves as a catalyst for personal and student development by combining vocational training with leadership skills enhancement. The program empowers participants to not only discover their aspirations and passions but also foster their growth as competent professionals. What sets this program apart is its recognition of the unique talents and dreams that each participant possesses. It actively encourages individuals to explore their potential, refine their leadership abilities, and share their inspirations with fellow participants. This collective journey of self- discovery and growth creates a supportive environment where participants can chart an improved career path aligned with their personal passions and aspirations. The program offers real-world practicums, apprenticeship placements, college preparation, and volunteer work experiences to provide participants with a diverse array of opportunities. The 2Unique Community Salvation Foundation is unwavering in its commitment to transformative change and wholeheartedly dedicated to its mission. Key Achievements 1. Certified Girl Boss: Global Women’s Empowerment Network • Launched the Certified Girl Boss initiative, a global network aimed at empowering talented and driven Roshunda Buchanan women with purpose. Founder 2Unique Community • Mentored and guided women toward leadership roles Salva?on Founda?on to create equitable opportunities in communities. • Supported professional women focused on education, innovative business solutions, and scaling successful programs. 23 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
• Provided tangible resources and seed money to small 5. 2Unique Magazine – represents empowerment, and home-based businesses throughout the community. connection, and community impact. • Conducted impactful billboard campaigns and photoshoots celebrating women’s achievements, 2Unique Magazine’s main objective is to provide especially during the pandemic. information, exert influence, and make a significant impact. By presenting a unique perspective, this magazine serves as 2. Find Your Design Coloring and Activity Book: a platform for young professionals to connect with like- minded individuals, engage in community activities, and • Developed the Find Your Design Coloring and Activity discuss current social issues. The magazine aims to Book with my nephew, co-author Mark Gentry motivate and support its readers, even during difficult times. targeting youth ages 6-12. Mark is age 17 and now a It focuses on showcasing celebrities who actively contribute senior in high school, but he was age 14 when he co- to their communities. wrote the stories. • Designed to help young individuals explore various Honors and Networking career interests through relatable characters. • Incorporated resume development examples, skills Roshunda’s journey as a leader has been significantly matching exercises, leadership skillsets, and business influenced by her recognition as a Forbes Next 1000 development concepts. Honoree and her experience as a Leadership Memphis graduate. These milestones have provided her with unique 3. 2Unique Closet Boutique insights, valuable connections, and an increased sense of responsibility that continue to mold her path. • Established the 2Unique Closet Boutique to provide essential items at no cost to referred clients. It not only validated her contributions but also boosted her • Supported families experiencing hardships like house confidence in her chosen path. This recognition affirmed fires, homelessness, and unemployed individuals facing that her work is indeed making a meaningful impact in her basic needs challenges. field, encouraging her to continually push boundaries and • Partnered with Meritan, Inc., serving as a host agency strive for excellence. sponsor for their Senior Employment and job training program. Her journey as a Leadership Memphis graduate has connected her with a network of like-minded individuals 4. Workforce Development Specialists Registered who share her dedication to effecting positive change in the Apprenticeship Program community. This network serves as a valuable resource for ongoing learning, collaboration, and collective problem- • Launched the “Workforce Development Specialists solving. Registered Apprenticeship Program” to foster a diverse pool of skilled professionals. Together, these recognitions have profoundly shaped • Offer specialized credentialing such as Lean Six Sigma Roshunda’s leadership style. They instilled in her a deep Yellow Belt & Green Belt, Essential Skills to HR, commitment to excellence, a profound sense of Curriculum Development, and more. responsibility, and a strong dedication to collaboration. • Collaborated with employer partners to provide They serve as a constant reminder that leadership isn’t just training for aspiring musicians, chefs, and animal care about personal achievement; it’s about making a positive workers (dog grooming), expanding beyond contribution to society. As a result, her approach to conventional education. professional growth has become more intentional and • Apprenticeship Program Tracks include Workforce focused. She places a strong emphasis on continuous Development Specialists, Musician-Artist learning, active community engagement, and creating Development Specialists, Chefs, Animal Care Workers opportunities for others to succeed. (Dog Groomers), and Business Development & Consultancy. Stemmed from their flagship program, Challenges and Solutions “Find Your Design” Career & Leadership program. Roshunda sheds light on the challenges plaguing the nonprofit development and higher education sectors, with a 24 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
significant issue being the existence of silos in job training and education. This phenomenon denotes the disconnection between job training opportunities and educational pathways, resulting in individuals either holding degrees without practical skills or possessing skills without recognized credentials. Nonprofits and educational institutions often function independently, leading to a mismatch between individuals’ skill sets and their qualifications. Graduates may find themselves inadequately prepared for the workforce as their degrees may not align with the practical skills required for specific job roles. Conversely, those lacking formal degrees may encounter barriers when pursuing certain career opportunities. Nevertheless, there are viable solutions to tackle these challenges. One promising approach involves the exploration of experiential and project-based learning. Through collaboration, nonprofits and higher education institutions can craft hybrid programs that amalgamate academic knowledge with experiential learning components, such as registered apprenticeship programs. Commitment to Lifelong Learning For Roshunda, the pursuit of lifelong and continuous learning serves as a powerful driving force in her professional journey. The ever-evolving landscape of nonprofit development, shifting workforce trends, and the perpetual quest for process improvement demand an unwavering dedication to ongoing education. She not only values this opportunity but embraces it wholeheartedly, recognizing that it empowers her to make relevant and meaningful contributions to her field. Grateful for her role in the dynamic workforce ecosystem, she actively participates in shaping and transforming its ever-changing development & consultancy has allowed me to connect landscape. the dots for my career, as well as open up pathways that are leading me to grand opportunities. I cannot Raving Rewards express the gratification of this service. - Tiffany Lewis, owner of Nana’s Pudding. • Roshunda’s partnership, mentorship, and consultation have been instrumental in our journey to becoming a • Roshunda’s expertise in apprenticeship programs has Registered Apprenticeship Program. Her knowledge been invaluable to our college, Southwest Tennessee and dedication have streamlined the process, and her Community College. Her guidance and insights have ongoing support has helped us reach new levels in our helped us design effective training pathways that align programming services and achieve success. - LaDell with industry needs, providing our students with the Beamon, Heal the Hood Foundation of Memphis. skills needed to excel in their careers. – Dr. Aaron Jagers, Department Chair – Technologies and • Working with Roshunda Has been a game-changer for Engineering Technologies. our company. Her strategic approach to business 25 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
10 Tips for Becoming a Entrepreneur 26 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
n the constantly evolving land- technologies for informed decision- Edison, whose persistent attempts scape of the business world, making. Engage in ongoing learning birthed the light bulb. Each 'failure' I continuous learning remains effortlessly — keep up with industry illuminated the path of what didn't pivotal for entrepreneurial success. The updates, join webinars, and connect work. Similarly, J.K. Rowling's Harry dynamic nature of entrepreneurship with experienced professionals. Potter manuscript faced rejection demands an ongoing quest for before soaring to success. These stories knowledge, innovative strategies, and a Explore the vast knowledge available illustrate that failures offer invaluable readiness to adapt. Whether you're a online. Enroll in tailored courses lessons — lessons in refinement, seasoned entrepreneur or just stepping designed for entrepreneurs and resilience, and redirection. into the entrepreneurial arena, navigat- enhance their core skills. Look up the ing the path to success in business keyword entrepreneurship degree Amidst these challenges, entrepreneurs requires an open mindset, a willingness online schools for deep insights into uncover innovative solutions, gaining to learn from experiences, and a strategic business practices. These profound insights into their industry steadfast commitment to growth. virtual educational platforms provide and audience. It's not about avoiding flexible, accessible learning mistakes; it's about extracting wisdom In this blog, we'll explore invaluable experiences that seamlessly integrate from them. tips and insights aimed at empowering into your entrepreneurial journey. aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned Craft a Strong Business Plan business leaders alike. From Expand Your Network cultivating a resilient mindset to A solid business plan is the blueprint honing the skills of effective decision- Networking goes beyond swapping that turns business owners' dreams into making, we'll shed light on practical business cards; it involves fostering reality. Start by clearly defining your strategies that can help navigate the goals, your target audience, and your meaningful connections that propel challenges of entrepreneurship. Join us unique value proposition. Sketch a your entrepreneurial journey. Start by on this journey as we uncover the clear picture of your business's purpose attending industry events and engaging secrets to becoming a successful and direction, ensuring it aligns with in authentic conversations. Look for entrepreneur in today's fast-paced and your passion. Break down your plan local business groups, both online and ever-changing business landscape. into achievable steps, setting a realistic offline, where you can share insights and learn from others. Utilize social timeline and measurable milestones. Be Passionate About Your Work media platforms to connect with professionals in your field and join Conduct market research to grasp your A thriving entrepreneur is often relevant online communities. Actively industry landscape and competitors. powered by passion, the magnetic participate in discussions, offering Develop a strategic marketing force propelling them through insights while seeking advice. approach to effectively reach and challenges and fueling unwavering engage your target audience. Financial commitment. It's more than an Recognize the power of mentorship; projections form the backbone — emotion; it's a guiding light shaping seek guidance from experienced budget wisely, forecasting revenue and decisions and actions. With passion individuals who offer valuable expenses. A clear plan not only steers steering the way, long hours become perspectives. Attend workshops and your journey but also attracts investors labors of love, obstacles morph into seminars, focusing not only on self- and partners. Remember, simplicity is opportunities, and the journey becomes promotion but on cultivating important; your business plan should as fulfilling as the destination. Find relationships. Remember, networking be a roadmap that inspires confidence that spark igniting your enthusiasm, is a reciprocal endeavor – show and clarity, not a maze of complexities. and let it drive your entrepreneurial genuine interest in others, and you'll journey. discover mutual benefits. Keep Customer-centric Focus Embrace Continuous Learning Learn From Failure A successful business thrives by placing customers at its center. Stay curious. Never stop learning. Failure isn't the end; it's a stepping Understanding their needs, Successful business leaders are lifelong stone toward success. In the preferences, and concerns forms the learners skilled at navigating rapid entrepreneurial journey, setbacks aren't foundation of a customer-centric changes. Stay tuned to industry trends, roadblocks but rather guiding stars approach. Consistently seek feedback market shifts, and emerging propelling growth. Take Thomas and attentively listen to your customers 27 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
– it's a guide toward ongoing improve- only to work but also to relaxation and business prospers, making it a ment. Customize your products or renewal; a rested mind enhances fundamental factor for sustained services to tackle their challenges and productivity. Show respect for your entrepreneurial success. provide solutions that truly enrich their time (and others' time) by being experience. In a customer-centric punctual and setting achievable Conclusion approach, satisfaction isn't just a target; deadlines. Through effective time it's a promise. Quick responses, clear management, entrepreneurs can The path to success requires a blend of communication, and going beyond optimize productivity and reach their passion, strategic planning, and expectations foster trust and loyalty. objectives. continuous learning. Taking on challenges as opportunities for growth, Adopt Adaptability and Flexibility Embrace Financial Literacy honing adaptability, and maintaining a customer-centric approach stand as The business landscape is Understanding finances is key for pillars in this entrepreneurial journey. unpredictable, resembling a dynamic entrepreneurial success. It's vital to Remember, mistakes are stepping puzzle that constantly reshapes itself. comprehend the cash flow within your stones, and a solid support network is Successful entrepreneurs embody business. Expenses should not exceed invaluable for navigating the adaptability and flexibility, much like income. Also, learn to interpret unpredictable business landscape. skilled navigators adjusting sails in a financial statements to gauge your storm. They don't fear change; they business's performance. Ultimately, success lies not only in embrace it. Whether it's a market shift setting ambitious goals but also in the or a technological leap, adaptability When facing financial challenges, it's ability to pivot, innovate, and prioritize becomes the entrepreneur's secret essential to analyze the reasons behind customer satisfaction. By adhering to these tips, aspiring entrepreneurs can weapon. them, including acknowledging losses. lay the foundation for a thriving It's not solely about numbers; it's about business. With dedication, resilience, Being adaptable means viewing learning from setbacks. Understanding and a commitment to self- challenges not as roadblocks but as losses helps identify issues and prevent improvement, anyone can embark on opportunities for innovation. future financial trouble. Financial the exciting, albeit challenging, path Flexibility enables swift pivots, literacy enables better business toward entrepreneurial success. transforming setbacks into management, facilitating intelligent opportunities for future success. It's decisions for growth. about embracing new ideas, seizing unexpected chances, and evolving with Invest in a Strong Team the changing currents of business. Even if you possess the necessary business skills, acknowledging your Learn Efficient Time Management limitations is crucial. This underscores the importance of investing in a Time is a precious resource, and capable team. A wise entrepreneur mastering effective time management is vital for entrepreneurial success. values collaboration and appreciates Start by setting clear objectives and each team member's unique strengths, organizing tasks based on their enhancing the overall business importance. Break down larger goals capacity. into smaller, manageable steps to maintain focus and momentum. Create an environment where team Avoid multitasking; instead, allocate members feel valued and motivated, specific time blocks to different tasks promoting open communication and for heightened concentration and fostering professional growth. productivity. Learn to decline Investing in your team goes beyond distractions that disrupt your schedule. financial rewards; it's about cultivating Regularly review and adjust your plan mutual respect and shared objectives. to stay on course. When your team flourishes, your Balance matters. Dedicate time not 28 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
Leadership is not about being in charge, Its about taking care of those in your charge. - Simon Sinek
5 Operational Risks that May Kill a Startup BUSI N ESS merica is the land of startups, maximum attention. A survey was but launching one is far more conducted in 2022 to analyze the A challenging than you imagine. reasons behind startup failures. The Most entrepreneurs face hindrances in results showed that 47% of new the early stages, no matter how ventures failed due to lack of passionate and motivated they are. financing, and 44% lost because they Survival statistics aren’t great, with ran out of cash. Both causes are linked surveys showing that only 80% of to a lack of proper financial planning. startups manage to survive after a year as of 2021. That means 2 out of 10 new According to Pirani, entrepreneurs ventures fail to reach the second year. should rely on tools for identifying, measuring, controlling, and monitoring Entrepreneurs note that reasons for their risks. Financial planning also startup failure range from cash entails managing risks around money constraints to a lack of research, bad laundering because businesses are partnerships, being in the wrong exposed to terrorist financing. market, and ineffective marketing. Additionally, your new business may Other threats you must address include fail if you overlook the evident and mismanagement of limited resources. unknown operational risks. Awareness It may lead to an inability to meet can save your startup from falling apart financial obligations and cover day-to- and set you up for entrepreneurial day operational expenses. success. Risk #2: Operational Inefficiencies We will highlight a few operational and Scalability Issues risks you should steer clear of to save your startup business from failure. Did you know that premature scaling is responsible for 70% of startup failure, Risk #1: Lack of Financial making it the biggest reason for such Management events? As a business grows, operational inefficiencies become more evident, even more, so when it is not When it comes to risk management for ready for the move. For example, a a startup, your finances deserve the 30 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
31 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
lack of scalable infrastructure, Besides safeguarding internal data, inadequate processes, and outdated you should be extra conscious about technology can strain resources and client data because a business has an impede growth. ethical responsibility to maintain its privacy. Not doing enough to ensure its You can overcome this risk by integrity and confidentiality can lead to choosing the right ?me to scale your compliance breaches, loss of trust, and business. The best way to go is by reputational damage. All these factors continuously evaluating and can surely kill a startup. optimizing their operational workflows. This way, you can ensure Risk #5: Ineffective Marketing that your startup is ready to adapt to Strategies increasing demands efficiently. You may have the most innovative Risk #3: Regulatory Compliance product or service, but your startup Challenges may still be at risk of failure if it fails to reach your target audience. Regulatory risk is an operational threat Ineffective marketing strategies can most entrepreneurs are less aware of, land you in big trouble despite the best but it can have far-reaching operational plan in place. These implications. Non-compliance with include identifying the wrong target regulations can lead to painful fines, audience, insufficient promotional lawsuits, and heightened scrutiny. efforts, and lack of a compelling value These situations are bad enough to kill proposition. a startup. Businesses in fields such as healthcare and financial services are at The last thing you want is to waste a higher risk because these industries your marketing budget when you are have strict laws. already tight on finances. Entrepreneurs must invest time and Entrepreneurs can avert regulatory effort to understand their customers disasters by staying abreast of and create marketing strategies that changing regulations. You can also resonate with them. Moreover, you seek legal counsel to establish robust shouldn’t take a set-and-forget compliance frameworks and audit approach to marketing because trends processes. The best way to navigate the and consumer expectations evolve. complex regulatory landscape is to obey the rules. You shouldn’t go Conclusion against the laws intentionally or intentionally. Startups are inherently risky ventures because operational threats abound Risk #4: Information Security despite the best plans and efforts. Threats However, awareness can give you a head start for survival and success. You Research indicates that 43% of small must develop a clear understanding of businesses face cyber attacks. Among potential threats and implement these, only a fraction are prepared to proactive measures to address them. overcome such attacks. Startups are at With this approach, you can easily the highest risk because they hardly navigate the challenges of have the resources to build their entrepreneurship and steer your new defenses. As an entrepreneur, you business startups toward sustainable should be aware of the threats to your growth. confidential information and data assets. 32 July, 2024 www.thecioworld.com
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