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The Hydrocolon is the India - Ahmedabad based Natural healing center, which provides help to those who suffering from cancer, Blood pressure, Constipation, Liver problems, and more.<br>Colon hydrotherapy is also referred to as Colonic Irrigation. Colon Hydrotherapy uses gentle, filtered, temperature controlled water for inner cleansing of the colon(large intestine).<br>Over the years, with poor digestive function,the digestive system may not effectively eliminate waste resulting in an accumulation of faecal matter including bad bacteria,toxins,yeast and parasites.<br>
THE HYDROCOLON THE HYDROCOLON Colon hydrotherapy assists to remove waste material that your body may not be removing effectively. "If you eat, drink and breathe, you are processing toxins. Come experience purification, relaxation and the best colon cleanse" at THE HYDRO COLON ALL ALL AbOuT us AbOuT us “ “T THE HE HYDROCOLON HYDROCOLON” ” Colon hydrotherapy is also referred to as Colonic Irrigation. Colon Hydrotherapy uses gentle, filtered, temperature controlled water for inner cleansing of the colon (large intestine). Over the years, with poor digestive function, the digestive system may not effectively eliminate waste resulting in an accumulation of faucal matter including bad bacteria, toxins, yeast and parasites. WHAT is THE WHAT is THE HYDROCOLON HYDROCOLON THERApY? THERApY? Colon hydrotherapy is also referred to as Colonic Irrigation. Colon Hydrotherapy uses gentle, filtered, temperature controlled water for inner cleansing of the colon (large intestine). Over the years with poor digestive function, the digestive system may not effectively eliminate waste resulting in an accumulation of faecal matter including bad bacteria, toxins, yeast and parasites. if stored too long it leads to an unhealthy digestive environment. HOW DOEs iT HOW DOEs iT WORk? WORk? •Colonic irrigation treatment usually takes about 45 minutes. •There are various types of equipment available designed for colonic irrigations. •It is not the same as an enema as colonic irrigation clears the bowel thoroughly, where an enema does not clear the complete bowel but merely the sigmoid colon area. •During an enema, the water is retained in the colon for approximately 15 minutes. •During a colonic, water is introduced into the colon through a tube inserted in the rectum and then it is flushed out and then is repeated until the entire colon is cleared. Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after the treatment to stay hydrated. pROCEDuRE pROCEDuRE
•Colon hydro therapy is a gentle internal bath using purified water that can help eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substance from your colon. •For your first treatment you will need around 90 minutes and consultation. If you are taking medication or supplements it is very important that you bring these with you. •Your first visit to our center involves the taking of your case history followed by an explanation about procedure. •The colonic itself take around 45 minutes during which time water will be gently introduced into colon via rectum, whilst your therapist uses a massage technique on the abdomen to stimulate the release of stored feacal matter from the lining of the colon. is iT is iT sAFE? sAFE? •Yes absolutely. We use the state of art equipment everything is disposable and the machine disinfected after each patient. Our equipment is able to accurately control the temperature of the water so it is comfortable for you and it also filters and sterilizes the water before it enters your body. WHY WHY iT’s iT’s simpLE simpLE pROCEDuRE? pROCEDuRE? •It is a gentle and painless treatment with incredible health benefits. •Doesn’t require cuts and puncture. •Body doesn’t get addicted to the treatment. •Very easy procedure. •It done at the conscious level and, so doesn’t feel any discomfort on weakness. OuR sERviCEs OuR sERviCEs Constipation Nausea Blood pressure Irritability Chronic skin problems (acne) Bladder infection Intestinal ulcer frequent urination Cellulitis Stomach ulcer Intestinal fever Mental or physical sluggishness Depression Liver problems Anxiety Insomnia Colitis Frequent mental confusion Frequent infections Abdominal gas and bloating Loose motion Lower back pain Low energy and vitality Lack of appetite Septicaemia Low resistance to colds Typhoid Cough Allergies Cancer Gynaecological problems Frequent severe headache backaches Sciatic pain Fissure Piles Diarrhoea Fatigue Bad breath(Halitosis) Foul body odour Sinus
bENEFiTs bENEFiTs Maintain body`s own regularity. Compression to neighboring organs disappears. Reduce pressure in intra-abdominal area . Stimulate peristaltic action of intestine. Increases the body`s absorption of vitamins & nutrients. Improve concentration. Kick start of weight loss. Decreases risk of colon cancer. Increase fertility. Maintain pH balance in blood stream. Improve whole body well being. CONTACT us CONTACT us DR. TiRATH upADHYAY DR. TiRATH upADHYAY ( (b.p.T, b.p.T, m.i.A.p, m.i.A.p, m.i.A.F.T) m.i.A.F.T) •Address:2 - snehshrusti complex, sambhav press road, bodakdev, Ahmedabad-380015 •Phone: +91 9998897719 , +91 9909102189 •Email: hydrocolonhealingcenter@gmail.com •Site: http://thehydrocolon.com/