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Personal Injury Attorney

For many auto accidents there is a police report. Although this is certainly a good place to start, the police report in and of itself does not determine who was at fault, even if one or more drivers in the car accident were cited for a traffic violation.<br><br>Read more: https://ericagelfandlaw.com/personal-injury/

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Personal Injury Attorney

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  2. _____ "They handled everything with my accident and got me the maximum amount of money back, more than I thought I would get! Thanks!" - Lilly J. "I loved the way they helped me and Handel every thing for me they did a wonderful job I would recommend them to any one that needs a lawyer." Tay "Wowzers these guys know exactly what there doing...I didn't expect but 5K..much to my surprise they paid my doc bills and then gave me 16K. I would definitely recommend this firm to friends and family!!" Mike D. _____ _____

  3. THINGS TO KNOW: Don't Give A Statement Take Photographs Don't Discuss Your Injuries No Independent Medical Exam Hire A Lawyer Don't Sign Anything Do not give a recorded or written statement, except to the police or your own insurance carrier. Do not discuss your injuries with the at-fault insurance company. You should discuss only the damage to your car and the need for a rental car or “loss of use” compensation. Do not agree to any independent medical exam with anyone, including your own insurance company, without first speaking to an attorney. By not hiring a lawyer you are leaving money on the table, Hiring a lawyer will grant you the ability to get compensated for your loss of vehicle use, medical bills and wage-loss. Do not sign anything without an attorney reviewing it first. Insurance companies may trick you into not being compensated. Take pictures. Take photographs of the property damage and accident scene. Take pictures of any scarring or bruising.

  4. Car Accident Personal Injury Lawyer | Erica Gelfand Law While accidents do happen, a driver must be held accountable for any negligent behavior or careless actions that lead to the personal injury or death of another party.

  5. MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR AUTO ACCIDENT RELATED INJURY • If you have any doubts, seek medical attention for your injury either at the emergency room or as soon as possible with your primary care physician. Delay in care could exacerbate your injuries. Also, your injuries require documentation. Without documentation, any claim you might pursue could be adversely affected.

  6. THE AUTO ACCIDENT POLICE REPORT For many auto accidents there is a police report. Although this is certainly a good place to start, the police report in and of itself does not determine who was at fault, even if one or more drivers in the car accident were cited for a traffic violation. The police officer investigating the car accident can cite a driver for a traffic violation, but the police officer is not a judge, and does not have legal authority to make a final determination about who was at fault.

  7. ATTORNEY FEES IN AUTO ACCIDENT CASES • Auto accident attorney fees are generally on a contingency fee basis. That is what we offer. If our client does not recover any damages, we do not get paid. The attorney fees come out of the injury settlement. But, the insurance company or governmental agency may be legally obligated to pay a pro rata share of your legal expenses if you retain an attorney. This may apply by state law, federal law, and/or contract.

  8. INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR AUTO ACCIDENTS • If another driver causes an auto accident you may be entitled to property damage, lost wages, medical expenses, and compensation for pain and suffering. • An injured person’s medical expenses are not awarded automatically. The injury victim must prove that the medical expenses are reasonable, related to the auto accident, and necessary. Just producing the medical bills is not adequate proof legally. An auto accident attorney can help. • The party at fault may not have enough, or any, insurance. In that event you will need to consider how to ascertain what other assets the party may have and how to establish a claim under your uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist coverage. • If your insurance company–whether auto insurance or health insurance–paid any benefits to you and you collect from an at-fault party, then your insurance company is legally entitled to be reimbursed from the settlement. This is also true of DSHS benefits as well as worker’s comp (or “L&I”) benefits. This legal rule is called subrogation. It is important that a personal injury settlement adequately account for this.


  10. Who Will Pay For My Car? Who Will Pay For My Medical Bills? Hiring a lawyer will give you the peace of mind that the process is fair. You can choose where you want to get your car repaired. The at-fault insurance company will typically issue payment for the cost of repair, if the costs are less than the total value of your car. In the case your car is totaled, they will issue you a check for the fair market value of your car. An attorney will prepare a demand letter that meticulously details how your life has been affected by the auto accident. You may be entitled to treatment on behalf of the insurance company for your injuries. Who Will Pay For My Wage Loss? What Is Diminished Value? An attorney protects your rights and makes sure you are receiving every benefit that you are entitled to, including wage loss. This means that we demand the responsible party pays you for your lost wages as a result of the auto accident. This includes time off work because we understand the stressors that come along with missing work. Diminished Value is the loss of a vehicle’s market value after an accident. Buyers tend to be less likely to purchase a repaired vehicle, so its value diminishes after an accident. In many cases, you are entitled to the loss in market value. We help guide you to make sure that you receive accurate diminished value appraisals to help you potentially recover more from your insurance company.

  11. TYPES OF AUTO ACCIDENTS IN ARIZONA STATE • Head-On Crashes: Two vehicles collide head-on, the violent impact can cause very serious injuries or death. • Hit-And-Run Collisions: When the at-fault driver flees the scene of a collision. • Rollover Accidents: These incidents typically occur when a vehicle is trying to avoid a collision or an object or animal in the roadway. • Rear-End Impact: Liability for a rear-end crash typically rests on the following vehicle. • T-Bone (Side-Impact) Wreck: Most commonly found at intersections where one driver has run a stop sign or red light. • Pedestrian Accidents: Pedestrians are vulnerable to serious injury in a collision because they are not protected by a vehicle. • Parking Lot Fender Bender: Parking lots are private property, which can cause a number of legal issues in the event of an accident. • Freeway On-Ramp Or Off-Ramp Accidents: Improperly or illegally-parked vehicles can cause a serious collision on the on-ramp or off-ramp of a freeway or highway.

  12. COMMON CAUSES OF CAR ACCIDENTS • Distracted Driving: Drivers are often distracted by the cell phones, GPS systems, etc inside of the vehicle. • Drunk Driving: Under the influence of alcohol. • Drug Impairment: Under the influence of marijuana or other drugs. • Dangerous Roadways: If a dangerous roadways or poor highway design. • Teen Drivers: Inexperienced teen drivers may have a poor understanding of traffic laws. • Reckless Driving: Vehicles traveling over the speed limit or following too closely. • Roadway Debris: Unsecured loads can cause hazards from debris in the roadway. • Uncontrolled Intersections: A lack of traffic control devices or signs. • Illegal Turns: Illegal left-hand turns and U-turns at traffic signals or in uncontrolled intersections can lead to a serious accident. • Speeding: Drivers traveling too fast for conditions. • Snow Or Black Ice: Accident involving snow or ice on the roadway. • Wrong-Way Drivers: Drivers who travel in the wrong direction of a road or highway.

  13. HAVE YOU BEEN IN A CAR ACCIDENT? WE’LL MAKE SURE YOU ARE COMPENSATED FOR IT.  • Car expenses – covered • Medical bills – covered • Pain & suffering - covered

  14. We are proud to say our team has decades of experience successfully representing clients for personal injury and wrongful death claims. Please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions. Get a free consultation. DON'T DELAY YOUR SETTLEMENT

  15. CONTACT US Address: 14804 N Cave Creek Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Phone: (480) 424-4431 Email: info@ericagelfandlaw.com

  16. Visit us for more https://ericagelfandlaw.com/personal-injury/

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