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State of Connecticut Core-CT Project HRMS Users Group Meeting September 12 & 13, 2006

State of Connecticut Core-CT Project HRMS Users Group Meeting September 12 & 13, 2006. Agenda. Agenda. Workers comp/cash recoveries, cancelled checks/advices for reversals and other manual adjustments must be submitted to Central Payroll by noon on Tuesday, November 21, 2006.

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State of Connecticut Core-CT Project HRMS Users Group Meeting September 12 & 13, 2006

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State of ConnecticutCore-CT Project HRMS Users Group Meeting September 12 & 13, 2006

  2. Agenda

  3. Agenda

  4. Workers comp/cash recoveries, cancelled checks/advices for reversals and other manual adjustments must be submitted to Central Payroll by noon on Tuesday, November 21, 2006. All reversals for checks issued after November 21st must be submitted to Central Payroll by noon on Friday, December 22, 2006. Adjustments not received by these deadlines will result in the issuance of a W2C. Payroll Update Year End Deadlines

  5. The W2 will be sent to the job that is designated as PRIMARY VIA theprimary jobflag on job data Payroll Update Year End 2006

  6. If an employee has an active job at UConn (empl_rcd 0) and a second active job at OSC (empl_rcd 1) that is designated as primary: The W2will be sent to OSC Payroll Update What Does this Mean?

  7. The IRS requires that suffixes (JR, SR, etc.) not get stored within the last or first name fields via the W2’s or on the outbound IRS files. When hiring an employee, please do not store suffixes within the first or last name fields on personal data via the name history page. Suffixes should be stored within thesuffix fieldon personal data. Payroll Update Reminder - Name Format for Year-End Reporting

  8. Care must be taken when using additional Tax Withholding When an employee has an additional amount designated to be withheld for Federal or State taxes of $100.00 And multiple tax periods are selected for any lump sum payment processed through Additional Pay page, be aware of the impact. For example, if 6 tax periods are selected it will result in withholding an additional amount of $600.00 ($100.00 X 6 tax periods = $600.00) Payroll Update Note: Federal and State Tax Set up

  9. Agenda

  10. First preliminary report ran on 09/08/2006 Second preliminary report scheduled to run on 09/20/2006 Third preliminary report scheduled to run on 09/27/2006 Final processing and reports will take place on Friday, 10/06/2006. Human Resources Update Longevity

  11. Please note these critical dates: Longevity is processed for pay period 09/29/2006 to 10/12/2006. Payroll will confirm on Thursday,10/19/2006 for check dated Friday, 10/27/2006. Job Aid resources on the Core-CT website: See Longevity Report to Excel Format, Longevity Processing, Longevity Exceptions, and Professional Experience (Longevity) Date Processing. Human Resources Update Longevity, Continued

  12. Mass Salary Changes Many salary updates occurred for July 2006 162 new salary plans loaded 138 GWI and AI combinations processed Important: Need agency assistance to review preliminary reports processed. Human Resources Update Mass Salary Changes

  13. Tips on logging tickets Verify that all benefit events are closed before logging the ticket Include pertinent information such as: employee number, employee record, action/reason code, effective date, job code, employee class, certification number, salary plan (grade and step), salary amount, working test period completion date (probationary date), and appointment end date. Human Resources Update Human Resources Tickets

  14. Human Resources Update Human Resources Tickets, Continued Tips on logging tickets, continued • When logging a ticket, please do not also contact a member of the support team. This creates confusion because a support team member may be working on the email or phone call while another member is working on the ticket. • Supply supporting documentation if different from normal processing (example: a stipulated agreement). • DAS has updated the transfer and rehire request form to include Employee Class.

  15. Leaves of Absence If changing the type of leave an employee is on, users must reinstate between each leave in order for benefits to process correctly. If terminating an employee while on a leave of absence, users must also reinstate the employee prior to termination in order for benefits to process correctly. When entering a paid or unpaid leave of absence, verify the dates on the timesheet match the dates in job data. Human Resources Update Leaves of Absence

  16. General Comments Do not use General Comments to store your Job Data information. May continue to be used for other notations by navigating to: Workforce Admin>Personal Information>Biographical>General Comments (Example: for pages without an option to make a comment such as Additional Pay payments) Does not appear on the Personnel Actions History Report. Notepad Used when entering a row in Job Data Appears on the Personnel Actions History Report. Human Resources Update General Comments vs. Notepad

  17. Human Resources Update Personal Data New Hire - Personal Data - Do not add a row • Navigate to: Workforce Admin>Personal Information>Add a Person • Click on the “Add a Person” hyperlink which will bring you to the first page of Biographical Details tab • Do not click the “+” button to add a row; at this point complete the entry.

  18. Human Resources Update Personal Data, Continued New Hire - Personal Data - Do not add a row • Effective date must be either today’s date or earlier; you cannot future date this page. • Once Personal Data is complete, you can future date the actual hire row in Job Data.

  19. Human Resources Update Personal Data, Continued

  20. Human Resources Update Personal Data, Continued

  21. Human Resources Update Temporary Service in a Higher Class Reminder: • Training is available for Temporary Service in a Higher Class. • Contact Lina Simonu at 860-622-2520 to schedule. • Job Aid is located at: http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/hrjobaids/hr/chklst_ee_to_tshc.doc

  22. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips • If you would like to see the page larger, press F11 and it removes the window navigation buttons on the bottom of your computer page. (To return to original view, press F11 again.) • When tabbing through a page and you tab to a field that has the drop down arrow, type in the first letter and it will fill in the first value in that drop down menu. To continue to the value you want, just keep typing in the first letter. Example: Action field – the first termination action of “Terminated With Benefits” appears. Press “T” again and the second Termination appears.

  23. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued • Exercise caution when using the wheel on your mouse. • If you use the wheel to scroll down the page and your icon is left on a drop down menu field, the scroll wheel will change the value from what you selected. • There are multiple ways to search for a name using first name only, last name only or both first and last names.

  24. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

  25. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

  26. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

  27. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

  28. Human Resources Update Navigation Tips, Continued

  29. Human Resources Update Benefit Service Date – Part Time NP-3 Employees Benefit Service Date • Date field used for vacation accrual • Business rules for part time NP-3 have been removed from this date field because those employees are calculated as though they are full time. • Agencies will need to manually calculate the individual employee’s date for correct calculation. • If employees are due additional vacation time, agencies will need to add those days to their timesheet.

  30. Human Resources Update FLSA Status • DAS is reviewing the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) statuses on the Job Code table. • Establishing or Reclassifying a position – FLSA default comes in from Job Code table. • Hiring or Reclassifying in Job Data – FLSA default comes in from Position Data. • If default does not meet the employee’s assignment, contact Help Desk for assistance. • Each request will be reviewed by DAS.

  31. Human Resources Update Position Data Monthly Position Status Report – corrected Excel format problems • Appropriated column had a value but non-appropriated column was blank; non-appropriated got filled with the same value as appropriated. (Current values are reflected accurately.) • If position row was vacant, Excel report filled in previous row’s incumbent. (Employee number and name will now be blank on that position row.)

  32. Human Resources Update Position Data, Continued Monthly Position Status Report – corrected Report (PDF) format problems • In both report and Excel format, some parts of split funding were not being captured to reflect 100% FTE. (Now reflecting accurately.) • On the PDF report, FTE detail, sub totals and totals were rounded to two decimal places before displaying. This may have caused errors in totals if the position had split funding. (Now the report displays to three decimal places for accurate totaling.)

  33. Human Resources Update Position Data, Continued Monthly Position Status Report – One final issue • Multiple incumbent positions report only the first incumbent rather than all position incumbents as intended.

  34. Team Members Shari Grzyb, HR Program Manager Heather Tweeddale, HR Consultant Lisa Chasse, HR Consultant Pauline Mahoney, HR Consultant Mike Cosgrove, Leadership Apprentice Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit

  35. HIR – DUA Transactions Gaining agency should ask candidate if they are employed with any other State agency; if so, does the candidate intend to continue the other job? Losing agency needs to communicate candidate’s intentions regarding employment when gaining agency notifies you of transfer request . Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit

  36. HIR – DUA Transactions, continued Consequences can result if there is a lack of communication. Primary agency may be unaware of dual employment and, subsequently, does not pay overtime for hours worked at secondary agency. Federal fines will occur under FLSA. Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit

  37. Transfer and Rehire Transactions There is a format to use when submitting requests to DAS Central Audit Unit. New information requested: Empl Class Record Number (if more than one exists) Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit

  38. Transfer and Rehire Transactions, continued Required Information: Employee Name Record #:(e.g., 1) Empl ID: Effective Date: Action:(i.e., Transfer or Rehire) Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit

  39. Transfer and Rehire Transactions Required Information, continued Reason:(e.g., Promotion, Demotion, etc.) Position Number: Empl Class:(i.e., Probation Period Classified) E-mail Address of Losing Agency Contact: Phone Number of Gaining Agency Contact: Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit

  40. Human Resources Update DAS HR Business Rules and Central Audit Unit Questions? Lisa.Chasse@CT.Gov Michael.Cosgrove@CT.Gov Pauline.Mahoney@CT.Gov

  41. Agenda

  42. Log a ticket when you see something happening – a user noticed during the upgrade that the display for the Accrual Pagewas incorrect when in View All mode. Please provide as much information as you can to avoid response delays – EmplID, Empl Rcd, Detailed description of problem, etc. Ask to have ticket escalated to Level 2. Time and Labor Update Tickets

  43. We don’t process changes to leave plans retroactively. PL time will be awarded automatically; either when the employee is first hired or after six months of service depending on the plan in which the employee is enrolled. Time and Labor Update Leave Plans

  44. New job aid created for Self Service agencies, “Entering Time for Self Service Agencies.” Please share it with your employees (along with Daily Mail information). http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/hr/self/default.htm Creating a new Workgroups job aid and an Accrual Audit job aid. Time and Labor Update Job Aids

  45. Comp and Holiday out of balance issues will be addressed in conjunction with the Days Conversion Program solution. Comp and Holiday out of balance sync will be included as part of a new Leave Accrual custom process to be run on Pay Confirm night. Time and Labor Update Comp and Holiday Time Discrepancies

  46. Sick, Vacation and PL Out of Balance - where employees can either use more time than they have or are unable to use time they do have Six causes have been identified. Time and Labor Update Leave Accrual Discrepancies

  47. Two tables used for storing accrual balances One table populates Timesheet and the other table populates the Leave Accrual page. Table which populates the Timesheet balance is updated when Timesheet is submitted and from Adjust Paid Time entries. Table which populates Leave Accrual page is updated by the Leave Accrual process using Confirmed entries. Time and Labor Update Leave Accrual Discrepancies, Continued

  48. Adjust Paid Time entries that change Sick, Vacation or PL to non-leave accrual TRCs Adjustments made to this page for sick, vacation, or PL will update the Timesheet balance (new to 8.9). These entries will NOT update the Leave Accrual balance. Time and Labor Update Leave Accrual Discrepancies, Continued

  49. (2) Turning off OK to pay on payline or requesting a payline adjustment for a row that includes leave time When Timesheet is submitted, the Timesheet balance is updated (new to 8.9). The Leave Accrual balance will NOT be updated. Time and Labor Update Leave Accrual Discrepancies, Continued

  50. (3) Check Reversal containing leave time Check is properly reversed. System looks for a corresponding Adjust Paid Time entry and this is what will adjust the Timesheet balance. Time and Labor Update Leave Accrual Discrepancies, Continued

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