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Best Neuro Doctor in Greater Noida

Neurological problem is unavoidable and needs immediate treatment to stop it from getting worse with the time. If someone is suffering from early symptoms like headache, walking or balancing difficulty, memory loss, Pain, tingling or numbness, Sleep Disturbance, Loss of consciousness, dizziness, etc. Then He/She should consult to a neuro doctor. Dr Hompriya Issar is the best neuro doctor in Greater Noida, with the experience of 10 years in neurology. Call him now on 91 8800 184 830. Address- ANSAL GOLF LINK 1 AC14G, Near Canara bank Omega -1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308. consult Hours 10:00 am u2013 1:00 pm 5:30 pm u2013 7:30 pm For further enquiry please visit our website https://www.theneurosurgeonconsult.com/ <br><br>

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Best Neuro Doctor in Greater Noida

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  2. GetAdvancedtreatmentbythe bestneurosurgeonconsultantin Noida. Diseasesofthebrain, spinalcord, and spinalcolumn, andcentralor peripheralnerves. Thediseaseor injurycanbecuredwiththesurgical ornon- surgicaltreatment, according tothenatureofdiseaseand injury.neurosurgeonconsultantin Noida Accordingtomostofthe people, neurosurgeryconsultantisall aboutbrainsurgery, butthisisnot completelytrue. Neurosurgeryis muchmore, itisthemedical specialty, whichdealswiththe diagnosisandtreatmentofpatients withinjury

  3. WhoisaNeurosurgeon? Aneurosurgeonisaphysicianspecialisedinneurosurgery. Theygettrained totreatthepatientssufferingfrombackandneckpainandalsoother diseaserelatedtotrigeminalneuralgiatoheadinjuryandParkinson’s disease. Rigorousandextensiveeducationandtrainingareneededto becomethebestneurosurgeonanditincludesthecompletionof: Pre-medicaleducationatacollegeoruniversity (duration-4years) AnM.DorD.Odegree ( duration- 4years ) Internshipingeneralsurgery ( 1year) .Aneurosurgeryresidencyprogram.

  4. DrHompriyaissarisone ofthebest neurosurgeon, brainand spinesurgeonsin greaterNoida,India. He holdstheexperienceof morethan10yearsin thefieldofNeuroand spinesurgery

  5. OurClinichasgrowntoprovide aworldclassfacilityforthe treatmentoftoothloss, dental cosmeticsandboreadvanced FOR CONSULTANT AND FURTHER QUERY 8800184830

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