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Educational Paradigms. The challenges of educating 21st Century scientists, mathematicians, and engineers mandate a new paradigm in science and engineering graduate education.. Today's Research Trends. Research interdisciplinaryWork across disciplines Research collaborativeTeamworkResearc
1. Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research through IGERT: Integrative Graduate Research and Traineeship Program Ram M. K. Ramasubramanian, PhD
Program Director
2. Educational Paradigms The challenges of educating 21st Century scientists, mathematicians, and engineers mandate a new paradigm in science and engineering graduate education.
3. Todays Research Trends Research interdisciplinary
Work across disciplines
Research collaborative
Research varied settings
Preparation for varied careers
Research global
International activities and experiences
4. Skills set - technical, Professional & Personal Discovery and Innovation. Skills include fundamental research, technical training with broad intellectual content, problem-formulation and problem-solving.
Intellectual Integration. Knowledge-integration skills include inter- and multidisciplinary research, systems research and real-world problems, cross intellectual boundaries, and the skills necessary to work in teams and to teach others.
Knowledge Transfer. Skills encompass communication, education, and publication, together with linkages to industry and national laboratories.
5. Skills set-technical, Professional & Personal 4. Tools. Skills address computational science and scientific modeling, together with language skills and knowledge of international cultures.
5. Professional Responsibility. Openness and intellectual integrity, and the values and goals appropriate for knowledge in the service of society.
6. IGERT Program Goals The Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program has been developed to meet the challenges of educating U.S. Ph.D. scientists and engineers who will pursue careers in research and education, with the interdisciplinary backgrounds, deep knowledge in chosen disciplines, and technical, professional, and personal skills to become, in their own careers, leaders and creative agents for change.
7. IGERT Program Goals The program is intended to catalyze a cultural change in graduate education, for students, faculty, and institutions, by establishing innovative new models for graduate education and training in a fertile environment for collaborative research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries.
8. IGERT Program Goals It is also intended to facilitate diversity in student participation and preparation, and to contribute to a world-class, broadly inclusive, and globally engaged science and engineering workforce.
9. Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Dual focus on a transformative interdisciplinary research theme and an aligned innovative educational plan for US PhD students
Awards to institutions ($3-3.2M/5 years); senior PIs
Recent competitions have > 400 pre-proposals, ~20 awards (5%)
Since 1997:
240 awards
110 different lead institutions
43 states, DC, and Puerto Rico
~25 trainees/award, typically supported 2 years/each
~5,200 PhD students have been supported
Intended to catalyze sustainable institutional change in graduate education for the training of future scientific research workforce
10. Support Level 5-year awards
Up to $600K per year
Up to $200K additional in the first year for equipment, special materials, or methodologies, part of the total $600K
Additional International Training Component $50K per year for years 2-5
Indirect limitation: 8% of total direct costs excluding equipment and COE
Graduate student stipend $30,000, Cost of education expenses $10,500
20 new awards anticipated for the 2010 competition.
12. IGERT Program Characteristics Interdisciplinary theme plus disciplinary depth
Emerging research area
Innovative models for graduate education
Broaden participation
Catalyze a cultural change in graduate education
For graduate students
For faculty
For institutions
13. The Value of Interdisciplinary Research To faculty:
NIH recognizes multiple PIs
NSF has collaborative submission process
Universities considering tenure and promotion policies
To academia:
Research institutes
To industry:
Practical problem-solving
14. Some Features of IGERT Encourages experiments that may result in changes of existing models for Graduate Education
Emphasizes a type of Counter-Cultural Research and Education Experiment
Provides a substantial increase in resources for enhanced impact
Provides a framework wherein institutions, through PIs, can propose programs with enough flexibility to accommodate students desire to design an education plan to match his/her career goals
Provides a means for program performance assessment
15. How do you build an IGERT?
17. Some IGERT Interdisciplinary Themes Smart sensors and integrated devices
Biosphere-atmosphere research
Molecularly designed materials
Assistive technology
Sequential decision-making
Urban ecology
Alternate Energy
18. IGERT Proposal Characteristics Senior PI
Co-PI from other departments and colleges
Faculty Participants, up to 20, from various disciplines relevant to the research theme
Strong Institutional Support
Not necessarily $
Institutionalization plan and support
Facilitating curricular changes
Strong support for broadening participation
Strong letters of support from partners
19. IGERT Proposal Characteristics Research themes and thrust areas very clearly and concisely articulated
Identification of academic preparation needed for PhD students to be successful
Strong and well thought out educational plan indicating curricular development
Description of new courses and development plans
Strong Mentoring plan
Attention to detail on degree requirements across disciplinary boundaries
20. IGERT Examples
21. Theme: Environmental Change and Implications for Humanity Dartmouth: Polar Environmental Change
George Washington University: Dynamics of Behavioral Shifts in Human Evolution: Brains, Bodies, and Ecology
UCSD: Marine Biodiversity: Understanding Threats and Providing Solutions
22. Theme: Clean Energy and Engineering Processes
Texas Tech University: Wind Science and Engineering
23. Nanoscale Science in IGERT 24 active awards including 4 renewals directly focused on Nanoscale Science
Nanoscale Science in
Devices and machines
Materials; Biomaterials
24. Universities with Nanoscale Science related IGERTs Cornell (3)
Drexel University
Johns Hopkins University
Northeastern University
Ohio State University
Rutgers University (3)
Tuskegee University
UC-Los Angeles (2) University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of New Mexico (2)
University of South Dakota
University of Texas Austin
University of Utah (2)
University of Washington
Vanderbilt University
William Marsh Rice University
25. Educational Features of IGERT Projects New curricula
Interdisciplinary courses, laboratories, seminars, often team-taught
Student-taught interdisciplinary courses
Distance learning, videoconferencing
New integrative experiences
boot camps, workshops, retreats
Team projects and teamwork exercises
Student-lead and -organized meetings
Laboratory rotations; co-advising
Industry, national laboratory, research institute
26. Further Educational Features of IGERT Projects Communications training
K-12, general public, government
Ethics and responsible conduct of research
Tailored to IGERT topic
IP, patents, business plans
Professional development
Activities for broadening participation
27. Examples of Nanoscale Science Courses Fundamental Physics and Chemistry of Nanomaterials; Interfacial Phenomena in Nanostructured Materials (Johns Hopkins U.)
Nanosystems Design for Biology and Medicine (Northeastern U.)
Nanotechnology: From Lab to Product (U. Mass Amherst)
Nanotechnology-Based Drug Delivery (Rutgers U.)
Frontiers in Nanotechnology (U. Washington)
Quantum Engineering of Nanostructures (U. Texas at Austin)
Nanoscale Materials; Molecular Modeling of Polymers and Nanocomposites (Tuskegee U.)
Imaging Nanostructures and Nanoparticles; Finite Element Analysis for Nanostructures (modules, Cornell University)
Biomedical Applications of Colloidal Nanocrystals (U. of New Mexico)
28. Examples of Credentials Certificates, minors, concentrations
Certificate program in Nanotechnology (Drexel-U. Pennsylvania)
Certificate program in Biomedical Science and Engineering with Concentration in Nanotechnology (U. New Mexico)
Designated Emphasis in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (UC Berkeley)
Dual degree programs
Home department and Nanotechnology (U. Washington)
Doctoral programs
Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Microsystems (U. New Mexico)
29. IGERT Partnerships Within universities: between faculty, departments, schools, colleges
Between universities:
Leverage resources
Broaden participation
Outside academia
National laboratories and research institutes
International universities and institutions
At the funding agency level
IGERT is a cross-cutting program
30. IGERT Evaluation StudyInitial Impacts Both IGERT and non-IGERT samples of first three cohorts (1998-2000)
Graduate Students
Benefits and Challenges for All
31. Current Evaluation Next three cohorts of IGERT
Trainee post-graduation follow-up
Follow up study nearing completion. Report will be published shortly.
32. www.igert.org
33. Find Out More About IGERT http://www.IGERT.org
Searchable site maintained by grantee
IGERT home page at NSF
Program solicitation
Video presentation
Impacts of IGERT evaluation
IGERT 2006-2007 Annual Report
34. Program Goals Graduate Students
Communication, Leadership, Team building
K-12 Education
Enhanced Teaching and Learning
Higher Education
Transform Graduate Programs
35. Annual Budget $55+ Million
GK-12 has made 276 awards at 144 institutions.
Funded 5,623 Graduate Fellows.
Provided resources for 9,473 K-12 Teachers, working in 4,732 different schools.
687,594 K-12 Students have been impacted by GK-12.
37. Funding Amount
38. Types of Institutions
39. NSF Supported STEM Disciplines
40. Eligibility Lead academic institution must be in the United States or its territories and grant masters or doctoral degrees in STEM disciplines supported by the NSF
Principal Investigator(PI) must be a STEM discipline faculty member actively conducting STEM research at lead institution
One proposal may be submitted per institution
Institutions having an active or past GK-12 project are eligible, but must coordinate evaluation efforts;
Must be a new proposal, clarify what are the differences between the new and existing or past ones