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Calorimetria di ATLAS. ECA Barrel ECC. ECA Barrel ECC. EM ACCORDION. HADRONIC TILECAL. PreCommissioning on surface Commissioning in the Pit : Fase 1 : Calorimetria LAr & Tile testati come entita` independenti – da ora fino all’estate 2006 Fase 2 :
Calorimetria di ATLAS ECA Barrel ECC ECA Barrel ECC EM ACCORDION HADRONIC TILECAL C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
PreCommissioning on surface Commissioning in the Pit: Fase 1: Calorimetria LAr & Tile testati come entita` independenti – da ora fino all’estate 2006 Fase 2: Integrazione di LAr e Tile con i servizi: cabling, DCS, DAQ, trigger + Integrazione di LAr e Tile for cosmic ray run – fine 2005 fino a fine 2006 (also indicated as LArg phase 3 commissioning) Fase 3: Run di cosmici con il rivelatore di ATLAS completo – inizio 2007 In vari periodi le diverse fasi si sovrappongo Fasi del Commissioning C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
LAr and Tile Barrel installation in pit completed on 10/12/2004 TileCal LAr and Cryostate C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Commissioning Fase 1 Barrel TileCal • Since then we have been working to the commissioning of TileCal in standalone (Phase 1): • Install F/E electronics, LV-HV, cables/fibres • Debug the individual elements • Cosmic ray runs • Commissioning Phase 1 is constitued by 13 WP (Cable & Module installation & QC, FE readout electronics test, Electronic for Calorimeter Trigger, Cesium, Laser, DCS, HV-LV, ROD) • Commissioning is being taken care of by all Institutes. • Iacopo Vivarelli is responsible for the DAQ tools -> coordinates the commissioning effort C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Stability test for FE electronics for readout and trigger, HV ps with Mobile DAQ in the pit; long duration test is now at about 65% of Barrel, problems found are being fixed, most of them connected to HV that are tested for the first time; During summer 1 expert week on june, trigger signal from towers sent to special FPGA cards to trigger on projective muons. First cosmic ray run in the pit Next expert (long) week 19-28 September: 12 Modules (10% Barrel) with Real ROD, whole DAQ chain including all trigger levels with dummy algorithms, monitoring, LV ps test on 4 of the tested modules, DCS for LV-HV and cooling. On the critical side are the LV ps, however the situation is getting better and we are still on schedule (LV ps installed by end of November) Commissioning Fase 1 - TileCal May November C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
26 Ottobre Barrel moved at interaction point z=0 → beginning of phase 2. This movement has been shifted by 7 weeks with respect to previous schedules for delayes related to installation of toroid and ID services; No major worries for this delay however the schedules are being adjuasted. ALL THE DATES I AM SHOWING ARE ALREADY SHIFTED BY TWO MONTHS Beginning of 2006 - Start of phase 1 for EBC and than for EBA, installation to pit & commissioning phase 1 2006 will see: commissioning of Barrel phase 2 + commissioning EBC phase 1 followed by commissiong of EBA phase 1 the experimental pit will start to be very crowded thus the work in the pit is very carefully planned. Commissioning Fase 1 - TileCal C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
@Building B180 cold tests: EndCap A Start of cool down - June 13 Detector filled with Lar - August 16 Ready for cold tests - August 22 End of test 25/9: but might need a few more days Milano involvement: HV tests (all subdetectors: EMEC, FCAL, HEC) Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) measurements: characterization of calibration lines (EMEC) PreCommissioning– EndCap LAr C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
HV DCS Control – LAr First prototype of Finite State Machine DCS control: HV control for EMEC LAr in ATLAS C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Set up al B180 e USA15 The end of the ECA cold test (end of warm-up by Mid november) will be the end of the activity in B180. HV setup (crates & workstation) moved to USA15 for the cool down and for the test with cosmics of Barrel first and EndCap later. 7 HV crates for cold test of ECA in B180 B180 C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Set up al B180 e USA15 First HV crates already in USA15 to perform stability test of HV ISEG modules Loard simulators 8 ISEG HV Modules USA15 C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Barrel: 3/32 electronic crates installed and tested so far: a few more crates partially equipped not powered yet. Test procedure established after some experience. Set of measurements: pedestals, calibration (ramp, delay runs),... Monitoring uses Athena and root Endcap C: Ready to be transported in the pit After the endcap is in the pit (by end of November) and extended tile is completed next step will be the installation of the services Commissioning Fase 1 – LAr C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Endcap Services (A and C) installation under Milano responsibility: Design started beginning of August (~200 drawings!) and is now completed. A few issues with Tiles services clarified in the meantime. Formal approval expected within days The Collaboration congratulates for the work done Next Steps: Service material (responsibility of BNL) is available due to the complexity of the system and the tight installation schedule → preassemble and test using a mock-up in Milano. This allows to reduce time and costs A wedge of the mock-up has been modified to have the possibility to vary the position of the crate in order to simulate the various typologies of services First assembly tests have started Commissiong Fase 1 LAr – integrazione dei servizi C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
LV PS FEB Mock-up in Milano C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Phase 2 will start when moving to interaction point z=0 → 26 Ottobre 2005. Final Cabling to be completed to connect to USA15 2 Barrel partitions commissiong (4 ROS) central DAQ (~ 5000 channels) with CIS, Laser (LED backup) – 1.4.06 Setting of EM scale: carry out complete Barrel Cesium calibration Cosmic muon run with final DCS, DAQ, … stability performance with calibration & cosmics Use Low level online monitoring for debugging Trigger will cover all range (<0.8) and partially in (<1.2 top and bottom) Integration of Tile Barrels in final DAQ 5.2006 Commissioning Fase 2 Tile – integrazione dei servizi C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
LArg Phase 2 Commissioning: (01/01/06-01/03/06) Should demonstrate stable data taking condition Integration in DAQ and DCS Check electronics beyond Phase 1 tests, noise over whole calorimeter (and replace electronics if needed) Start barrel cool down HV DCS is under Milano responsibility: In this phase DCS will play a crucial role in controlling the system The goal is to provide by that time integration of the system with the rest of the DCS, Alarm handling and output in the Condition Database (PVSS → COOL DataBase) Commissiong Fase 2 Barrel LAr – integrazione dei servizi C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Cold Calibration: (01/03/06-01/05/06) fully qualify the electronics performances: stability measurement over long period (FEC temperature), tuning of parameters (timing, …), Take calibration data to demonstrate performances (noise, electronics). Produce calibration (ramps, Optimal Filtering) to fill databaseswith best calibration gains and Optimal Filtering coefficients Milano will produce Optimal Filtering Coefficients using the RTM (“Milano”) method. Now working on the SW infrastructures to handle in Athena and in the DB all the calorimeter modules Set High Voltage ON Commissiongin phase 2 LAr - operation C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Setup of LVL1 implemented with TileCal triggering signal - timing, readout sync. Trigger will cover all <0.8 <1.2 (top and bottom) . Rates measured by Tiles in June with 1/6 of trigger modules: ~1 Hz (single tower), few mHz (back to back) Combined cosmic run start: 1.6.06 Commissiong Fase 2 – integrazione LAr & Tile LArg Test beam muons: S/N~7 C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Laboratory test on PMTs and fibers at the Pisa laboratory : Characterization of PMT aging @ 1-2 LHC years full luminosity Study of light losses in bended fibers Physics analysis: Higgs channels produced in VBF with H decay to b or tau’s, Z+jet → bb jet, Single top production (with Trieste). CTB analysis. Single pion study comparison with G4 for E [20,300] GeV. Recently started study on low energy data E [1,10] GeV Jet Calibration at hadronic energy scale Tile Muon identification and tagging GNAM Online monitoring and OHP presenter Other ongoing activities – Pisa group C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
EM Calibration: Study of a calibration scheme based on Geant 4 Achieve good resolution and linearity at the same time Ongoing work (MC: no noise, single particle from z=0 at one h position): Fit calibration coefficients Study energy and dependence Study particle dependence (electron, photon) Study of the channel H→: Evaluate ATLAS performance on this channel Test calorimeter performance, test EM calibration scheme Study of Z lep+had+’s Control sample for reconstruction of t’s and for calibration of ETmiss during commissioning: s(MZ) s(ETmiss) Study finalized to the analysis of the H/A MSMM decay Expected ~2000 events in mass bin (66-116 GeV ) ~5% (+/-5%) from main background (W+jets ) for an integrated luminosity of 10 fb-1 Next: Tune cuts, add other backgrounds (bb, tt) Other ongoing activites - Milano C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Responsabilities for Pisa Tile DAQ-tools (commissioning) Tile Online Monitor Tile G4 Simulation of Real Detector Tile Physics Data Quality Co-cordinator of JetETmiss group Chair of Tile Institute Board Position of Pisa and Milano in ATLAS organization • Responsabilities for Milano • Co-coordinator JetEtMiss and tau groups • LAr electronic coordinator • Responsabile ATLAS Italia • Member of LArg representative group and member of BarrelPhase3Commissioning and EndCapPhase3Commisiong steering group • In RED we ask for integration of ME C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
31/03/05 – Codifica algoritmi per il timing con impulsi laser OK Implementazione del monitor on-line per test in UX15OK 30/04/05 – Studio identificazione globale dei mu (recupero perdita di energia ed isolamento) OK 31/05/05 - identificazione dei mu di basso pt al LVL2 nel framework HLTOK 30/06/05 -Tests temporizzazione sul Barrel in UX15 solo con cosmici 31/10/05 - Completamento cablaggio Barrel (a Z=0) delayed Jan 2006 30/11/05 - Integrazione del monitor nella DAQ provvisoria (MobiDAQ) per run di cosmici OK Implementazione degli algoritmi nella ricostruzione combinata dei mu (Offline in ATHENA) OK Temporizzazione del barrel con impulsi laser delayed Jan 2006 31/12/05 - Inizio installazione EBC in UX15 Milestones Tile 2005 C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
31/08/05 Installazione SW e inizio tests HV in USA15 OK 31/08/05 Inizio misure HV sul Barrel a z=0 delayed to Nov/Dec Completamento misure HV finished on 25.9 TDR di ECA (in B180) finished on 18.9 Analisi dei dati del test beam in via di finalizzazione OK 31/10/05 Inizio integrazione dei servizi su EC-C in UX15 delayed to Jan 2006 Milestones 2005 LAr C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
31/03/06 LArg Delay runs, master waveforms per calcolo OFC nel DB del calorimetro e.m. barrel Aprile/06Tile Completamento Assemblaggio Tile EBA in UX15 31/05/06 LArg Completamento installazione dei servizi su LArg ECC e ECA Giugno 06LArg + Tile Cosmic Run with Tile and LArg 31/10/06 LArg Implementazione SW del controllo HV su tutto il LArg nello standard DCS di ATLAS Dicembre /06 Tile Commissioning Tile EBC e EBA Gennaio/07 LArg + Tile Cosmic ray run su Tilecal+LArg Endcap Le date delle milestone sono indicative, spostate di due mesi rispetto a quelle previste per il ritardo di 7 settimana dovuto al ritardo nello spostamento a z=0. Il nuovo programma con le date precise e` in via di definizione. Milestones LAr & Tile 2006 C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Back up slides C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Software status: Iseg SW (OPC server) Good progress: V4.0 under use now pretty stable Milano is responsible of the HV control SW (OPC client) Program used for barrel, ECC cold tests and test beams Current version under use now for the ECA cold test Now working on the integration with the rest of the DCS system ATLAS DCS hierarchical system, FSM (Finite State Machine) FSM: main tool for the implementation of the full control hierarchy in ATLAS, handle the states and transitions of the different parts of the detector. In near future this activity will need increasing interaction with DCS at CERN First prototype available for EMEC Hardware status: Task force (three Milano people involved) to investigate past Iseg module failures still in action New repaired (optocoupler exchanged) modules under test 8 modules (256 channels) under test on Milano load boxes (1.5 mF and 150 kW per chan) at max voltage since 7/7: 1 single channel failure (regulation problem) 51 modules in use for ECA cold test at nominal voltage: 1 single channel failure Endurance test will continue at least up to 25/9 HV system C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Group composition Pisa Paolo Adragna (Dott) 100. Vincenzo Cavasinni (PO) 80. Tarcisio Del Prete (INFN) 100. Andrea Dotti (Dott) 100. Vincenzo Flaminio (PO) 20. Francesca Sarri (Dott) 100. Anna Lupi (Ass) 100. Chiara Roda (RU) 80. Giulio Usai (Ass) 100. Iacopo Vivarelli (Ass) 100. FE 8.8 Neolaureati 1 livello: Paolo Francavilla Laureandi (spec.): M. Canneri, P. Francavilla, M. Cascella Neo-Dottorato: Iacopo Vivarelli C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Composizione del Gruppo Milano Coordinatrice WG Jet, t e PTmiss Perf. Membro LAr repres group; Membro BP3C e ECP3C steering groups • Ricercatori : • D. Banfi (Dottorando, 100%) • L. Carminati (Ass. Uni., 100%) • D. Cavalli (Dir. Ric., 100%) • G. Costa (Dir. Ric., 100%) • M. Delmastro (CERN Fellow, 25%) • M. Fanti (Ric. Uni., 100%) • L. Mandelli (PO, 100%) • M. Mazzanti (1° Ric., 100%) • L. Perini (PA, 100%) • F. Tartarelli (Ric., 100%) • Tecnologi: • M. Citterio (1° Tec., 45%) • S. Coelli (art. 23., 10%) • Tot: 10 fisici, 2 tecnol. (9,80 PE) • Laureandi: • C. Paleari • Tecnici: • G.Braga (100%), B.Monticelli (100%), F.Alberti (60%) Responsabile ATLAS Italia LAr electronic coordinator C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
rms 0.62% P13 module 0.45% P13 module> 7 0.49% 4.5‰ P15 module> 7 preliminary EM Signal Reconstruction - CBT • Optimal Filtering Coefficents (Milano Method) ready for all EMB cells (all samplings) in database • Default method for test-beam reconstruction in the offline • Used by most of the on-going analysis in the Collaboration • LAr Optimal filtering coefficients standalone results are already comparable to previous testbeam for resolution and uniformity • Uniformity measured on a smaller number of cells • 2006 activity: • Prepare infrastructures and get ready for cosmic ray run RMS<E> = 0.36% Energy (GeV) Ebeam=245 GeV C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Towards Data Taking • After the barrel cryostat has been cooled down, filled, sub-cooled and stabilized: • Checking LC at cold (1/2 crate) • Some FEBs removed, need to be re-tested afterwards • Ramp up HV (procedure used in B180 barrel), decide on HV sparking of some channels • Take care not to damage calibration resistors, re-measure Rcal after treatment • Some FEBs need to be removed, need to be re-tested afterwards • Calibration runs at cold – compare with measurements from B180 and at warm • In February and beg. of March 1 week of solenoid mapping with the solenoid field on • We consider some coherent noise measurements (pedestal runs) • Set-up trigger from tiles • Rough timing adjustment between our detector and the LVL1 accept • After TDAQ integration with tiles check synchronisation with Tiles read-out • DCS, interlocks installed and working • Especially FEB temperatures of great importance C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Calibration scheme based on Geant 4 Montecarlo: Calibration hits: energy lost in dead materials (upstream, downstream, absorbers) Also tested with test beam data 10-250 GeV Achieve good resolution and linearity at the same time Ongoing work (no noise, single particle from z=0): Fit calibration coefficients Study energy and h dependence Study particle dependence (electron, photon) In future apply to H→gg analysis and evaluate performance EM calibration activity (and H→gg performance studies) will continue also in 2006 EM Energy reconstruction Energy lost upstream of PS (cryo,…) Energy lost between PS and calo Inverse sampling fraction and lateral leakage Longitudinal leakage h/f modulations C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Parameter extraction C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Parameter extraction & results C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Energy reconstruction C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
ETmiss, t reconstruction invariant mass for Signal and Background pt(jet) > 30 GeV, ||<2.5 pt(lep) > 16 GeV, ||<2.5 1.8< < 2.7 or 3.6< <4.5 mT(lept-pTmiss)<25 GeV pTmiss>18 GeV -likelihood > 8 (-eff ~ 30%) No lepton isolation Applied TDR cuts :No retuning <> ~ 91.8 ~ 13.9 • Study of Z lep+had+ns • Control sample for reconstruction • of t’s and for calibration of ETmiss during commissioning: • s(MZ) s(ETmiss) • ~40 k evts (Rome data) • Digitized with noise in calorimeter • Analysed from AOD and CBNT ROOT ntuple • ETmiss reconstructed • from all calo cells in ||<5 with |Ecell|>2s(noise) (H1-style weights) • or from cells in topoclusters (H1-style weights) • Muons contribution (muons reconstructed in spectrometer) • Cryostat correction • Next: • Tune cuts • backgrounds (also bb,tt) PRELIMINARY • Expected ~ 2000 evts in mass bin (66-116 GeV ) ~ 5% (+/-5% !!) from main background (W+jets ) for an integrated luminosity of 10 fb -1 C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Now in the pit Ready to roll inside the toroids into the final position... C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Status of BARREL commissioning (now!) • Mechanics: • installation OK, • movement of barrel tested OK, • geometry within envelope. • Electronics: • Drawers: some failures (10%), after burning; being fixed • LV PS: still on critical path but the first 20 units being delivered this week • HV, work in progress, still some problem of stability (readout?). • RODs: units are almost ready, programming still in progress C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Tests in Pisa: PMT long run tests (G. Usai, F.Sarri) Test of stability of PMT operating in LHC environement for 1-2 years at full luminosity. We badly need air conditioning system to have a stable and reliable system C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
On the fiber setup we did not do much... And gave priority to PMT tests. We recovered the old setup and checked results. The Fic didn’t boot. Discovered a weared off backup battery... Which is out of production... After few months got a replace. A VME crate started giving problems... We planned some changes in the setup: Modify the shutter and the light splitter Use different light source (more intense and pulsed). The pulsed light should improve on the stability Re-write the DAQ To carry on the tests we need: New light source, the same as needed for PMT tests A more modern DAQ C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Physics analysis. • Two analyis to check the possible use of a LVL2 “b-tagger” (FASTRACK a la CDF or battery of CPUs). • pp->j+Z+X with Z->bb(b-tagged jets); if possible to trigger on this channel it would be the ideal way of calibrating the b-jets. • pp->bb+A/H with A/H->bb(3/4 b-tagged Jets); this is a standard discovery channel of the supersymmetric Higgs. • In both studies the b is assumed to decay hadronically and be identified by impact parameter. • The advantage is the BR, the disadvantage is the tag efficiency, mistags. • pp->Hqq +X with H->tt C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Energy in a cone around a tagged muon (G. Usai) Cone radius Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Mean value for CIS signal as PMT function • Distribution (48 PMTs) of mean value for CIS signal • Distribution (48 PMTs) of rms for CIS signal • Signal Timing as PMT function (no corrections applied) 1 3 4 2 Back Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Energy distribution Ebeam = 180 GeV 180 GeV h=0.35 Entries (A.U.) LArg E (MeV) Entries (A.U.) TileCal E (MeV) LArg + TileCal Entries (A.U.) Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia E (MeV)
Mean reconstructed energy 3% Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Using weighting techniques on CTB data (Chiara, Iacopo, Andrea) The energy of cell i is weighted: 20 Gev 50 Gev a, b are obtained by minimizing: 100 Gev 200 Gev Linearity Resolution Raw Corrected Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
This activity comes along with the Jet Energy reconstruction/calibration (Chiara, Iacopo). Calibration of DC1 dijet (QCD) sample has been done, in progress the work on the “Rome-layout” production. Few methods of jets reconstruction (cone, kt, topojet) and then recalibration. Results of our method: linearity +-2% (0.02-4 TeV) resolution improves by 15% The package is now one of the standard method in Athena. Chiara is becoming the convener of the jet reconstruction and calibration for ATLAS group Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
Jet+Z->bb (V. Cavasinni and I. Vivarelli) Needs to lower the jet thresholds to have sidebands for bknd subtraction, hence reduce the rates at LVL2 by fast tagging b-quarks. Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
pp-> bb+A/H->4b (3/4 tagged) (V. Cavasinni and I. Vivarelli) The proposed trigger allows to have a factor 10 more statistics. To avoid too large QCD rate it needs fast b-tagging. It is a counting experiment where the new scheme of triggering can improve the significance over the standard trigger menu. Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
ATLAS light HIGGS discovery potential at 30 fb-1 • Vector boson fusion qqHtt • (at least one t decaying leptonically) • fundamental at masses 120-140 GeV. Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia
HVBF tt hhnn(F.Sarri, V. Cavasinni, I.Vivarelli) In this channel, comparing to the one with at least one tau leptonic decay, we have an additional huge background from QCD: The algorithm to identify ’s and reject QCD jets is the fundamental ingredient. Use the results of the Milano,Freiburg groups: D. Cavalli, M. Heldmann Back C.Roda per Lar & Tile ATLAS Italia