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La vie quotidienne (part 2). WALT : to talk about my daily routine. WILF : Be able to give a detailed description of your daily routine, giving times, opinions and justifying them – grade E
La vie quotidienne(part 2) WALT: to talk about my daily routine • WILF: • Be able to give a detailed description of your daily routine, giving times, opinions and justifying them– grade E • Be able to give a detailed description of your daily routine, giving times, opinions and justifying them and talking about someone else’s routine– grade D • Be able to give a detailed description of daily routine, time, opinions and someone else’s daily routine using past and future tenses, opinions and justifications – grade C
La vie quotidienne(part 2) How can I improve my work? TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK! Key phrases for a C grade +: Past tense: Hier,… yesterday Je me suislevé(e)I got up je me suiscouché(e)I went to bed Je me suisdouché(e)I showered Je me suishabillé(e)I got dressed j’aidéjeunéI had breakfast Quandj’étais plus jeune…. When I was younger Dans le passé… in the past… Je me levaisI used to get up Je me douchaisI used to shower C’étaitit was Je devaisI had to Exemple: Hier, Ije me suislevétardparcequec’étaitDimanche Yesterday I got up later becauseit was Sunday. Quandj’étais plus jeune, je me levaistôt car l’écolecommençait à 8 heures. When I was younger I used to get up early because school started at 8.
La vie quotidienne(part 2) How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Future / Conditional tense: Dans le futur….In the future…. demaintomorrow Je vais me doucherI am going to shower Je vais me coucherI am going to go to bed Je vaism’habillerI am going to get dress Je vais me leverI am going to get up Ce sera…it will be J’aimerais…… I would love to …. Si j’avais le choix, … If I had the choice,… Exemple: Demain, je vais me lever à 10 heuresparcequece sera le weekend. Tomorrow I am going to get up at 10 o’clock because it will be the weekend. Aussi, sij’avais le choixj’aimerais me couchertardtous les soirs. Also, if I had the choice I would love to go to bed late every night. TO COPY AND TRANSLATE IN YOUR BOOK!
La vie quotidienne(part 2) TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK! How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Talking about another person: Eg. Il / elle se lèvehe/ she gets up Il / elle se couchehe / she goes to bed Il / elle se douchehe / she showers Il / elles’habillehe / she gets dressed ( “me” changes to “se” but the verb doesn’t change ) Exemple: Normalement, monpère se lèvetôt car iltravaille à Londres. Normally, my dad gets up early because he works in London.
La vie quotidienne(part 2) How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Key vocab: tôt….early…. tard late Quelquesfois… sometimes… Toujouralways Jamaisnever Normalementnormally Puis/ ensuite /= thenaprès = after Quelmalheur! What a pity Quellehorreur!…How awful c’estembétant! it’s annoying ¡ C’estgénial! It’sgreat trèsveryassezquite Jusqu’àuntil À at ( time) TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK!
La vie quotidienne(part 2) How can I improve my work? Key phrases for a C grade +: Opinions: Je croisque / je penseque…..I think that…. Il me paraîtqueI think that Je vais + (verb)… I am going to + (verb)… (to form future tense) Je préfère… I prefer… J’aime / j’adoreI like / I love Je n’aime pas… / Je déteste…… I do not like / I hate …. À monavis… in my opinion Parcequec’est… / parcequecen’est pas… because it is / because it isn’t… Linking words: et and également also / de plus… furthermore mais but cependanthowever Aussialso néanmoins / en revanchealthough DON’T FORGET TO USE!!!
La vie quotidienne(part 2) Task: Tell me about your daily routine – what is a typical day like for you? • You are to write a detailed description of your typical day / routine. You should include: • Information about your routine ( including times) • Past / future examples • Linking words and key vocab • Description about what someone else does. • REMEMBER THE MORE DETAIL YOU GIVE THE HIGHER THE GRADE!!!! Peer assess each other as you go! Remember past future tenses for C grade +, opinions, linking words!
La vie quotidienne(part 2) Extension: PARLER:Now share the information with a partner and create an interview. Use these key questions to help form your interview: Parlesmoi de ta routine quotidienne Tu te lèves à quelleheure? Qu’as-tu faithier? Que vas-tu faire demain? Décrismoi la routine quotidienne d’un membre de ta famille Remember past future tenses for C grade +, opinions, linking words! Peer assess each other as you go!
Plenary • Write down in your book: • What have you learnt today? • 2 stars (things you have done well) • And a wish (something you wish you could do better)