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Content Management System

Content Management System. Instructor: Dr. Rahgozar Students: Farzad Mahdikhani Ahmad Kianrad 2007. Outlines. What is content History CMS Anatomy of CMS Who is who in CMS market Knowing When You Need a CMS Enterprise CMS Evaluation of ECMS Market. What is Content?.

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Content Management System

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  1. Content Management System Instructor: Dr. Rahgozar Students: Farzad Mahdikhani Ahmad Kianrad 2007 ECE Department, University of Tehran

  2. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  3. What is Content? Different types of digital data • Document( Technical, Learning,…) • Sound/Movie/Animation • Catalogue / Advertisement • News / Announcement • Papers • Software/Driver/Patch/Tutorial • Functionality Is Content, Too! • And … ECE Department, University of Tehran

  4. What is Content? (cont.) Customer Contents : • Requests • Emails • Chats • Forums discussions • Interests • Contacts • And … ECE Department, University of Tehran

  5. Web m Content Is Everywhere Document imaging repositories E-mail systems Hard disks Web servers Photographs Document management repositories File systems Video libraries ECE Department, University of Tehran

  6. Content components ECE Department, University of Tehran

  7. Content components (cont.) • Chunk • Content object • Content type • Reusable information object (RIO) • Element • Block ECE Department, University of Tehran

  8. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  9. History • Traditional approach • Computer, digital world • Digital content • Indexing • Internet, Web • A channel ECE Department, University of Tehran

  10. History (cont.) • Static website • FrontPage • Dreamweaver ECE Department, University of Tehran

  11. History (cont.) • Problems with static website • Expertise in HTML • Inconsistency • Lack of access levels • Bottleneck in updates • Poor archiving • Poor personalization ECE Department, University of Tehran

  12. History (cont.) • Appearance of : • web based programming • Dynamic web sites (ASP, JSP, …) • Web Content Management (WCM) To create Static & Dynamic sites Dynamic sites vs. WCM ECE Department, University of Tehran

  13. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  14. What is CMS ? A content management system supports the creation, management, publishing and presentation of corporate information. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  15. What is CMS ? (cont.) Content Management makes collaboration easier, enforces design standards, enhances user-interface consistency and reduces confusion & training costs. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  16. What is CMS ? (cont.) field more than just a definition -- an emerging field that’s concerned with making information easier to manage and access inside corporate environments. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  17. What is CMS ? (cont.) Content management can be simply defined as a process of collecting, organizing, categorizing, and structuring information resources of any type and format so that they can be saved, retrieved, published, updated, and re-purposed in any way desirable. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  18. What is CMS ? (cont.) A full-featured content management system takes content from inception to publication and does so in a way that provides for maximum content accessibility and reuse and easy, timely, accurate maintenance of the content base ECE Department, University of Tehran

  19. What is CMS ? (cont.) The CMS manages the entire lifecycle of pages, from creation to archival ECE Department, University of Tehran

  20. Lifecycle of content CMS is intended to manage this lifecycle ECE Department, University of Tehran

  21. Business benefits • Streamlined authoring process • Faster turnaround time for new pages and changes • Greater consistency • Improved site navigation • Increased site flexibility • Support for decentralized authoring ECE Department, University of Tehran

  22. Business benefits (cont.) • Increased security • Reduced duplication of information • Greater capacity for growth • Reduced site maintenance cost • Separated information from presentation • Personalized presentation ECE Department, University of Tehran

  23. Greatest Business benefits Support business goals and strategies • Improve sales • Increase customer satisfaction • Assist in communicating with the public ECE Department, University of Tehran

  24. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  25. Anatomy of CMS • Content creation • Content management • Publishing • Presentation ECE Department, University of Tehran

  26. Content creation • Web-based authoring environment • Easy to use like word without having to know HTML • Defines deferent access levels to deferent roles for content creation ECE Department, University of Tehran

  27. Content creation (cont.) Example : • Marketing manager maintains the press release section • Product manager keeps the catalogue up to data ECE Department, University of Tehran

  28. Content management • Versioning : keeping track of all the versions of a content, and who changed what and when • Ensuring that each users can only change the section of the site they are responsible for • Integration with existing information source and IT systems ECE Department, University of Tehran

  29. Content management (cont.) • Workflow management • Archiving • Search • Expired-date management ECE Department, University of Tehran

  30. Publishing • Deferent page layout for publishing • Publishing a content to multiple sites • Leaving the look of the site entirely to the CMS • Single source publishing in deferent formats (PDF, Doc,…) ECE Department, University of Tehran

  31. Presentation • Enhance the quality and effectiveness of the site • Building the site navigation • Multiple browser support • Support of Users with accessibility issues Knowing When You Need a CMS ECE Department, University of Tehran

  32. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  33. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  34. Knowing When You Need a CMS ECE Department, University of Tehran

  35. Knowing When You Need a CMS (cont.) • (Authors) x (Sources) x (Components) x (Types) x (Throughput) x (Publications) x (Personalization) x (Redesigns) • a result of one or higher is the break point for recommending a content management system. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  36. Outlines • What is content • History • CMS • Anatomy of CMS • Who is who in CMS market • Knowing When You Need a CMS • Enterprise CMS • Evaluation of ECMS Market ECE Department, University of Tehran

  37. ECM — An Ambiguous Term “Technologies used to create, capture, deliver, customize and manage content across the enterprise in support of business processes.” — AIIM International “A category that combines the capabilities of enterprise document management systems and content management systems, with the ability to manage the full lifecycle across a growing array of content types.” — Doculabs “WCM at its extreme is focused on building Web sites and DM at its extreme is focused on highly specialized documents off in the corner somewhere . . . ECM is focused on all that content that is in the enterprise and out with partners somewhere.” — Michael Rudy, Stellent “Technology that provides a means to create/capture, manage/secure, store/retain/destroy, publish/distribute, search, personalize and present/view/print any digital content.” — Meta Group ECE Department, University of Tehran

  38. Typical ECM components • Document imaging (DI): • Software for scanning, indexing, retrieving, and archiving digital images of text, graphics, engineering drawings, and photographs. These systems usually provide workflow and limited electronic document management functionality. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  39. Typical ECM components (cont.) • Web content management (WCM): • Software that enables the collection, assembly, staging, maintenance, and delivery of text and graphic content primarily for disseminating information via the Web. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  40. Typical ECM components (cont.) • Electronic document management (EDM): • Software that manages the complete life cycle of office documents from collaborative authoring to archiving; key features include indexing, check-in/checkout, versioning, workflow, and life cycle management. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  41. Typical ECM components (cont.) • Digital asset management (DAM): • Software for managing the life cycle of large collections of digital assets, such as photographic images, graphics, brand logos, sound, video and compound documents. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  42. Typical ECM components (cont.) • Computer output to laser disk (COLD): • Applications for storage of high-volume computer-generated reports. • Records management: • Applications that manage long-term document archives throughout the document life cycle. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  43. Typical ECM components (cont.) • Media asset management (MAM): • A subset of DAM, MAM is specific to rich media, such as video and audio, that require complex management tools. • Content integration: • Middleware that integrates multiple vendors’ repositories. Also known as content federation. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  44. Typical ECM components (cont.) • Collaboration tools: • Any of several applications that promotes groups working together effectively. Typical applications include project workspaces, project management tools, automated reporting tools, and basic workflow. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  45. Core components required in any ECM • document management • document imaging • web content management • records management • workflow. ECE Department, University of Tehran

  46. Magic Quadrant for ECM, 2005 ECE Department, University of Tehran

  47. ECM core components • Document management • WCM • Records management • Document capture and document imaging • Document-centric collaboration • Workflow ECE Department, University of Tehran

  48. Ability to Execute • The ability to execute measures how well a vendor sells and supports its ECM products and services on a global basis. • rating products' capabilities • Pricing • customer support and satisfaction • product migrations from one major release to another ECE Department, University of Tehran

  49. Completeness of Vision • Completeness of vision focuses on potential. • A vendor can succeed financially in the short term without it, but the company won't become a leader without a clearly defined vision or strategic plan. • Market understanding • Market strategy • Sales strategy • Business model ECE Department, University of Tehran

  50. Leaders • They're currently doing well and are prepared for the future with a clearly articulated vision. • Leaders can deliver a comprehensive ECM suite by having all six core components and proven enterprise scalability ECE Department, University of Tehran

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