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WORLD FAMILY of RADIO MARIA. WORLD MARIATHON. Found Raising Department World Family of Radio Maria. World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920. VISION AND MISSION OF RADIO MARIA IN THE WORLD. the VISION of Radio Maria:
WORLD FAMILY of RADIO MARIA WORLD MARIATHON Found Raising Department World Family of Radio Maria World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
VISION AND MISSION OF RADIO MARIA IN THE WORLD the VISION of Radio Maria: «... take the message of the Gospel toevery part of the world through the radio...» the MISSION of Radio Maria: «... support the social and cultural development of populationsthroughcommunication media, developprogrammestoenhance the humanperson, throughprayer and the spread of the Christian message...» the road travelled so far: 25 years of history and growth 64 radio stations 1706 repeaters 443.7 million people can access the signal 38millionlistenersworldwide Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
THE NEXT TARGET the next target: between 2013 and 2015, with the aid of all the Radio Maria associations, 11 new radio stations in Countrieswhere the presence of Radio Maria assumesgreatvalue and meaning ASIA: Armenia China-Macao India EUROPE: Kosovo Latvia Slovakia AFRICA: Guinea Conakry Equatorial Guinea Madagascar Mali Nigeria how can weachievethisgoal? throughanimportanteventwhichinvolvesall Radio Maria stationsworlwide, united in the project World Mariathon Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
THE EVENT World Mariathon • 3-day event in which all Radio Maria stations will involve their listeners to gather funds for the opening of 11 new radio stations in developing countries • Goal: gather 2,400,000 euros (possible only with the commitment and the involvement of all the Radio Maria stations in the five continents) • Dates: 10th to 12th May 2013 • Role of World Family: provide tools, ideas and materials to prepare and realise the event at a local, continental and world level • Worldwide co-ordinator of the Mariathon: Alicia del Cid (RM Guatemala) Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
MARIATHON Tangiblegoals of the World Mariathon: “Help Our Lady to Help us”: gather the resourcestobringforward the project to open 11 new radio stations and continue in the Radio Maria mission “Work togetherfor a common goal”: help knowledge and co-operationamongallassosicationsworldwide “Promote Radio Maria”: reach and involve newlisteners and benefactors “Create databases”: gather the data of all the listenerswho, thanksto the event, will come intocontactwith Radio Maria, towiden and enrichtheir personal database “Promote the gathering of volunteers”: gather the names of newpossiblevolunteersthrough the success of the event Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
MARIATHON a fewnumbers : • fundraisinggoalsfornewopenings: 2,400,000 euros • numbers of listenerswewanttoreachthanksto the Mariathon: + 30% • newnames in the databasesthrough the Mariathon: + 30% • increasetraffic on the Internet sites: + 100% the fundraisinggoal of each radio station: In February, the continentalcommissions and WF togetherwitheach radio station willagree the FundRaisinggoal which the associationsshouldachievethrough the Mariathon Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
MARIATHON Organisation: WF will support all phases of the event WF EXCOM WORLD COMMISSION Fr. Francisco Palacios, V. Viccardi, Fr. Victor Atencio , R. Galati, Alicia del Cid, J.P. Kayjhura, B. Mitterrutzner CONTINENTAL COMMISSION AMERICA CONTINENTAL COMMISSION AFRICA CONTINENTAL COMMISSION EUROPE CONTINENTAL COMMISSION ASIA-OCEANIA RADIO MARIA (LOCAL EXCOMS) The Continental Commissionswill work for 3 monthswith the individual Radio Maria stations of the continentfor the training, achievement and success of Mariathon in eachcountry Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
World Family of Radio Maria Workingplan: Casciago – 01 February 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920
Casciago – 01 Febbraio 2013 - Italy World Family of Radio Maria - Via Mazzini n.12 - 21020 Casciago (Varese) Tel: +39 0332 1955001 Fax: +39 0332 826920