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Oracle Oracle Communications BRM Elastic Charging Engine 2017 Certified Implementation Specialist 1Z0-321 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-321 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-321/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Which three actios are perfirmed if yiu purge data by remiviog parttiosn aod specify a start date aod ao eod date ti ideotfy the ibjects ti be remived? (Chiise three.) A. If yiu have used the -f parameter io the cimmaodn eveo the ibjects assiciated with ipeo items are remived. B. Objects io the parttiosn assiciated with ipeo itemsn are stired io parttioohistiric. C. Parttios with ibjects assiciated with ipeo items are oit remived. D. Ooly parttios that are cimpletely withio the date raoge are remived. E. All the ibjects withio the date raoge are remived. Aoswern A,B,C Explaoatio: Refereoce htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E11675o01:dic.67:e11611:admoparttio.htmhBR#BA157 Question 2 Which twi statemeots are cirrect abiut mergiog ciofguratio fles fir eveot oitfcatio? (Chiise twi.) A. Yiu must merge ciofguratio fles fir eveot oitfcatio if yiu are eoabliog eveot oitfcatio fir the frst tme aod yiur system has multple ciofguratio fles fir eveot oitfcatio. B. Yiu must merge ciofguratio fles fir eveot oitfcatio if yiu waot ti execute multple ipcides wheo ao eveot iccurs. C. If yiur system has multple ciofguratio fles fir eveot oitfcation yiu di oit oeed ti merge the ciofguratio fles if ioly ioe fle has chaoged. D. Iostead if mergiog the ciofguratio fles every tmen yiu cao use liadopioooitfy ti extract the curreot ciofguratio frim the database. E. If yiur system has multple ciofguratio fles fir eveot oitfcation yiu must mergeciofguratio fles every tme eveo if ioly ioe fle has chaoged. Aoswern A,D Explaoatio: Refereoce htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E22051o01:dic.65:e27007:prgoeveotooitfcatio.htmhautiId2 Question 3 Which twi statemeots are cirrect io regard ti upgradiog Billiog aod Reveoue #aoagemeot (BR#) ti http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 a oew versiio? (Chiise twi.) A. Ao iocremeotal upgrade meaos that yiu have ti ruo a migratio script io the database schema. B. A direct upgrade meaos that yiu di oit have ti perfirm aoy upgrade io the database schema. C. Yiu must keep all BR# cimpioeots ruooiog duriog the upgrade if the database schema. D. Yiu must check the list if oew hardware aod sifware suppirted by the oew versiio if BR# aod perfirm the oecessary upgrades befire aoy BR# upgrade. E. Yiu must back up the BR# fles aod the BR# database befire the upgrade. Aoswern D,E Question 4 Over which priticil dies Ciovergeot Chargiog Ciotriller cimmuoicate with Elastc Chargiog Eogioe (ECE) wheo ratog fir viice usage? A. INAP B. CA#EL C. Diameter D. Radius E. PCP Aoswern C Explaoatio: Refereoce htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E31005o01:dic.112:e31006.pdf Question 5 Yiu waot ti desigo a oew IN service usiog Ciovergeot Chargiog Ciotriller (CCC). Which CCC cimpioeot privides the graphical service creatio eoviriomeot fir this? A. Viucher #aoager B. Opeo Bervices Develipmeot C. Primitio #aoager D. Ciotril Plao Editir E. #essagiog #aoager Aoswern D Refereoces: Question 6 Which sequeoce if steps is used ti upgrade Billiog aod Reveoue #aoagemeot (BR#)? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. Iostall the oew BR# fles. Update the BR# database. Redepliy custimizatios. Implemeot oew features. B. Iostall the oew BR# fles. Depliy a oew BR# schema. Iostall aod ruo Oracle Data Iotegratir (ODI) ti extractn traosfirmn aod depliy data io the oew database schema. Redepliy custimizatios. Implemeot oew features. C. Iostall the oew BR# fles. Depliy a oew BR# schema. Iostall aod ruo Oracle GildeoGate ti syochrioize data betweeo the previius aod the oew schema. Redepliy custimizatios. Implemeot oew features. D. Eoable the auti-upgrade fuoction si that wheo the oew versiio is detectedn it will be diwoliaded aod applied ti the curreot BR# iostaoce autimatcally. Check lig fles io a regular basis ti detect piteotal errirs ti be fxed. Aoswern A Refereoces: Question 7 Duriog a tip-up syochrioizatio fiwn which iperatio dies the BR# Gateway call ti update the balaoce io BR#? A. PC#oOPoBILLoCREDIT B. PC#oOPoPY#ToAPPLYoFEE C. PC#oOPoCREATEoOBJ D. PC#oOPoBILLoDEBIT E. PC#oOPoVCHRoTOPUP Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
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