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Preparing for 2014: A Fundamental Shift Toward College and Career Readiness as the Focus of Michigan K-12 Education. December 2010. 2. Common Core of [K-12] State [Content] Standards (Common Core). Common standards in K-12 representing… Grade 12
Preparing for 2014: A Fundamental Shift Toward College and Career Readiness as the Focus of Michigan K-12 Education December 2010
2. Common Core of [K-12]State [Content] Standards (Common Core) • Common standards in K-12 representing… • Grade 12 • What students should know and be able to do in order to be successful without remediation in college or technical career training • Grades K-11 • What students should know and be able to do in each grade in order to be on track to achieve the grade 12 content standards • Done primarily through metanalysis
Common Core Adoption http://www.corestandards.org/
Common Core Adoption + = anticipated to adopt by end of 2011 – = declined to adopt + + + + – + – – – – http://www.corestandards.org/
Common AssessmentState Consortia • The consortia: • SMARTER/Balanced • 31 states • 17 Governing states (including Michigan) • Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) beginning in 2014-2015 • PARCC • 26 states • 11 Governing states • Computer Based Testing (CBT) beginning in 2014-15 • Large difference in CBT and CAT
PARCC Membership http://www.fldoe.org/parcc/
Smarter/Balanced Assessment Consortium Membership http://www.k12.wa.us/smarter/
4. Common College & Career Readiness Performance Expectations • Cut Scores • College and Career Ready for grade 11 • On track to college and career ready in lower grades • Represents a major change • MME cut scores were adopted in 2006 knowing they did not represent college and career readiness, but basic skills • Asked to return later to adjust the MME cut scores upward to represent college and career readiness • MEAP cut scores will also need to be adjusted upward
4. Common College & Career Readiness Performance Expectations • This means considerable changes • Current Cut Scores (or performance expectations) • Students have mastered basic skills • Based on federal and state statute • Enhanced Cut Scores • Need to redefine basic high school skills to mean students are ready for success in college and technical career training without remediation by the end of K-12 education • Need to redefine basic elementary and middle schools skills to mean students are on track to becoming college and career ready by the end of K-12 education
4. Common College & Career Readiness Performance Expectations • This means considerable changes • Will result in temporary drops in percent proficient measures • E.g. New York and Tennessee • Some schools saw drops as large as 60% • Most schools saw smaller, but still significant, drops • Likely to be similar in Michigan • A new focus for K-12 education in Michigan: college and career readiness as the ultimate goal of K-12 Michigan education • Will likely happen in 2014-15 with the first implementation of the new common assessments, if not earlier
Contact Information • Joseph Martineau, Ph.D. • Director of Assessment & Accountability • Michigan Department of Education • martineauj@michigan.gov • 517-241-4710