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The Five Parts to a TASP Essay

The Five Parts to a TASP Essay. by Dotti Shelton Developmental English Instructor South Texas Community College. A complete TASP essay has the following:. An introduction that is a minimum of three sentences Three body paragraphs that have a minimum of six sentences each

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The Five Parts to a TASP Essay

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  1. The Five Parts to a TASP Essay by Dotti Shelton Developmental English Instructor South Texas Community College

  2. A complete TASP essay has the following: • An introduction that is a minimum of three sentences • Three body paragraphs that have a minimum of six sentences each • A conclusion that has a minimum of four sentences

  3. Introduction • Begins with a general statement about the subject matter • May have additional less general statements • Has the thesis statement • Ends with the essay map

  4. General Statement • The introduction will look like an upside down triangle. • Examples: General Statements • There are thousands of people in the United States that have no health insurance. • Automobile accidents are the major cause of death in the United States. (Make certain the fact is correct) • Justice is supposed to be blind.

  5. Less General StatementsExamples:Unfortunately, many of them are children.But it doesn’t have to remain this way.Part of the problem lies in the fact that there are so many people driving on our public highways and streets. However, small towns and cities throughout the country can help prevent many of these deaths.However, according to the statistics, there are more minorities in the current prison system than ever before. One cannot help but ask why.

  6. Thesis statement • A complete sentence in which you take a position about a particular issue. • Examples • Continuing to support the medical system as it operates today is a misuse and abuse of funds. • Placing a stop sign at the corner of Elm Street and Main Street may ultimately save many lives. • Although many feel that our judicial system is the finest in the world, it continues to be plagued by irresponsible judges and incompetent and overworked lawyers.

  7. Essay Map • Must be parallel (all nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) • Examples: • We should insist on accountability from hospitals, insurance as well as the doctors themselves. • Drivers will be forced, at the very least, to slow down, proceed with caution and perhaps eventually stop fully and look both ways before crossing this dangerous intersection. • It is vital that the judges have impeccable reputations and credentials as well as the lawyers be completely trained and handle fewer cases.

  8. Introduction Example:There are thousands of people in the United States that have no health insurance. Unfortunately, many of them are children.But it doesn’t have to remain this way.Continuing to support the medical system as it operates today is a misuse and abuse of funds.We should insist on accountability from hospitals, insurance as well as the doctors themselves.

  9. Body Paragraphs • Each needs a strong topic sentence related to the points in the essay map. • Examples: • Accountability from hospitals is first and foremost. • Insurance companies should also be held responsible for the problem. • Finally, the doctors themselves need to be monitored.

  10. Relevant Details, Explanations • Following the topic sentences in each body paragraph, the writer needs to add relevant details to explain the statements as well as explanations. Additional relevant details, personal experiences or related stories can also be added to prove your point.

  11. Ending Body Paragraphs • At the end of each body paragraph, you need a transition sentence that guides the reader to the next point of discussion. • Example: • Although holding the hospitals accountable is vital, the insurance companies also need investigation. • You will see that the first part of the transition sentence deals with the current body paragraph while the second part deals with the next topic of discussion. • You then follow with the topic sentence of the second body paragraph.

  12. The Conclusion • Must summarize the three points of discussion as outlined by the essay map. • These points are best summarized in three distinct sentences. • Example: • Holding hospitals accountable is an important part of health reform to keep medical costs affordable. Additionally, insurance companies need to be carefully monitored to prevent them from price gouging. And ultimately, doctors need to be warned not to add to the burden by calling for unnecessary tests and procedures simply to get wealthy.

  13. The Conclusion (con’t)Finally, you end with a restatement of the thesis, a solution to the problem, a rhetorical question, etc.Example:If we don’t stand together and insist on medical reform, the health of America will continue to suffer the consequences. Is that the true American way?

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