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Burien. Feasibility of Community Gardens. Community Garden Team. Maddie Beeders Garrett Gerlach Devin Myers Brandon Pietenpol Molly Thornton C lients: Scott Greenberg Community Development Director Stephanie Jewett City Planner. Plotting Community Gardens. What?
Burien Feasibility of Community Gardens
Community Garden Team MaddieBeeders Garrett Gerlach Devin Myers Brandon Pietenpol Molly Thornton Clients: Scott Greenberg Community Development Director Stephanie Jewett City Planner
Plotting Community Gardens What? -Define Garden-Physical Design-Service Standard Who? -Public vs. Private-Funders -Operations/Management Where? -Suitable properties-Locations -Community places How?-Policy Issues -Residential compatibility-Abandonment/Re-use
City of Burien Total Population: 31,881 people Racial Demographics: 76% white 5% African-American 7% Asian Total Population: 31,881 people Racial Demographics: 76% white 5% African-American 7% Asian
Driving Tour Destinations • City Hall • Community Center • Public Library • Public Parks • Community Garden • Residential Neighborhoods
Area Case Studies • Alleycat Acres: Urban Farm Collective • Bainbridge Island Community Garden • Seattle P-Patch Program • Tukwila, Allentown P-Patch Program
Challenges- Client Communication • Not being able to solidify a scope of work from the client slowing progress • Lots of information gathered, needs to focus in on certain pieces of it
Preparations for Client Meeting What are the issues in Burien that motivate your interest in community garden feasibility? • Does the city of Burien have a significant low-income population? Is there food scarcity/access issues in this area? • What is the community like? Are there unique cultural needs related to food in this area? • We have noticed there are initiatives already in existence that may relate to community gardens. What partnerships already exist? What is the City of Burien’s relationship to PROS master plan, HEAL Grant? What are your priorities? What can we do for you in this time period ? • What is going on with the current community garden you have running? • Who are the key stakeholders in the city of Burien related to this project? • What are the potential organizations that would take on a project such as this? • Does the city have multiple open areas that could potentially be converted to community gardens?
Timeline Progress • Potential Deliverables: Survey and GIS of potential locations for P-Patches • Organizing Data in preparation for meetings and report • Meeting later than planned set timeline back, interview needed to refine project
Update from Client Meeting • CCPW/HEAL grant recipient with Food Access (Community Garden) policy component • Externally motivated project • Neutral about relevancy to current city interests • Exploring avenues to community gardens • Criteria and regulations • Use of private land and grassroots involvement How can the City of Burien accommodate community gardening through its policies?
What’s Next? • Basics and Blueprint: Solidly Define Community Gardens • Focus research on Private-land community gardens • Discover pitfalls and obstacles faced • Consider partnerships within Burien city and grassroots • Recommend policy accommodations
Sources http://www.census.gov/prod/www/abs/decennial/index.html http://www.ci.tukwila.wa.us/recreation/pkallen.html http://www.alleycatacres.com/ http://www.burienwa.gov/