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From the text of Luke 14 , please notice:

From the text of Luke 14 , please notice: >Jesus has gone to the house of a leader of the Pharisees on the Sabbath, v.1 >In this setting, He teaches several timeless lessons on: Humility, vv.7-11 Benevolence, vv.12-14 and Indifference, 15-24 .

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From the text of Luke 14 , please notice:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From the text of Luke 14, please notice: >Jesus has gone to the house of a leader of the Pharisees on the Sabbath, v.1 >In this setting, He teaches several timeless lessons on: Humility, vv.7-11 Benevolence, vv.12-14 and Indifference, 15-24. But perhaps no lesson (from Luke 14 at least) is more needed, more misunderstood, and more misapplied than His teaching regarding….

  2. “The Ox in the Ditch”Luke 14:1-6 General Observations regarding the text: 1. The purpose of the assembly was apparently to set up Jesus to see if He would heal on the Sabbath- which they viewed as a violation of Law worthy of death, cf. v.1 > v.2. 2. Translations differences in v.5 from the KJV and others are negated by the same lesson being taught in Matt.12:11 with a different illustration. 3. Jesus gave them opportunity to repent of their intentions and come clean, vv.3- 4. 4. He taught them what they should have known, vv.5-6.

  3. Some things we fail to notice regarding “the ox in the ditch”: • The appeal is one of mercy, not right! Ex.20:10-11; 23:12-13; Deut.5:12-14 define Sabbath Law. There is no exception stated in any of them- there is no“ox in the ditch” exemption! The appeal is therefore one of mercy because of violation based in compassionate necessity. • The appeal is based on emergency, not negligence! Poor planning, laziness, or misplaced priorities are not under consideration. The ox in the ditch sets aside duty only when mercy and compassion demand it, cf. Luke 6:1-5.

  4. Some things we fail to notice regarding “the ox in the ditch”: • It matters how the “ox” got in the ditch! “Just couldn’t get up in time for services.” Oh, so you were up praying at the beside of a sick friend all night, right? “The weather was too bad to attend.” So the same weather conditions would keep you from something you wanted to do? “Just too busy to attend all the time.” Which of your activities that prevent you from attending your duties did the Lord require of you? “Had to work to pay bills.” cf. Matt.6:31-33 Don’t “push” your ox in the ditch!

  5. Some things we fail to notice regarding “the ox in the ditch”: • It matters whether or not we’re doing anything to get the “ox” out of the ditch! Some of us seem to build a fence around that ox to keep him in the ditch because we want him there! Even if your “ox” really is in the ditch, you’re supposed to pull him out “immediately,”Lk.14:5. What are you doing to get “your ox” out of the ditch? Are you really doing all you can to get him out, or just giving a token effort and continuing to use him as an excuse?

  6. What does the “ox” look like that prevents your dedication to the Lord? • Your Family? Better not, Matt.10:34-38. • Your Work? “Yes” we all have to work. But if we make work our priority, will it save our souls in the end? Lot made “work” his priority too, Gen.13:10ff; 1Tim.6:8-9. No one ever dies saying they wished they had worked more- many die wishing they had been more dedicated to the Lord, His Cause, and His people! • Your Pleasure? Pleasure is a great “servant” but a very poor “master”- James 4:1; Phil.3:19; Rom.16:18

  7. The Bottom Lines are: • The “ox in the ditch” appeal is for mercy because of violation based on emergency and compassion, not negligence or misplaced priorities. • It does matter how the ox got in the ditch- don’t be guilty of “pushing” him in! • If your ox is in the ditch, get him out immediately- his life and your soul depends on it. • Don’t let misplaced priorities of family, work, or pleasure become your “ox in the ditch”- put the Lord first and keep Him there! • Never let any ox pull you in the ditch with him. If you can’t get him out, leave him there. You perishing in the ditch with your ox doesn’t do him or you any good! Make your spiritual well-being your priority.

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