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A Step Toward Constraining Supermassive Black-Hole Growth Quasar Black Hole Mass Distributions and Mass Functions. Marianne Vestergaard University of Arizona.
A Step Toward Constraining Supermassive Black-Hole GrowthQuasar Black Hole Mass Distributions and Mass Functions Marianne Vestergaard University of Arizona Collaborators:Misty Bentz, Xiaohui Fan, Shai Kaspi, Dan Maoz, Hagai Netzer, Chris Onken, Pat Osmer, Brad Peterson, Rick Pogge, Gordon Richards, Francesco Shankar, Adam Steed, Christy Tremonti, David Weinberg Santa Fe July 12 2006
Stellar kinematics Gas kinematics Reverberation mapping Scaling relationships (√) (√) √ √ √ √ How Can AGN MBH be Determined? Local Universe Higher-z (Note: other secondary mass estimators exist….)
Virial Mass Estimates MBH = f v2 RBLR/G Reverberation Mapping: • RBLR= c τ • vBLR Line width in variable (rms) spectrum t3 + t3
Virial Mass Estimates MBH = v2 RBLR/G • Reverberation Mapping: RBLR=cτ, vBLR Radius – Luminosity Relation:(Kaspi et al. 2005; Bentz et al. 2006; Vestergaard et al., in prep) • Scaling Relationships: MBH FWHM2 Lβ RBLR Lλ(5100Å)0.50 RBLR Lλ(3000Å)0.50 RBLR Lλ(1350Å)0.53
Virial Mass Estimates:MBH=f v2 RBLR/G 2006 Scaling Relationships: (calibrated to 2004 Reverberation MBH) • CIV: 1σ uncertainty: factor ~3.5 • Hβ: ( Vestergaard & Peterson 2006) (see also Vestergaard 2002; MgII : see MV et al. in prep; McLure & Jarvis 2002)
NGC 5548 Highest ionization lines have smallest lags and largest Doppler widths. Filled circles: 1989 data from IUE and ground-based telescopes. Open circles: 1993 data from HST and IUE. • Dotted line corresponds to virial relationship with M = 6 × 107 M. R (M/V) -1/2 Peterson and Wandel 1999
Radius – Luminosity Relation (Data from Kaspi et al. 2005) (Dietrich et al 2002) Virial Relationships • All 4 testable AGNs comply: • NGC 7469: 1.2 107M • NGC 3783: 3.0 107M • NGC 5548: 6.7 107M • 3C 390.3: 2.9 108M • Scalings between lines: vFWHM2(H) lag (H) • vFWHM2(CIV) lag (CIV) • R-L relation extends to high-z and high luminosity quasars: • spectra similar(e.g., Dietrich et al 2002) • luminosities are not extreme • R-L defined for 1042 – 1046 erg/s(Vestergaard 2004) Emission lines: SiIV1400, CIV1549, HeII1640, CIII]1909, H4861, HeII4686 (Peterson & Wandel 1999, 2000; Onken & Peterson 2002)
MBH-: Comparison of Active and Quiescent Galaxies Mass • Reverberation masses appear to fall along the MBH - relation for normal galaxies • The scatter is also similar: ≲ a factor of 3 Gals AGNs RM works!! Bulge velocity dispersion (Courtesy C. Onken)
Masses of Distant Quasars • Ceilings at MBH≈1010 M LBOL< 1048 ergs/s • MBH ≈ 109 M beyond space density drop at z ≈ 3 (Vestergaard 2004) (H0=70 km/s/Mpc; ΩΛ = 0.7)
Masses of Distant Quasars • Ceilings at MBH≈1010 M LBOL< 1048 ergs/s • MBH ≈ 109 M beyond space density drop at z ≈ 3 (H0=70 km/s/Mpc; ΩΛ = 0.7) (DR3 Qcat: Schneider et al. 2005)
LBOL LBOL/LEdd Mass Black Holes of Distant Quasars LBOL= BC1 L(1350Å) = BC2 L(4400 Å)
Preliminary Mass Functions of Active Supermassive Black Holes • Different samples show relatively consistent mass functions (shape, slope, normalization)(Vestergaard & Osmer, in prep.; Vestergaard, Fan, Osmer et al., in prep.) • Goal: constrain BH growth(with Fan, Osmer, Steeds, Shankar, Weinberg) • BQS: 10 700 sq. deg; B16.16mag • LBQS: 454 sq. deg; 16.0BJ18.85mag • SDSS: 182 sq. deg; i* 20mag • DR3: 5000 sq. deg.; i* >15, 19.1, 20.2 (H0=70 km/s/Mpc; ΩΛ = 0.7)
Preliminary Mass Functions of Active Supermassive Black Holes • Different samples show relatively consistent mass functions (shape, slope)(Vestergaard & Osmer, in prep.; Vestergaard, Fan, Osmer et al., in prep.) • Goal: constrain BH growth(with Fan, Osmer, Steeds, Shankar, Weinberg) • BQS: 10 700 sq. deg; B16.16mag • LBQS: 454 sq. deg; 16.0BJ18.85mag • SDSS: 182 sq. deg; i* 20mag • DR3: 5000 sq. deg.; i* >15, 19.1, 20.2 (H0=70 km/s/Mpc; ΩΛ = 0.7)
Preliminary Mass Functions of Active Supermassive Black Holes • Different samples show relatively consistent mass functions (shape, slope) (Vestergaard & Osmer, in prep.; Vestergaard, Fan, Osmer et al., in prep.) • Goal: constrain BH growth (with Fan, Osmer, Steeds, Shankar, Weinberg) • BQS: 10 700 sq. deg; B16.16mag • LBQS: 454 sq. deg; 16.0BJ18.85mag • SDSS: 182 sq. deg; i* 20mag • DR3: 5000 sq. deg.; i* >15, 19.1, 20.2 (H0=70 km/s/Mpc; ΩΛ = 0.7)
Preliminary Mass Functions of Active Supermassive Black Holes • Locally mapped volume (R ≤ 100 Mpc): MBH≤ 3x109M • SDSS color-selected sample and DR3: (Fan et al. 2001, Schneider et al. 2005) ~9.5 quasars per Gpc3 with MBH≥ 5x109M → need ~25 times larger volume locally (R ≤ 290 Mpc) (H0=70 km/s/Mpc; ΩΛ = 0.7)
(Bentz et al. 2006) Improving the Scaling Relationships Main goal: improve scaling laws by reducing scatter R-L relation scatter dominates scatter in mass scaling law • Issues: • Host galaxy contamination • HST imaging • Improved Masses and RBLR • Improved monitoring of nearby sources • Accuracy of Single-epoch MBH estimates • HST & ground-based study
Main Results • Single-epoch black hole mass MBH estimates • Updated calibrations • MBH accuracies: ~factor of 4 CIV: Narrow Line Seyfert 1 gals excluded • MBH ≈ few 109 M, even at 4 ≲ z ≲ 6 - but they are very rare! • Ceilings: LBOL <1048ergs/s, MBH ≲1010M • Mass Functions - Stay Tuned!