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Enron Global LNG

Enron Global LNG. Vision - Create an Enron-controlled network of LNG supplies, transportation, terminals and end-markets with maximum optionality to : (a) supply existing Enron projects and (b) unlock market arbitrage and/or transportation inefficiencies in the current system

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Enron Global LNG

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  1. Enron Global LNG Vision - Create an Enron-controlled network of LNG supplies, transportation, terminals and end-markets with maximum optionality to : (a) supply existing Enron projects and (b) unlock market arbitrage and/or transportation inefficiencies in the current system - Generate net income of at least $10 million in 2001, $50 million/year within 3 years. Current Focus - Elba Island/other U.S. terminal access (and coverage of existing open position at Elba). - LNG supplies for Enron Europe (Spain, Mediterranean). - Optimise use of Hoegh Galleon/Exmar vessels; evaluate need for more ships. - Gain access to a broader network of terminals [Puerto Rico expansion, Enagas Spain, other European terminals, Bahamas/South Florida (?), Dominican Republic (?), Mexico (?), India (Metgas), Japan, Korea, China (?)]. - Gain control of a portfolio LNG supplies with maximum optionality (Malaysia/Metgas, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Far East supplies, Venezuela (?), other Atlantic Basin. - Negotiate a backhaul arrangement for Malaysia/Metgas supplies to reduce the delivered price in India and take out Enron profits. - Pursue joint development with Petronas of Malaysian LNG hub and online LNG trading system.

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