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RAFT Radar Fence Transponder Mission Completion Review 6 May 08

RAFT Radar Fence Transponder Mission Completion Review 6 May 08. Bob Bruninga, CDR USN (ret) MIDN 1/C David Koeppel MIDN 1/C Brent Kolb MIDN 1/C Jeff Robeson MIDN 1/C Kyle Vandegriff. Key Milestones: Schedule. RAFT Kickoff Apr 04 RAFT USNA SRR Sep 04 RAFT PDR 19 Nov 04

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RAFT Radar Fence Transponder Mission Completion Review 6 May 08

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  1. RAFTRadar Fence TransponderMission Completion Review 6 May 08 Bob Bruninga, CDR USN (ret) MIDN 1/C David Koeppel MIDN 1/C Brent Kolb MIDN 1/C Jeff Robeson MIDN 1/C Kyle Vandegriff

  2. Key Milestones: Schedule • RAFT Kickoff Apr 04 • RAFT USNA SRR Sep 04 • RAFT PDR19 Nov 04 • RAFT Phase 0/1 Safety 16 Dec 04 • RAFT Phase 2 Safety 10 Feb 05 • RAFT CDR 23 Feb 05 • RAFT Flight Unit Testing 26 Jan 05 • RAFT Phase 3 Safety 22 Feb 06 • RAFT Delivery/Install July 06 • RAFT Flight (STS-116) Dec 06 • De-Orbit 30 May 07

  3. Mission: So Many CUBEsats 30 to 50 in Construction How to Track ??? AIAA/USUSmall Sat Conference 30% of papers were for PICO, NANO and CUBEsats All smaller than 10 cm

  4. Mission Statement • To provide the Navy Space Surveillance (NSSS) radar fence with a means to determine the bounds of a constellation of PicoSats otherwise undetectable by the radar fence • To enable NSSS to independently calibrate their transmit and receive beams using signals from RAFT. • This must be accomplished with two PicoSats, one that will actively transmit and receive, and one with a passively augmented radar cross-section. • Additionally, RAFT will provide experimental communications transponders for the Navy Military Affiliate Radio System, the United States Naval Academy’s Yard Patrol crafts, and the Amateur Satellite Service. • RAFT1 Education for 16 Astronautics Majors Senior projects Robeson, Paquette (06) - Orloff, Kinzbrunner, and Rose(05) - Baker, Tuttle, Colvin (04) Abbott, Atwater, Brandt, Hansen, McLean(03). And 3 in (02)

  5. NSSS Radar Fence

  6. NSS Radar Fan beam (E/W) • Horizon to Horizon down only -6 dB

  7. NSS Fan Beam N/S • Only 0.8 degrees North/South

  8. -12 dBm at 1000 km

  9. XP-217 Radar Fence Transpopnder • Design a very small receiver for the NSSS Radar suitable for a cubesat • Include an Oscillator for NSSS to hear us. Northeastern University GSI Lumonics

  10. RAFT1 Mission Architecture

  11. RAFT Block Diagram

  12. Fail-Safe Reset Timer • Cold boots CPU if no TLM every minute

  13. Simplified Power System 60 mA Charge in Parallel 100 mA 100 mA Charge in Parallel and TX in series Transmit in Series Duty cycle 4%

  14. RAFT1 Network Architecture Global Volunteer Ground Station Network Internet Linked for live Telemetry

  15. RAFT1 Mission Architecture APRS Global Packet Radio Network Internet Linked for live Communications

  16. SCIENCE USNA-0203 Space User Baseline See www.ariss.net PCSAT validates our links APRS Satellite User Plot 18 Apr 06 Vandegriff

  17. Military Affiliate Radio System • The Mission of the MARS system is to: • Provide auxiliary communications for military, federal and local disaster management officials • Assist in effecting communications under emergency conditions. • Handle morale and quasi-official communications traffic for members of the Armed Forces and authorized U.S. Government civilian personnel • Provide routine operations in support of MARSGRAMS and … contacts between service personnel and their families back home home.

  18. MARScom Mission Architecture Military Affiliate Radio System

  19. Yard Patrol Craft Application Unique UHFAM Uplink and HF SSB downlink

  20. MARScom Block Diagram

  21. RAFT1 and MARScom 5” Cubes 3 Antennas Each Identical Mechanical

  22. RAFT1 and MARScom 5” Cubes 3 Antennas Each Identical Mechanical

  23. RAFTDeployment Velocity of pair: 1.8 m/s Velocity of RAFT: 2.6 m/s Velocity of MARScom: 1.2 m/s Was 1.5, 1.3 & 1.8

  24. Flight Model Separation Test

  25. Mechanical Design

  26. Raft1 Electronics Systems TNC Interface Brd

  27. Raft1 Electronics Systems Transmitter Receiver and XP-217

  28. RAFT1 Internal DiagramTopView Ant pocket & Sep SW

  29. MARS Panels and Boards RCVR Batteries and TX-Interface board TNC

  30. Inside View

  31. Assembly Plan

  32. GSE Side Panel COTS Silicon Cells on PCB panel Covered with Clear Teflon Coating 1.5 Watt panel Mechanically rugged for rain/hail/birds PCsat Flight Heritage Windup port GSE port

  33. Top Panel VHF Antenna holes HF whip hole Pockets for other satellite antennas and Sep Switch

  34. Ballast for RAFT1

  35. RAFT1 Lead Ballast Encapsulated in Kapton tape

  36. RAFT Lifetime Estimate 2.5 Mo 6.5 Months

  37. Aerospace 5510 RAFT Launcher

  38. RAFTAntennaSeparationMechanisms

  39. RAFT Antenna Springs

  40. RAFT Antenna Springs

  41. Long-Wire Antenna ~2.5”

  42. ANDE/RAFT - USNA Pre-Launch Intgration and Prep

  43. RAFTmicrogravity Separation Test March 30th – April 8th (“Test of Opportunity”) Robeson

  44. Test 5” cubesat separation system Robeson

  45. Good Initial Deployment

  46. What happened?

  47. Sequence • We suspect a stuck antenna. • Maybe one of the four antennas, after being compressed in the pre-launch configuration for maybe 6 months prior to launch against the bottom of the antenna sleeve, may have embedded itself into the Scotch 2216 Epoxy. • At the instant of final separation, that momentary impulse for the “stuck antenna tip to release” imparted torques on the spacecraft. • Marscom ended up at almost 80 RPM and RAFT at about 40 RPM … Play Video …

  48. Initial Tip-Off rate 80 RPM?

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