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The State of Canadian Evangelicalism. So like, hows’it going eh?. The State of Canadian Evangelicalism. So like, hows’it going eh?. “We re-dedicate ourselves, O Lord”. Bruce Clemenger. 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca. Christendom in Canada.
The State of Canadian Evangelicalism • So like, hows’it going eh?
The State of Canadian Evangelicalism • So like, hows’it going eh?
“We re-dedicate ourselves, O Lord”
Bruce Clemenger 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Christendom in Canada Norms and Common Life shaped by a Christian code and calendar “Pan-Christian consensus”
Bruce Clemenger 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca John Webster Grant “Canada grew under the tutelage of its church and the church exerted its influence in pulpit, school and press, serving as the keepers of the moral and spiritual foundations of nationhood and the conscience of the state.” 1967 – Christianity was “established” 1987– a “memory”
Bruce Clemenger 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Canada’s Reorientation • Common Festivals • Taboos – Social Norms • What binds us together? • What are our societal norms?
Implications for the Church No Privilege No Presumption No Respect
How is the church in Canada doing? Bruce Clemenger 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca
Key Markers • Weekly attendance: 1940s 67% • 2012 17% • Fastest growing category among youth is No Religion
1 in 3 Canadian young adults who attended church weekly or more as a child still do so today. 1 in 2 continue to identify with the Christian tradition they were raised in. The EFC 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca
“Which of the following best describes your personal belief about God?” Canada Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Sources: 2003 Ipsos Reid – Readers Digest Poll “God and Other Mysteries: A Look into the Religious and Spiritual Beliefs of Canadians,” N=1006, poll conducted June 5, 2003. 2009 Ipsos Reid– Canwest News Service and Global National Poll “Men Fall Away From Grace,” N=1000, poll conducted April 2, 2009. The results of both polls are considered accurage within +/- 3.1 %, 19 time out of 20.
“Which of the following best describes your beliefs about what happens when you die?” Canada Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Sources: 2003 Ipsos Reid – Readers Digest Poll “God and Other Mysteries: A Look into the Religious and Spiritual Beliefs of Canadians,” N=1006, poll conducted June 5, 2003. 2009 Ipsos Reid– Canwest News Service and Global National Poll “Men Fall Away From Grace,” N=1000, poll conducted April 2, 2009. The results of both polls are considered accurage within +/- 3.1 %, 19 time out of 20.
“Which of the following best describes your beliefs? I believe that Jesus of Nazareth …”, Canada, 2009 Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca 2009 Ipsos Reid– Canwest News Service and Global National Poll “Men Fall Away From Grace,” N=1000, poll conducted April 2, 2009. The results of the poll are considered accurage within +/- 3.1 %, 19 time out of 20.
Attitudes Towards Church The Christian church plays an important role in Canadian society today?” 57% of Canadians agree “I think it is a good thing if people with strong religious beliefs express their views on political issues? 53% of Canadians Agree
Resources Canadians use to deal with major life change, by age, percentages, 2008 Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Leslie-Anne Keown, “General Social Survey Report: Social Networks help Canadians deal with change.” Canadian Social Trends (Winter 2009): 4 and 7.
Average time per day spent at various locations in hours, Canada, by gender, 2005 Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Statistics Canada, “General Social Survey on Time Use: Overview of the Time use of Canadians, 2005” (July 2006): 39. Catalogue no. 12F0080-XIE. Canadians age 15 and older. Martin Turcotte, “Like Commuting? Worker’s perceptions of their daily commute,” CST, (Winter 2006): 35.
Average charitable donations for Canadians as reported on tax filings and percentage reporting charitable donations, 1998-2009 Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Statistics Canada Table 111-0001 – Summary of charitable donors, annual. CANSIM. http://cansim2.statcan.ca/cgi-win/cnsmcgi.exe?Lang=E&CANSIMFile=CII\CII_1_E.htm&RootDir=CII/ (accessed: July 25, 2008) and “Charitable Donors” http://www40.statcan.gc.ca/l01/cst01/famil90-eng.htm accessed November 8, 2010
“How often do you pray?” by Christian or Non-Christian 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Source: 2003 God and Other Mystries, Ipsos Reid Readers Digest sponsored poll. N=1006, however the subsample for this chart is only believers where n=910. Poll considered accurate =/- 3.1% 19 times out of 20. Excludes those who “Don’t believe.”
Counting Canadian Evangelicals Bruce Clemenger 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Reginald Bibby – 2001 census 8% George Rawlyk - Christian Evangelical Scale 11% • + Catholic Evangelically Aligned (2003) 19% Maclean’s (Dec 04/Jan 05) 31% 12% or about 4 million Canadians See “Counting Canadian Evangelicals” in Church & Faith Trends 1:1 (October 2007)
Evangelical Difference • As % of the population – holding our own • Reflect the ethnic diversity of Canada • More likely to be married • Likely to have more children • Better insurance risks • More generous with our money • More generous with our time
Evangelical Difference • Those attending religious services give 3.5 times more to charity • Evangelical weekly attenders give 72% more to charity than weekly attenders of all faith groups • Evangelicals give 27% more to non-religious causes than non-Christians
Warning • Indicators
Attendance at religious services at various life stages by tradition
Median total revenue (Line 4700) by tradition, 2003-2010 The EFC 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Inflation was 14% between 2003 and 2010. 23% growth Source: Charities Directorate Charitable Information Returns
Canadian responses to “How often do you pray outside of formal religious services?” by religious tradition Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Source: 1996 God and Society Survey, Angus Reid Group. Canadian subsample was 3,000
Key Markers • “I believe it is important to encourage non-Christians to become Christians” • 59% of evangelicals agreed • 35% strongly agreeing. • 26% of Canadians agreed
Key Markers • “I don’t think you need to go to church to be a good Christian” • 66% Evangelically Aligned agreed My private beliefs about Christianity are more important than what is taught by any church?” 77% of Evangelically Aligned agree 71% of Canadians agree
Key Markers • Social Priorities of the Church? • Evangelicals and Canadians agree they are: • Children in poverty • Preventing Exploitation of Children • Homelessness
Key Markers • Assisted Suicide • 54% of evangelicals oppose • 33% of Canadians oppose
“Generally speaking, is the Canadian government doing enough to reduce poverty in Canada?” by Religious Affiliation Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Ipsos Reid CHEC EFC 2007. N=1000.
“Generally speaking, is the Canadian government doing enough to help overseas relief and development for things like extreme poverty and HIV/AIDS?” by Religious Affiliation Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Ipsos Reid CHEC EFC 2007. N=1000.
“How often do you buy products that are produced with minimum impact on the environment even if they cost a little more?” by Religious Affiliation Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Source: Ipsos Reid CHEC EFC 2007. N=1000.
The top 5 most important issues for Canadian Evangelicals in deciding how to vote in 2006, by gender, percentages Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca
The top 5 most important issues for Canadian Evangelicals in deciding how to vote in 2008, by gender, percentages Rick Hiemstra 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca
Evangelical DifferenceOver Past 50 Years • Institutional development • New facilities • Higher Education • Resources Rich • Increased political participation • Increased social engagement • More collaborative/cooperative
Warning Indicators • Prayer • Bible literacy • Attitudes to Evangelism • Practice in Missions • Moral Consensus • Attrition of youth • Changing Giving Patters
BUT Warning signs are not predictive
Path Forward • Grace/Mercy/Peace • Heart/Soul/Mind • Mercy, Justice, Walk Humbly • Be/Act/Think – Be-living • Power/Authority/Legitimacy • Commandment/Mandate/Commission • Love and truth • Word and deed
Path Forward • Fellowship • Compassion • Wisdom • Worship
Fellowship Fear God Only Adopted as His children, and his slaves Distorted identity apart from the Body All sinners saved by grace Communities of Grace (not condemn) Robust fellowship is attractive and missional – its spills out - incarnational Intergenerational, Intercultural Together Walking humbly with God
Compassion • Ministry of healing: restoration and reconciliation – loving mercy • Children and Youth • Those Dying and Grieving • Prostituted Women and Youth • Seniors • Incarnational
Wisdom • That which we pursue • Only thing cautioned about sharing • Take captive every thought and make them obedient to Christ • Discernment about doing justice and loving mercy, about proclamation and social action • Knowing the times, giving reasons for our hope • Display the manifold wisdom of God • Integral
Worship • Worship in our Fellowship (soul), our • Compassion (heart) our wisdom (mind) • We do all in His name • Witness in word and deed • “The Kingdom of God come near” • Influential
Bruce Clemenger 905.479.5885 evangelicalfellowship.ca Colossians 1:16-17 “For by Him all things were created: things I heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities: all things were created by Him and for Him.He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Colossians 1: 18-20 • “And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the first born from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood on the cross”