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1. Interpret the following quote and cite evidence from the text THE OUTSIDERS in order to support the statement “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” By Mahatma Gandhi
1. Interpret the following quote and cite evidence from the text THE OUTSIDERS in order to support the statement “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” By Mahatma Gandhi Begin with, Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” This quote means (…). I agree with the quote because (…). In the novel, THE OUTSIDERS (…). 2. Is violence ever justified? Elicit class discussion/questioning 3. What would you sacrifice for a friend? • Inside • 4. Examine the symbolism in the following visual: • What does it mean to be on the outside? • What do you think it feels like to be on the outside? • Is it OK to want to be on the outside of things sometimes? Explain • Outside • 5. Interpret the following quote: “Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard. “ By Dave Mustaine • Begin with, Dave Mustaine once said, " ( ). This statement means ( ). I agree with this quote because ( ). This can relate to Sophie because ( ). • 6. Interpret the following quote: • Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward. • Maxwell Maltz • 7. Interpret the following quote: • “I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then.” By Lewis Carroll Begin with the quote. Interpret the quote. Agree or disagree with the quote. Explain the quote and tell how it relates to Sophie 8. Interpret the following quote: “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” By e. e. cummings Begin with, e. e. cummings once said, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” This quote means (write in your own words what this statement means). I ( agree or disagree) with this quote because (give an example(s) of why you agree or disagree).
9. KWL on Gangs • 10. Essential Questions: Can being in a gang be a positive thing? Explain • What is a gang? • What is individuality? Examine that word • Which is better: Being in a gang or being an individual? Explain • Anybody ever hear the expression: Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are? • Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain. • 11. Which group do you relate to more? The Socs or the Greasers? Explain • Can someone who is a Soc or a Greaser share the same values or qualities? • Why would Ponyboy runaway with Johnny? • 14. Identify the theme of friendship and camaraderie. • 15. Essential Questions: Can being in a gang be a positive thing? Explain • 16. What is a gang? • 17. What is individuality? Examine that word • 18. Which is better: Being in a gang or being an individual? Explain • 19. Anybody ever hear the expression: Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are? • Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain. • 20. Interpret the following quote • “It is better to be alone than in bad company.” by George Washington • Restate the quote and author • Interpret • Agree or disagree • Give evidence • Show how this quote can relate to the Greasers • 21. Interpret the following quote • “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” • ― Ralph Waldo Emerson • 22. 5 paragraph Argumentative Essay on Teen Violence: Should parents of violent teens be held legally responsible for their children?
Early Years • Susan Eloise Hinton was born in 1950 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Outsiders was published in 1967, when Hinton was only 17 years old and attending Will Rogers High School. She began writing the first draft of the novel when she was 15, and writing and rewriting took a year and a half before she was happy with the final copy. • The publisher — believing that the book would have more credibility if people assumed that a male had written it — advised her to use her initials, S. E. • Hinton was not a member of a gang when she wrote The Outsiders, but she was a friend to many greasers. She has stated that her biggest compliment was that her greaser friends liked the book. Although she also had friends who were Socs, she definitely did not consider herself a part of that group. Her mother's reaction to the novel was shock; she said, "Susie, where did you pick up all of this?" • Education • The success of The Outsiders enabled Hinton to attend the University of Tulsa where she earned a degree in education in 1970. However, during her student teaching, she decided that she did not have the physical stamina to be a teacher. She found herself teaching all day and then worrying about the kids all night. • Hinton did meet her future husband, David Inhofe, in a freshman biology class, and it was due to him that she finished her second book, That Was Then, This is Now. Hinton was suffering from writer's block, and he forced her to write two pages a day. If she failed to produce two pages during the day, they wouldn't go out that night. They were married in 1970, and That Was Then, This is Now was published in 1971. • Publication History • Hinton considers her second book, That Was Then, This Is Now, to be better written than The Outsiders. It is about two 16-year-old friends, Mark and Byron, who are like brothers. However, they find their lives pulling apart due to involvement with girls, gangs, and drugs. • Rumble Fish, published in 1975, contains Hinton's most complex character, Motorcycle Boy. She was inspired to write this book from a saved 1967 magazine photo of a boy on a motorcycle. Rumble Fish is a story of two brothers, Rusty-James and Motorcycle Boy, who are almost always there for each other. • Hinton's next book, Tex, published in 1980, is about two delinquent brothers left on their own by a rambling father. In 1982, Disney Studios released Tex, and Hinton agreed to the movie deal with the condition that her horse got to play the lead horse in the movie. • Taming the Star Runner was book number five and a departure from her usual story-telling technique. This story about a brave young girl taming her horse is told in the third person. With the completion of this novel, Hinton took a seven-year break in her writing to concentrate on her only child, Nick. • Big David, Little David and The Puppy Sister were both published in 1995 and are children's books. Big David, Little David is a picture book that was conceived from a joke that her husband played on their child. Hinton considers The Puppy Sister to be her most autobiographical work, because it is about her son and the sibling rivalry that existed between him and their puppy.
Questions about S. E. Hinton • Where was S.E. Hinton born? • At what age did she begin writing the first draft of her novel THE OUTSIDERS? • Why did she decide to use her initials S. E.? • What does S. E. stand for? • Even though she wasn’t in a gang, who did she become friends with? • When teaching all day, who did she worry about during the night? • How did her husband force her to finish her novel when she had no motivation left? • What was her second novelThat Was Then, This Is Now about? • What year was RUMBLE FISH written and what was it about? • What was the name of her next book published in 1980? • What was her fifth book Taming the Star Runner about? • Name at least one award she won for THE OUTSIDERS.
Examine the symbolism in the following visual: • What does it mean to be on the outside? • What do you think it feels like to be on the outside? • Is it OK to want to be on the outside of things sometimes? Explain • Outside • Inside • Greasers Socs
Cite Evidence of the theme of Violence by identifying the characters by they Say, how they Think, how they Effect those around them, how they Act and how they Look • Pages • Characters
Cite evidence for the theme of social class by identifying the characters by they Say, how they Think, how they Effect those around them, how they Act and how they Look Characters • Pages
Identify the character stating the quote and tell what action is taking place at the time it was said. Page 2 (pg. 25): ―Johnny worshiped the ground Dallas walked on, and I had never heard Johnny talk back to anyone, much less his hero. But those beatings had been nothing like this. (pg. 32): Johnny‘s face was cut up and bruised and swollen, and there was a gash from his temple to his cheekbone. He would carry that scar all his life. . . . I though he might be dead; surely nobody could be beaten like that and live. (pg. 38): ―‘You greasers have a different set of values. You‘re more emotional. We‘re sophisticated—cool to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is real to us “and ―‘It‘s not money, it‘s feeling—you don‘t feel anything and we feel too violently.” (pg. 57): ―”You really killed him, huh, Johnny?” ―‘I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They might have killed you. And they had a blade . . . they were gonna beat me up.” (pg. 71): ―‘No, Johnny, not my hair!‘ It was my pride. . . . Our hair was tough. . . . Our hair labeled us greasers, too—it was our trademark. The one thing we were proud of.” (pg. 89): ―‘Johnny, I ain‘t mad at you. I just don‘t want you to get hurt. You don‘t know what a few months in jail can do to you. Oh, blast it, Johnny . . . you get hardened in jail. I don‘t want that to happen to you. Like it happened to me.”
Flushing High School • Name__________________ ENG 9 page 1 • Analyze the following poem in a paragraph • Identify any literary elements (Simile, metaphor, imagery, rhyme scheme) • What is the theme this poem? (What message is portrayed in this poem? • Do you agree with the message in this poem? Explain • Nothing Stay Forever"Nature’s first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf’s a flower;But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf.So Eden sank to grief,So dawn goes down today.Nothing gold can stay. -- Robert Frost”
Read and discuss the following article about teen dating violence in groups. Each group will read a specific part of the article, write important information and share what evidence they cited about teen violence. • Write/type the first paragraph of their essay • People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.” by Dan Pearce • Begin with, Dan Pearce once said, “People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.” This statement means, ( ). I (agree/disagree) with the quote because (show evidence why you agree or disagree with the quote with an example(s). • Respond to the following quote: • “What if the kid you bullied at school, grew up, and turned out to be the onlysurgeon who could save your life?” by Lynette Mather • What would you do? • What would you say? • How do you think the surgeon would react seeing you after all of those years? What would he/she say to you? Explain
Interpret the following quote • “Prejudice, not being founded on reason, cannot be removed by argument” • By Samuel Johnson • Begin with: Samuel Johnson once said, “Prejudice, not being founded on reason, cannot be removed by argument” • This quote means(in your own words, tell what the statement means.). I (agree/disagree) with the quote because (tell why you agree/disagree) • Essay Work: • Write down at least three topics you will use to support your position on Housing Discrimination. • Decide how you are going to make a counterclaim and what the refutation will be • Follow your outline and rubric to determine if you need to remove/add information • Re-read your essay • Determine how you can revise your essays • On laptops, (if applicable)make sure you have an article that has a counterclaim • Refute the counterclaim with textual evidence • Have you’ve ever been bullied? • If you were to be bullied, how would that make you feel? Explain • Have you’ve ever bullied someone? Why? Why wouldn’t you? • Write 10 ways people bully others. • Write down 10 reasons why you think people bully others • Task 2: Should people who bully others be severely punished ? After reading All SUMMER in a DAY and articles on bullying, write an essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views. Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. (Argumentation/Analysis) • Write a 5 paragraph Argumentative Essay