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Chairs and the CBA Why did I do this ? When can I retire? Teaching a full load may not be so bad?

Chairs and the CBA Why did I do this ? When can I retire? Teaching a full load may not be so bad?. By A great Panel of wonderful folks. Chair Duties defined in Article 6. Direct the activities of the department subject to the approval of the Dean/Director Responsible to the Dean/Director for

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Chairs and the CBA Why did I do this ? When can I retire? Teaching a full load may not be so bad?

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  1. Chairs and the CBAWhy did I do this?When can I retire?Teaching a full load may not be so bad? By A great Panel of wonderful folks

  2. Chair Duties defined in Article 6 • Direct the activities of the department subject to the approval of the Dean/Director • Responsible to the Dean/Director for • Development of departmental plans • Guidelines and internal office operation • Direct the departments administrative organization • Represent the academic discipline both on and off-campus

  3. Chair Duties defined in Article 6 • Responsible for “recommending” to the Dean/Director such matters as personnel actions, curricular changes, course offerings, teaching assignments and the departmental budget (without “recommend” this is textbook 1st Level Supervisor, still likely as is.) • In all phases of departmental affairs, the chair should be sensitive to and reflect (but not restricted to), majority department faculty sentiment

  4. Chair Responsibilities in Hiring • Shall review candidates recommended for hire by the majority of faculty in the department and make a recommendation (unless a family member). • Interesting tips • We must submit a recommendation of the candidates, but the CBA only reacts when the hiring is “against the majority of the faculty vote • So, if the chairs disagree with the majority of faculty, there is no clear cut direction (in the CBA) of what happens next. • The President defends his/her decision only when going against the majority of faculty

  5. Chair Responsibilities in Evaluation • Chairs are required to • Evaluate non-tenured faculty once a year • Meet with faculty to discuss DEC evaluation, then write a separate evaluation based on “his/her” knowledge and personal observation of faculty members performance, the DEC evaluation and materials submitted by Faculty member • Submit to faculty, DEC, Dean by certain date • Tips – Chair can use DEC’s evaluation as part of the overall recommendation in annual evaluations.

  6. Chair Responsibilities in Tenure • Make a “independent” recommendation for Tenure to the UWTC (Feb 15, Oct 1) • Must submit a list of those eligible for tenure along with recommendations to the UWTC • Tips • First and second year faculty (no grievance rights) • 3rd and 4th year, - grievance rights, but faculty has burden of proof (They have to prove they deserve another year) • 5th year, grievance rights – more complicated • If 2 or more committees approve, Management has burden of proof • If less than two, approve, No grievance rights, (interesting!) but hopefully there are letters in the file (potential civil action)

  7. Chair Responsibilities in Promotion • Accept applications for Promotion • Notify DPC and UPC of candidates going for promotion and submit documents to appropriate committee • Submit an “independent” recommendation of candidate going for promotion to UPC ( 2 page max) • Sign transmittal form

  8. Tips, Tidbits and Points of Confusion • While we recommend personnel actions, first level grievance meetings are with “management” • While we have recommending rights to hire, it is the majority of faculty who have the protected interest • We can “use” DEC evaluations for renewal-non-renewal, but not for Tenure and Promotion • Whether you like it or not, you are a union member and covered by the CBA... Which has its problemswhen acting as a first level supervisor (potential liability). • We look like, smell like, and sound like a first level supervisor, but... we are not according to the agreement (and maybe you want it that way)

  9. Tips from an Arbitrator to help you sleep at night • If you have a bad faculty hire, take care of them in year 1 and 2. • If you go to year 3 and 4, make sure the recommendations come with clear expectations and potential consequences • It’s a problem if a 5th year makes it to 5 and doesn’t get more than 2 recommendations • Write recommendations you can prove, with documentation, and not conjecture • If you are witnessing a train wreck, do something before it happens and document itthoroughly. Don’t wait until after it happens and hope it all goes away

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