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Ancient Egypt: Geography and Religion Overview

Explore the geographical features of Egypt such as the Nile River and the significance of religion in Ancient Egyptian society. Learn about polytheistic beliefs, the role of Pharaohs, the afterlife concept, mummification, and tomb construction.

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Ancient Egypt: Geography and Religion Overview

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  1. G.R.A.P.E.S. • G = Geography • R = Religion • A = Achievements • P = Politics • E = Economics • S = Social Structure

  2. Geography of Egypt Review • Nile River flows from south to north and is the longest river in the world. • Egypt is mostly desert and is not very fertile. However, when the Nile over flows, silt is deposited on the land near the river, which makes it very fertile. • Egyptians learned to control the flooding by using irrigation systems. • Egyptian civilization and agriculture was dependent upon the water and silt from the Nile.

  3. Ancient Egyptian Religion

  4. Objective & EQ Objective: • I can site evidence to describe the beliefs about death and the afterlife within Egyptians’ polytheistic religion. Essential Question: • Why was religion so important to the Ancient Egyptian way of life?

  5. Agenda • Basic principles of Egyptian religion • The Pharaohs • The Afterlife • Mummies and Tombs • Video • Research-Based Thinking • Lesson Closure

  6. Basic Principals of Egyptian Religion • Like most ancient civilizations the Egyptians were polytheistic. • Their gods and goddesses controlled all aspects of nature. • Egyptians also lived in a theocracy where their government’s rule was based on religious authority

  7. The Pharaohs • Pharaohs were seen as kings, priests, and gods. • Pharaohs were believed to rule the earth as the gods ruled the heavens. • People believed what happened in Egypt was directly dependent on the pharaoh’s actions • Pharaohs also controlled all aspects of government and religious rituals.

  8. The Afterlife • Egyptians were one of the first peoples to believe in the concept of eternal life, or life after death. • This is why the Egyptians developed elaborate burial rituals such as mummification (preservation of the physical body) and built elaborate tombs for their pharaohs called pyramids.

  9. Mummies and Tombs • Mummification was practiced by Egyptians because they believed that every individual would need their body in the after life. • Tombs were used as a place to store the body and all the possessions the deceased individual would need in the afterlife (clothes, weapons, jewelry, furniture, etc.). • Tombs were constructed and designed to protect the body and its possessions for eternity.

  10. Video

  11. Essential Question • Why was religion so important to the Ancient Egyptian way of life?

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