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The LINAC access is over with, how do we turn on the LINAC?

Step-by-step instructions on how to turn on the LINAC and its components, including RF stations, power supplies, and the Linac CDC. Validate alarms before running beam.

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The LINAC access is over with, how do we turn on the LINAC?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The LINAC access is over with, how do we turn on the LINAC? Spb2 Oct 2015 Version 1.0

  2. We need to do: 1) Turn on the LE RF Stations (L25). 2) Turn on the HE RF Stations (L27). 3) Turn on 400 MeV & Dump power supplies. 4) Cycle the 400 MeV Supplies (only B:Q2 & B:Q5). 5) Verify Q2 & Q5 settings are the same after the cycling. 6) Turn on the Linac CDC.

  3. 1) Turn on the LE RF Stations First turn on the Auto Grads. Then turn on the PA Crobar.

  4. Ramp up the Gradients to nominal values. Ramping up the LE RF stations should be done slowly, about 3 to 5 minutes to get all 5 stations up to nominal values, else one or two stations may give you problems staying on.

  5. 2) Turn on the HE RF Stations. First turn on the Soft Charging Switches for the Buncher, Vernier and the Klystron stations. If the Booster Debuncher Soft Charging Switch is off, turn it on.

  6. Next, turn on the Klystron references.

  7. Or, via L27 Note: Clicking on the yellow diamond for the References or Contactors will do a global OFF to the Buncher, Vernier, Stations 1->7 & Debuncher. Note: If this was a Linac only access, the Debuncher would have not been turned off.

  8. Lastly, close in the Contactors And

  9. Or, via L27 Note: Clicking on the yellow diamond for the References or Contactors will do a global OFF to the Buncher, Vernier, Stations 1->7 & Debuncher. Note: If this was a Linac only access, the Debuncher would have not been turned off.

  10. L27 with stations on. The Klystron stations, Buncher, Vernier and Debuncher are on at nominal values and Ready to go.

  11. 3) Turn on 400 MeV & Dump power supplies.

  12. They’re on, well most are. Here we see B:MH1 and B:LAM off, meaning the Booster CDC is down. Once it’s up we can turn on the supplies.

  13. 4) Cycle the 400 MeV Supplies B:Q2 & B:Q5. Use the “Linac 400MeV Power Cycle” aggregate in the Booster Sequencer. Note: You will need to record the settings for B:Q2 and B:Q5 so you can set them back after the cycling is finished.

  14. B:Q2 & B:Q5 have been cycled.

  15. 5) Verify B:Q2 & B:Q5 settings are the same after the cycling. After cycling B:Q2 and B:Q5 the values of the supplies are their nominal settings.

  16. 6) Turn on the Linac CDC.

  17. It’s on.

  18. Activate the Linac “Access” alarms file.

  19. They’re good. But you’re not done yet. You should validate the Linac alarms, it’s always a good idea to validate alarms before running beam to an enclosure.

  20. Ready to start beaming. …………

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