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Collaboration perspectives HVCs. Why tropical fruits? Existing international coopération on vegetable with World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC) Nothing on fruits , except bananas (INIBAP). Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits. Challenges
Collaboration perspectives HVCs Why tropical fruits? Existing international coopération on vegetable with World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC) Nothing on fruits, except bananas (INIBAP) Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits. Challenges Fruits = High value products (cf CG priorities + GFAR/CG workshop on HVCs) High nutritionous crops (cf WHO/FAO initiative on the promotion of F&V for Health) Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits. Goals Increase consumption (health…and well being issues) Increase availability, affordability, acceptability Income generation Reduce PH losses Eco-friendly production ( IFP) Certification of planting material Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits Research activities GRM/Breeding :(banana, pineapple, citrus, mango, papaya, passion fruit apple, peach, apricot,) Quality, Pest/disease resistance Drought/salinity resistance Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Research activities Research activities Integrated Production : Ecological components (agro-ecology) Ecophysiology/Quality (mango,lychee, banana, pinapple) IPM/ICM (Fruit fly, HLB, C.canker, Mango bacteriosis) Plant certification Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits Research activities Post-Harvest Management : PH physiology Storage techniques Soft/minimum processing Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits Research activities Nutrition/Health Nutritional traits • Characterization of nutritional quality and connected attributes • Preservation of nutritional and connected attributes/storage –processing • Impact on nutrition and health Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Availabilityof F&VAfrica 1-Benin 2-Burundi 3-Cameroun 4-RCA 5-RDC 6-Congo 7-RCI 8-Gabon 9-Guinée 10-Rwanda 11-Togo 12-BFA 13-Cap-Vert 14-Tchad 15-Gambia 16-Mali 17-Mauritanie 18Nigre 18-Senegal 20-Comores 21-Madagascar 22-Maurice 23-Seychelles 24-Botswana 25-Kenya 26-Malawi 27-Angola 28-Ghana 29-Mozambique 30-Nigeria 31-Afrique du Sud 32-Soudan 33-Tanzanie 34-Uganda 35-Zambia 36-Zimbabwe 37-Morocco 38-Algeria 38-Tunisia 40-Lybia 41-Egypt Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Availabilityof F&VWorld Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits Research activities Markets : Market assessment (ODM) Commercial chain - certification and Agro-enterprise Management End-users: Impact assessment Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007
Collaboration perspectives on tropical fruits Facilitating activities Connection with european teams : ex. Olive,pome-grenate, nuts, temperate fruits,…. Interest Group Meeting on High Value Fruits Research ICRAF, Nairobi,6 June,2007