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The day Jesus killed death and … how you can too

The day Jesus killed death and … how you can too. The Resurrection Accounts Matt 28. Mark 16. Luke 24. John 20 . The death of Jesus on the cross was not the END of Jesus. It was the END of death . ANASTASIS (Greek) – Standing up. Rising up . Pointers from the Gospels.

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The day Jesus killed death and … how you can too

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The day Jesus killed death and…how you can too

  2. The Resurrection Accounts Matt 28. Mark 16. Luke 24. John 20. • The death of Jesus on the cross was not the ENDof Jesus. • It was the ENDof death. • ANASTASIS (Greek) – Standing up. Rising up.

  3. Pointers from the Gospels • Jesus demonstrated that He himself BELIEVEDin the resurrection of the dead and their eternal judgment. Matt 22:23-33. Luke 14:14 • Jesus FORE-TOLDnot only His cruel death but also His certain resurrection; repeatedly and specifically to His disciples. The disciples neither understood nor believed Him. Matt 16:21 & 17:22. Mark 8:31, 9:30. • Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and demonstrated His POWER& AUTHORITYover death even before His own resurrection. John 11 • Jesus claimed that He is the RESURRECTIONHimself. John 11:25 • He based His AUTHORITYon His resurrection. John 2:18-19 • The authorities of the day ensured their best to prevent RUMORMONGERING& LEGEND FORMATIONMatt 27:63-64 • The authorities were UNHAPPYwith the proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus. Acts 4:2

  4. Historical Evidence for the Resurrection • Reliability of the BURIAL STORY 1Cor15:4 • Post resurrection APPEARANCESof Jesus 1Cor15:5-8 • Development of a sudden, sincere FAITHheld in a REASON-ABLEmind by the disciples; which they proclaimed fearlessly 1Cor15:19

  5. The resurrection of Jesus is the best EXPLANATIONof the evidence. • However the core issue is not historical evidence. The core issue is PERSONAL FAITH

  6. How does one believe? What gives birth to faith? • Faith is God’s GIFT Ephesians2:8, John6:44 • It is also your DECISION Philippians1:25, 2:12. Jude1:20. Colossians2:7. Joshua24:15 • Faith comes by HEARINGthe Word and continuing in the COMPANYof the faithful. Romans10:17. Hebrews10:25

  7. For the faithful; the Bible proclaims the following… • .FREEDOMfrom sins. The death of disconnect between God & man Acts 2:38 • 2 A beautiful FUTURE. The death of pain, evil & disease Rev 21:3-5. Rev 21:22-27 • 3 The death of DEATHitself Rev 21:3-5. Rev 21:22-27


  9. Lee Strobelat http://www.leestrobel.com • William Lane Craig at http://www.reasonablefaith.org • Gary Habermasat http://www.garyhabermas.com • Tim Keller – The Reason for God at http://timothykeller.com/books/the_reason_for_god

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