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AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies for Stable Performance

Learn about various power supply strategies for AT91SAM7 microcontrollers, including single and dual supply configurations with voltage regulators and decoupling capacitors for optimal stability and performance.

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AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies for Stable Performance

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  1. SAM7 Hardware Considerations Frederic BOYER AT91 Support Group. Version 1.0 October 2006

  2. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies • 3.3V Single Power Supply Strategy: On-chip Voltage Regulator Used • 1.8V & 3.3V Dual Power Supply Strategy: • On-chip Voltage Regulator not Used and ADC used. • On-chip Voltage Regulator and ADC not used.

  3. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) 3.3V Single Power Supply (On-chip Voltage Regulator Used) : Decoupling Capacitors on all Power Supplies

  4. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) • VDDIN: Voltage regulator Input and ADC (3.3V). • VDDIO: I/O lines (3.3V) and USB transceivers(SAM7S). • VDDFLASH: Flash (3.3V) andUSB transceivers(SAM7X/XC/SE). 3.3V Single Power Supply (On-chip Voltage Regulator Used) : VDDIN must be connected to a decoupling/filtering capacitor to improve start-up stability and reduce source voltage drop

  5. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) • VDDOUT: Voltage regulator Output (1.8V). • VDDCORE: On-chip RC, Device and Flash logic (1.8V). • VDDPLL: Main Oscillator and PLL (1.8V). 3.3V Single Power Supply (On-chip Voltage Regulator Used) : VDDOUT must be connected to a decoupling/filtering capacitor to guarantee 1.8V stability

  6. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supplies(On-chip Voltage Regulator NOT Used and ADC used): Decoupling Capacitors on all Power Supplies

  7. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) • VDDIN: ADC Only(3.3V). • VDDIO: I/O lines (3.3V) and USB transceivers(SAM7S). • VDDFLASH: Flash (3.3V) andUSB transceivers(SAM7X/XC/SE). 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supplies(On-chip Voltage Regulator NOT Used and ADC used): VDDIN must be connected to a decoupling/filtering capacitor to improve start-up stability and reduce source voltage drop

  8. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supplies(On-chip Voltage Regulator NOT Used and ADC used): • VDDCORE: On-chip RC, Device and Flash (1.8V). • VDDPLL: Main Oscillator and PLL (1.8V). VDDOUT must be connected to a decoupling/filtering capacitor to prevent on-chip voltage regulator oscillations On-chip Voltage Regulator must be in Idle mode

  9. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supplies(On-chip Voltage Regulator and ADC NOT Used): Decoupling Capacitors on all Power Supplies

  10. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) • VDDIO: I/O lines (3.3V) and USB transceivers(SAM7S). • VDDFLASH: Flash (3.3V) andUSB transceivers(SAM7X/XC/SE). 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supplies(On-chip Voltage Regulator and ADC NOT Used): VDDIO must be connected to a decoupling/filtering capacitor to improve start-up stability and reduce source voltage drop VDDIN connected to GND

  11. AT91SAM7 Power Supply Strategies (cont.) 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supplies(On-chip Voltage Regulator and ADC NOT Used): • VDDCORE: On-chip RC, Device and Flash (1.8V). • VDDPLL: Main Oscillator and PLL (1.8V). VDDOUT can be left unconnected VDDCORE must be connected to a decoupling/filtering capacitor to improve start-up stability and reduce source voltage drop

  12. SAM7 Typical Power Supply Pins Configuration

  13. SAM7 Power Supply Constraints • 3.3V Single Power Supply: • VDDCORE (so VDDIN) slope must be superior or equal to 6V/ms. SAM7S SAM7X • 3.3V & 1.8V Dual Power Supply: • VDDCORE slope must be superior or equal to 6V/ms. • VDDFLASH must always be superior or equal to VDDCORE. SAM7S SAM7X SAM7

  14. Clock, Oscillator and PLL • Crystal (Main Oscillator in Normal Mode): XIN and XOUT • Main Oscillator range: 3 to 20 MHz. • Crystal Load capacitance to check (CCRYSTAL). • Internal Equivalent Load Capacitance (CL) is: • 11 pF (SAM7SE32). • 20 pF (other SAM7). • 1 kOhm resistor on XOUT only required for crystals with frequencies lower than 8 MHz.

  15. Clock, Oscillator and PLL (cont.) • Crystal (Main Oscillator in Normal Mode): XIN and XOUT • The crystal load capacitance (CCRYSTAL) is the equivalent capacitor value that circuit must “show” to the crystal in order to oscillate at the target frequency. Cload = CCRYSTAL - CL • Example: CCRYSTAL = 20pF (SAM7S-EK, SAM7X-EK and SAM7SE-EK) • AT91SAM7SE32: 18pF external capacitors are required on XIN and XOUT. External capacitor  2*Cload = 2*(CCRYSTAL - CL) = 2*(20-11) = 18pF • Other AT91SAM7: no need to add external capacitors. (Cload = 0pF).

  16. Clock, Oscillator and PLL (cont.) • External Clock (Main Oscillator in Bypass Mode): XIN • External Clock Range: up to 50 MHz. • Duty Cycle: 40-60% • 1.8V Square Wave signal (VDDPLL). XOUT can be left unconnected

  17. Clock, Oscillator and PLL (cont.) • PLL Filter: PLLRC pin • PLL Filter calculation tool. • ATMEL_PLL_LFT_Filter_CALCULATOR_AT91_xxx.xls • 3 Values necessary to compute the correct filter: • Fin: Quartz Frequency • MUL: PMC Multiplier (MUL+1) • DIV: PMC Divider (DIV) • Adjust R-C1-C2 for startup time. If PLL not used, PLLRC can be left unconnected

  18. ICE & JTAG • TDI, TCK, TMS and TDO: No internal Pull-up resistors. • Pull-up on TDI, TCK, TMS to reduce power consumption.

  19. ICE & JTAG (cont.) • JTAGSELpin: Internal Pull-down resistor (15 kOhm). • JTAGSEL=0 (Default value): JTAG/ICE interface selected. Can be left unconnected for normal operations. • JTAGSEL=1 : must be tied to VDDIO to enter JTAG Boundary Scan.

  20. ERASE pin • Internal Pull-down resistor (15 kOhm). • ERASE=0 (Default value): no action. Can be left unconnected for normal operations. • ERASE=1 : must be tied to VDDIO to erase: • Flash content • GPNVM bits • Security Bit • Debouncing Time (On-chip RC): • SAM7S: none (4µs) • SAM7X/XC: 200 ms • SAM7SE: 220 ms

  21. Reset • POR (Power On Reset) on VDDCORE • Reset the whole system. • RESET (NRST pin) • NRST is configured as output at power-up. • Internal Pull-up resistor on VDDIO for User/External Reset control: • SAM7S/X/XC: 10 kOhm • SAM7SE: 100 kOhm Can be left unconnected. No constraints on the reset pulse length (Built-in POR)

  22. TST pin • Internal Pull-down resistor (15 kOhm) • TST=0 (Default value): no action. Can be left unconnected for normal operations. • TST=1 : Product dependant Must be tied to VDDIO to enter: • FFPI mode (PA0=PA1=1 and PA2=0) • Or SAM-BA Boot recovery mode (PA0=PA1=PA2=1)(only for SAM7S).

  23. PIO • I/O Lines • Pulled-up Input at reset: • SAM7S/X/XC: 10 kOhm • SAM7SE: 100 kOhm • 4 High drive current I/O lines (16mA)Other I/O lines: 8mA • 5V tolerant (SAM7S/X/XC only) • Schmitt trigger inputs (SAM7SE only) • Unused I/O: Should be configured as output driven at ‘0’, pull-up disabled to reduce power consumption.

  24. ADC If the ADC Controller is not used: • ADVREF • AD4 • AD5 • AD6 • AD7 Should be connected to GND to reduce power consumption. Pure Analog Inputs

  25. USB (SAM7S/X/XC) • No Internal Pull-up: external circuitry necessary to enable the pull-up. • No Internal Pull-down. • Host disconnected  DDP must be disconnected (self powered design)  DDP and DDM are floating  Over consumptionSolution: 330 kOhm pull-down on DDP and DDM to reduce over consumption. • Built-in Transceiver Enabled by default: may be disabled to reduce power consumption. VBUS monitoring circuitry necessary to remove the pull-up when the host switches off

  26. USB (SAM7SE) • Internal Pull-up: 1.5 kOhm pull-up (disabled by default):No need for an external pull-up circuitry ! • No Internal Pull-down. • Host disconnected  DDP must be disconnected (self powered design)  DDP and DDM are floating  Over consumptionSolution: 330 kOhm pull-down on DDP and DDM to reduce over consumption. • Built-in Transceiver Disabled by default. VBUS monitoring circuitry necessary to remove the pull-up when the host switches off

  27. USB If the USB Device Controller is not used, to reduce power consumption: • DDP must be: • Tied to VDDIO (SAM7S). • Tied to VDDFLASH (SAM7X/XC). • Left floating (SAM7SE). • DDM must be: • Tied to GND (SAM7S/X/XC). • Left floating (SAM7SE). .

  28. SDCK pin (SAM7SE only) • SDCK (SDRAM Clock) • SDCK is tied low after reset. • Output-only without pull-up and not 5V-tolerant • Maximum Output Frequency: • 48.2 MHz for VDDIO from 3.0V to 3.6V • 25 MHz for VDDIO from 1.65V to 1.95V SAM7SE Only !

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