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Depaul UK helps young people who are homeless, vulnerable and disadvantaged. We are passionate about what we do, working in the very heart of local communities. Nightstop North East. Nightstop North East What do we do? Safe emergency accommodation 16 to 25 year olds in immediate need
Depaul UK helps young people who are homeless, vulnerable and disadvantaged. We are passionate about what we do, working in the very heart of local communities. Nightstop North East
Nightstop North East • What do we do? • Safe emergency accommodation • 16 to 25 year olds in immediate need • Referral • Sign posting • Joint support
Nightstop North East • Who are our hosts? • Aged from 30 to 80! • Male and female • Singles, couples, couples with children, LGBT • Retired, professionals, unemployed • CRB & reference checked (including GP reference) • Fully trained • Access to full support including a 24 hour on call service & regular group events
Nightstop North East • Host Training • The Nightstop North East host training programme includes the following: • Safeguarding • Handling difficult/potentially violent situations • Health & safety in the home • Confidentiality & disclosure • Communication & effective listening skills • Young peoples issues
Nightstop North East • What does the host provide? • A bed for the night in a private room • An evening meal • Breakfast the following morning • Somewhere to wash and dry clothes • Bathing facilities • A ‘listening ear’ if needed • Privacy • A non judgemental environment • A SAFE PLACE TO STAY
Nightstop North East Geography Areas by LA Current Hosts Newcastle 7 North Tyneside 5 Gateshead 3 South Tyneside 3 Sunderland 2 Northumberland 3 Durham 4
Newcastle Area Hosts • Where is the accommodation? • Spittal Tongues • City • Byker • Westerhope • Gosforth • Walkergate • Jesmond
Nightstop North East • The story so far….. • From Jan to Nov 09, Nightstop North East has- • Provided 469 ‘bed nights’ to vulnerable young people • Processed 282 referrals with 50% accepted onto scheme.
Nightstop North East • Outcomes for Young People • From Jan 09 to date • Returned to family 10% • Referred to LA for accommodation (priority need) 10% • Referred to supported lodgings 7% • Placed in supported housing 16% • continued work with Housing Options 49% • Moved directly to LA accommodation 8%
What Nightstop has provided in Newcastle…. • From Jan to Nov 09 Nightstop North East has- • Received 50 referrals • Provided 153 ‘bed nights’ to those young people referred from Newcastle
Nightstop North East Who has referred in Newcastle? W E R S Tyneside Foyer StreetwiseSimonside House N E R S ShelterNorcare Connexions Newcastle College Children’s Rights Council M E S M A C HAC Panah
Nightstop North East Is it for ‘higher risk’ young people? Young people referred by Newcastle agencies & accepted by Nightstop disclosed the following issues (current at the time of referral): Alcohol 12% Drugs 3% Mental Health 11% Offending 15%
Nightstop North East • How Does it Work? • Telephone project staff to discuss referral (referrals accepted 10am to 3pm) • Complete referral form & fax or e mail • Risk assessment conducted by Nightstop North East • Most referrals processed within one hour (Nightstop does not need to meet with the young person at this stage)
Nightstop North East How Does it Work? • Accommodation offered in ‘home’ area when available • Young people are taken to their accommodation on their first night with a new host • Arrangements are made to contact the young person the next day to review their situation
Nightstop North East How Does it Work? • Young persons longer term housing options are reviewed • Assistance and advice is given • Referrals are made, if possible in conjunction with the original referrer • A further Nightstop is arranged if needed • Contact is maintained with the young person daily to review the situation
Nightstop North EastCase study one- Ant • Ant grew up with his mum and sister in Walker. • He left home aged 16 due to family breakdown • Stayed with his sister, then girlfriend and various friends across Newcastle • By age 17 was drinking heavily and had a YOT order • He moved into Supported Accommodation but was evicted for arrears and behaviour under the influence. He did not engage well with the service • Back to sofa surfing and rough sleeping • Short stays in hostels/supported accommodation over the next two years all ended with eviction due to alcohol related behaviour or arrears. • Still drinking but starting to consider the effect on his life
Nightstop North EastCase study one- Ant • Engaged with DnA after spell in hospital with alcohol related illness • Ant referred himself to Nightstop after a friend told him about it. • DnA worker and previous accommodation providers provided risk information for the referral • Stayed with several hosts over a couple of weeks and was helped to submit accommodation applications, set up a payment plan for arrears and sort out benefits. Ant was given toiletries, clothing and money for food and travel to and from his accommodation. • Moved into Simonside House and engaged well with support. Now on resettlement programme awaiting a tenancy and no longer drinking. Just started a plastering course at college.
Nightstop North East Ant described Nightstop as: ‘A relief to have somewhere that people are not going to be on at you all the time. I just needed somewhere to get my head together and wash my clothes and stuff. Otherwise I’d be trying to find friends who would let me stay on their sofas or be walking the streets. The hosts were really nice, they didn’t judge you or anything and you could just be yourself. I wouldn’t have got to where I am now if I hadn’t come to Nightstop.’ Ant says his plans for the future are to: ‘Run my own business’ ‘Become a billionaire’
Nightstop North East Case study two- Dec • Dec lived with Mum, step dad and three younger siblings in North Shields • He was an apprentice plumber under his step dad, who would often get angry with him and one day he hit Dec across the face. • There was also domestic violence towards Dec’s Mum that’s he found difficult to deal with • Dec quit his apprenticeship and left home • Went to London and stayed with an uncle but came home after a few months as he was unhappy • Moved in with Gran in Durham • Gran became ill and could no longer look accommodate him • Spent a few months sofa surfing • Attended The Base in Whitley Bay for help with education, benefits etc Dec had poor literacy and numeracy skills and very poor communication and all round life skills. He was lacking in confidence and had poor personal hygiene
Nightstop North East Case study two- Dec • No longer able to stay with friends, The Base referred Dec to Nightstop • Accessed Nightstop for 10 nights then accessed a Supported Lodgings placement in North Shields • Continued to attend The Base, started to play Rugby again for a local team having stopped months earlier and engaged well with the host family improving his hygiene and confidence and becoming a very good cook • Dec went on to Supported Accommodation in a shared house and continued to improve his skills. • Continued with education programmes and playing rugby • Built bridges with Mum and moved back in with her in Durham where she relocated after splitting from Dec’s step father
Nightstop North East Case study two- Dec Dec described Nightstop as: ‘It stopped me having to rely on other people all the time and found me a permanent place. You get proper meals, a comfy warm bed and can just sit and talk if you want to but they leave you alone if you don’t. It’s really good.’ Dec says his plans for the future are to: ‘Go on a catering course and then join the army as a chef’
Nightstop North EastStaff team & contact details Tracy McDonald Kester Young Liz Fry 0191 2536161 nightstopne@depauluk.org tracy.mcdonald@depauluk.org
She was a lovely woman Brilliant. The meals were massive. She was very accommodating and let me watch whatever I wanted on the TV, within reason. She is a veryfriendly & helpful person who took care of me and treat me with the same respect I treat her with & I am glad she allowed me to stay with her in her beautiful home. Friendly and easy to get on with. We had good conversations and they made me feel welcome. Woz part of a family He made me feel welcome. He left me to my own devices and checked if I was ok. Gave me good advice. He is a nice man who made me feel at home. He was polite and kind and had a good sense of humour and made my stay really pleasant It was fun! I felt at home and comfy They were very welcoming Nightstop North EastWhat the young people say…..