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Chapter 8 – An Enslaved People

Chapter 8 – An Enslaved People. Exodus is the second book of the Bible Exodus means departure Joseph’s family came to live in Egypt. All 12 of Jacob’s(Israel) sons came to Egypt. They were given the best land in Goshen, a fertile area of northern Egypt.

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Chapter 8 – An Enslaved People

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  1. Chapter 8 – An Enslaved People Exodus is the second book of the Bible Exodus means departure Joseph’s family came to live in Egypt. All 12 of Jacob’s(Israel) sons came to Egypt. They were given the best land in Goshen, a fertile area of northern Egypt. Egyptian pharaohs gained control and drove many people away while keeping others as slaves.

  2. The New Kingdom- a time of tremendous wealth and power- lasted hundreds of years. • The new pharaoh feared the Israelites because they were growing in numbers. So he made them slaves. They could no longer worship their God and follow His laws. • Pharaoh knew that the Israelites received their strength from their God.

  3. Social Justice • Social justice is to protect the rights and dignity of each person and to make sure that all people have what is due to them. • Slavery is wrong • Taking away free will • Unjust wages are wrong

  4. Exodus is a biblical word describing the Israelites’ departure from slavery to freedom. • Book of Exodus- • terrible suffering of Israelites as slaves • God brought freedom and hope • God carries out plan to bring people back to Canaan.

  5. Pharaoh told Hebrew women to kill all newborn sons by throwing them into the river. He also forced Hebrew women to marry non-Hebrews thereby gaining land back and also causing them to not be able to practice their religion • One Hebrew woman takes a basket and places her son in it. (Basket means ark in Hebrew, echoing Noah). Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and names him Moses, which means “to draw out of water”. Moses was raised as an Egyptian receiving the best of everything.

  6. Comparing Moses and Christ • Moses • Born at a time of slavery • Mediator of the Old Testament • Fled to desert to pray before he received the grace of God– 40 yrs • Christ • Born at a time of slavery • Mediator of the New Testament • Fled to the desert to pray for 40 days.

  7. Moses killed an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew. Moses fled to Midian to save his life. • God appears as a burning bush– just as he revealed Himself to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. • God wants Moses to lead the Hebrews out of slavery. • God told Moses to tell everyone: I AM sent me to tell you.

  8. Moses and his brother, Aaron went to the Pharaoh to ask permission to worship the Hebrew way. Pharaoh increases the Hebrew’s work load. • Lord tells Moses to warn the Egyptians that “their God will send great acts of judgment” if they do not allow Hebrews to worship their God.

  9. Plagues- major disasters • River of Blood • Frogs • Gnats • Flies • Disease • Boils • Hail • Locust • Darkness • Death of the first born

  10. Magicians were able to duplicate each plague at first, but could not as time went by • Israelite’s faith was strengthened as they saw God protecting them. • Pharaoh continuously promised to let the people go, but then would change his mind. • Last plague– death of the first born– also known as Passover

  11. Passover • To save the Hebrews they had to sacrifice an unblemished lamb • Put the blood on the doorpost • Eat the lamb with herbs and unleavened bread--- Passover still celebrated by Jewish with traditional food and questions. • Called Passover because God passed over his people.

  12. Pharaoh told Moses and Aaron to leave immediately. The Hebrews were led by a cloud during the day and fire by night. • Pharaoh once again changed his mind and sent his army after them. • Moses split the Red Sea with his staff and Israelites were able to make it safely. Egyptians were drowned. • Christians are saved by the water of Baptism

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