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EFFECTIVE SCHOOLS CORRELATES. Strong instructional leadership Clear-focused mission Safe and orderly environment Climate of high expectations Frequent monitoring of student progress Positive Home/School relations Opportunity to learn and student time on task

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EFFECTIVE SCHOOLS CORRELATES Strong instructional leadership Clear-focused mission Safe and orderly environment Climate of high expectations Frequent monitoring of student progress Positive Home/School relations Opportunity to learn and student time on task Ron Edmunds; Effective Schools for the Urban Poor; (Educational Leadership, October, 1979)

  2. WHAT WORKS IN SCHOOLS The School-Level Factors Guaranteed & viable curriculum Challenging goals & effective feedback Parent & community involvement Safe & orderly environment Collegiality & professionalism What Works in Schools – Translating Research into Action; Marzano; ASCD; 2003

  3. School Leadership Professional Capacity Parent-Community Ties Student-Centered Learning Climate Instructional Guidance Contextual Resources = Relational Trust + Local School Community Context ORGANIZING SCHOOLS FOR IMPROVEMENT – THE ESSENTIAL SUPPORTS Organizing Schools for Improvement – Lessons from Chicago; University of Chicago Press; December 2009

  4. Impact of the Essential Supports “We found that schools strong in at least three of the five essential supports were ten times more likely than schools weak in the essential supports to show substantial gains in both reading and mathematics.” ORGANIZING SCHOOLS FOR IMPROVEMENT – THE ESSENTIAL SUPPORTS The Essential Supports for School Improvement; Consortium on Chicago School Research; University of Chicago; September 2006

  5. ONTARIO, CANADASCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS FRAMEWORK • Student Learning and Achievement • Instructional Leadership • Assessment and Evaluation • Curriculum and Instruction

  6. ALASKA SELF-STUDYINSTRUCTIONAL AUDIT TOOL Domains of the Tool • Curriculum • Assessment • Instruction • Learning Environment • Professional Development • Leadership Prepared in collaboration wit Alaska’s Department of Education and Early Development and by Alaska Comprehensive Center

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