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Join us as we celebrate our team's success, set new goals, and offer personal coaching for career advancement. Let's grow together and reach new heights of success!
Dearest Team Members Today, I want to encourage you! Last month we did so well, we broke our production record and I also broke my own commission record as a Senior Sales Director earning $11,000 last month. If you asked me 4 years ago, whether I can imagine myself earning $11,000 a month within 4 years in a business…I will be dumbfounded. I was raised in low-income family. All I saw modeled growing up was lack and struggle. Our family had accepted this lifestyle, but not for me. I remembered when I was out of job, down and out, my hubby also lost his job, and I was so sick that I don’t even have money to see a doctor when I was sick. And back then, I lost my job after working so hard for a company. It made me realized that having one income to raise a family is not good enough and back then I just got married and bought a new house. From that day onwards, I told myself NEVER will I suffered this kind of situation in my life again! And I PROMISED myself that I will LIVE WELL and PROSPER FOREVER! I will never let my life be down and out! I believe all of us are responsible for our own choices! Diamond Supreme International UnitAPR 2014 NEWSLETTERwritten by: SSD Juliana Aw, Hp: 9688 1798, Find me on Facebook or email: julianaaw@gmail.com
So today, I want to encourage you: If you're going to become everything the Universe has created you to be, you've got to make up your mind like I did! Don't settle for beans and rice when the Universe has a steak ready for you! Don't get stuck in the land of "Barely Enough" or the land of "Just Enough." Keep believing, expecting, hoping, dreaming, working and being faithful until you make it all the way in to the land of "More Than Enough!" • I am also so glad to announce that Future Sales Director Cindy Lam is running for her DIQ starting from this April 2014. I strongly believe that she will grow very strong like me! • SD Joey did so well last month too! She broke her production record too! I am so proud of her! She is Top 2 in Mary Kay Singapore for her unit production! WooHoo! • I believe that all of us can do it if you set your mind to it and focus on that goal! So this new month of April 2014, make that new goal and set it! Remember, what you focus on GROWS…….. • I am free for personal coaching on how to recruit and how to sell and how to move up the career path, call me at 96881798 to book 2 hours coaching with me! I love you all! I believe we will move up to another level really soon! I am focus on becoming the next ESSD by Mar 2015, what’s yours? Share with us on our facebook group!
Team members, please call me when you want to move up your career path, I will hold your hands to move up together. New Consultants please remember to visit my blog: http://fromjulianadesk.wordpress.com. Password is diamond. Please download things you required to learn – skincare script, things you required for classes, etc. New consultants are advised to observe my class on every THURS of the month at 7pm at International Plaza. Programmes will be as advised in this newsletter and my facebook – JULES AW or julianaaw@gmail.com.
Our Unit’s Mission It is to greatly impact others to get what they want and to become who they have imagined. Our Vision To produce more leaders in our unit, and to help women around the world to be happy, to be stunning and sexy, earning good income, and having her makeup done!
Recruit 3 new recruits with min. 600 PSP, you get to attend SEPT seminar FREE! Must do!
Queen of Sales & Queen of Sharing (MAR 2014) Cindy Lam (4741 PSP) CONGRATS! I am so proud of you!
Queen of Sales (2nd runner up) Alyssa Chong (2316 PSP) So proud of you! You broke your own SALES record!
RECOGNITION BOARD QUEEN OF SALES 3) Sherry Wong (638 PSP) 4) Sharon Ong (634 PSP) 5) Zhao Yan (615 PSP) 6) Patricia Goh (606 PSP) 7) Joanne Luo (606 PSP) 8) Melisa Leung (602 PSP) 9) Venalie Tan (600 PSP) 10) Yolanda Yap (552 PSP)
CONGRATS TO THE FOLLOWING STAR CONSULTANTS for (Jan to Mar 2014) Get recognition on 10 Apr 2014 7pm! • FSD Cindy Lam (8465 PSP) – Emerald Star Consultant • Venalie Tan (2408 PSP) – Sapphire Star Consultant • FSD Alyssa Chong (3091 PSP) – Sapphire Star Consultant • Team Leader Suhaila (2479 PSP) – Sapphire Star Consultant
Exclusive Brooches Rewards • From today onwards till 28 Jun 2014, New bonus Exclusive Brooches rewards - 3 classes a week - 1 brooch5 classes a week - 2 brooches 3 recruit interviews a week - 1 brooch...5 recruits interviews a week - 2 brooches SMS me to inform me so I could prepare the brooches for you this 8 May 7pm recognition! Senior consultants and above pls inform your recruits too!
Achieve 600 psp – 2 mirrors Achieve 800 psp – lipmaskAchieve 1300 pts – CC Cream – name your color!Queen of Sales will get a necklace from Korea worth $90! Pls SMS when you achieve. 1 to 30 April 2014 Rewards
Queen of Sharing Award • This Apr queen of sharing will get a pair of Sunglasses from Korea worth $90, if u achieve -1) 3 recruits with min 350 Psp recruited month of AprilIf you achieve :-2) 1 recruit with min 350 psp recruited month of April will get a makeup remover. Pls SMS me when achieve!
DIAMOND SURPREME TEAM JuLY CLASSESUNIT MEETING SCHEDULE Take note: Mainroom (if company is using the room we will do Room 1) Apr 2014 @ 7pm 10 April 2014 – Recognition Night + Smokey Eyes + Fake lashes application & How to trim your own eyebrows (pls bring own shaver/ brow trimmer) 17 April 2014 – How to move up/ Recruit training for consultants (Min. 3 pax to start! Pls rsvp by 11 April 2014) 24 April 2014 – Red Carpet/ Dinner function plus find out your styling personality workshop (Basic skincare workshop I) Pls inform no. of pax attending so that I can prepare the notes by 17 April 2014. May 2014 @ 7pm 8 May – Basic Skincare + Mother’s and daughter day makeup look + Dewy/ Radiant Skin (Using CC cream) 15 May – Recognition Night + Smokey Eyes + Fake lashes application + Highlighting and Contouring 22 May – Training for New Consultants – How to Sell 29 May – Bridal/ Bridesmaid makeup workshop
More fabulous promotions! Invite your customers for makeover contest! You can ask your customers to be your model so that you can also increase your portfolios! Consultant with min. 50 pax from now till 30 June 2014, you will get a gift from me! SMS me when you have achieve! This year, winner will go with their consultant and go HK and New York!!!!!!
More fabulous promotions! Cleansing Brush out of stock at the moment! Will update soon!
Debrief for all Consultants while you attend my classes! • Every Thurs at 7pm it’s our skincare/makeup open class. You can bring your guests, however you are required to bring your own products for your guests. • After the whole skincare class, let’s sit down together and do debrief. • As you can see from the above flow of the class, there are 3 parts. To all New Consultants, please memorise the following when you attend my classes: • For first class, memorise what I did for part 1. • Then when you come for the second class, memorise what I did for part 2 • and then when you come for third class, memorise what I did for part 3. During the classes, you can record or video taped me during the classes. This business is all about duplicating . Just duplicate what I did. And treat all your guests with the “Make me Feel Important” attitude. Tell me also your learning key points and what can you improve from there.