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NCAA Eligibility Center 101

NCAA Eligibility Center 101. Mark Hicks, NCAA Eligibility Center Laura Hodges, Texas Virtual School Network Paul Rorvig, NCAA Eligibility Center Nick Sproull, NCAA Eligibility Center. NCAA Eligibility Center 101. Introduction to the Eligibility Center NCAA Initial Eligibility

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NCAA Eligibility Center 101

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NCAA Eligibility Center 101 Mark Hicks, NCAA Eligibility Center Laura Hodges, Texas Virtual School Network Paul Rorvig, NCAA Eligibility Center Nick Sproull, NCAA Eligibility Center

  2. NCAA Eligibility Center 101 • Introduction to the Eligibility Center • NCAA Initial Eligibility • High School Review • Relative NCAA Legislation • Questions

  3. What does the Eligibility Center do? • Domestic and International Certification • Academic Certification • Amateurism Certification • High School Review • Core Course Review • National Letter of Intent (NLI) • Customer Service

  4. Did you know? • Approximately 30,000 high schools. • Approximately 600 Division I and II institutions. • Approximately 500,000 pieces of mail throughout the year. • Over 100,000 core course submissions per year. • Roughly 400-500 core courses per day • 165,000 certifications - this includes reviewing some cases more than once. • From June to September, 78,000 final evaluations and 31,000 preliminary evaluations. • From October to May, 50,000 preliminary cases and 6,000 final cases.

  5. NCAA Initial-Eligibility Requirements • Initial Eligibility is a two-part process: • Amateurism Requirements • Divisions I and II • Division III • Academic Requirements • Divisions I and II • Division III

  6. NCAA Initial-Eligibility Requirements • In order to be academically eligible, a student must: • Graduate from high school; and • Earn a minimum required GPA in a prescribed distribution of core courses; and • Earn a minimum combined SAT or ACT sum score • For Division I, refer to the “sliding scale” • For Division II, combined SAT score of at least 820 (Critical Reading + Math) or an ACT sum score of at least 68.

  7. NCAA Initial-Eligibility Requirements

  8. Roles of Students/Schools • Role of the Student • Academic Preparation • Registration • Role of the Recruiting Institution • Monitoring Student Progress • Identifying Potential Issues • Role of the High School • List of NCAA Courses • Transcripts

  9. Reviewing High Schools • History • Types of Schools • Schools New to the NCAA • Established Schools • Two-part Review of Schools new to the NCAA • Review of School/Program • Review of Individual Courses • What does a list mean? What doesn’t it mean?

  10. Review of School/Program • Academic Review Questionnaire (ARQ) • Nontraditional Academic Review Questionnaire (NARQ) • Curriculum Delivery • Quality Control • Issuance of Transcripts or Grade Reports • Nontraditional Coursework Questionnaire (NCQ)

  11. NCAA Definition of a Core Course • English, mathematics, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language or comparative religion; • Academic, four-year college preparatory; • Algebra I or higher; • Taught by a qualified instructor; and • At or above the high school’s regular academic level.

  12. New NCAA Division I Legislation for Nontraditional Courses • Requires teacher/student access and interaction • Must be required • Must be for the duration of the course • Teaching, evaluating and providing feedback • Student work must be made available • Suggests learning management system • Defined time period for completion • Allows staff to compare/contrast with what was actually completed. • Effective for courses completed August 1, 2010 and after.

  13. ‘Getting Connected’ to the NCAA • TxVSN beginnings • Course review and catalog planning • “Are any of these courses NCAA approved?” • TxVSN and NCAA beginnings • Contact with TxVSN course providers • Contact with NCAA • Reaching a common understanding • NCAA process • TxVSN course review process • Collaborative Relationship and a ‘Best Practice’

  14. Current Trends and Issues • Non-scholastic athletic programs • Be Aware • Communicate • Course Load/Concurrent Courses

  15. Contact Information • 877/NCAA-EC1 (877/622-2321) • Phone Line Dedicated to the High School Community • www.eligibilitycenter.org • 2009-10 Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete

  16. Thank You!

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