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Statements of the interest in LCGT data analysis

Statements of the interest in LCGT data analysis. Ping Xi Shanghai United Center for Astrophysics (SUCA), Shanghai Normal University. Outline ► I nterests in data analysis of LCGT ► R esearch experience ► Preparation for data analysis of LCGT.

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Statements of the interest in LCGT data analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Statements of the interest in LCGT data analysis Ping Xi Shanghai United Center for Astrophysics (SUCA), Shanghai Normal University 2011-2-5

  2. Outline ► Interests in data analysisof LCGT ► Research experience ►Preparation for data analysis of LCGT 2011-2-5

  3. Prompted by Prof. Wei-Tou Ni, we are discussing possible participation in the LCGT project and what we will do for LCGT. 1. Interests in data analysisof LCGT Sources of Gravitational waves ♦ NS-NS ♦BH-BH ♦NS-BH Three stages for the evolution of a binary ♦inspiral ♦merger ♦ ringdown ‘Complete’ binary waveforms template ♦ Combining the results from analytical and numerical calculations, complete binary waveforms can be parametrized to produce analytical waveform templates. ♦ They can be used to estimate the efficiency of different searches in detecting signals from the binary coalescences. 2011-2-5

  4. 2. Research experience Research field ●Quasinormal modes of a black hole ● Topological defects ● Accelerating universe Publications ●P. Xi, X. C. Ao and X. Z. Li, A simple derivation of level spacing of quasinormal frequencies for black hole with a deficit solid angle surrounded by quintessence-like matter, Astrophys. Space Sci 330 (2010) 273-278. ●X. C. Ao, X. Z. Li, and P. Xi, Analytical approach of late-time evolution in a torsion cosmology, Phys. Lett. B694 (2010) 186-190. ● P. Xi, Quasinormal modes of a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle: scalar and gravitational perturbations, Astrophys. Space Sci 321 (2009) 47-51. ●X. Z. Li, C. B. Sun, and P. Xi, Torsion cosmological dynamics, Phys. Rev. D 79(2009) 027301. 2011-2-5

  5. ●X. Z. Li, C. B. Sun, and P. Xi, Statefinder diagnostic in a torsion cosmology, JCAP 04 (2009) 015. ●X. Z. Li, P. Xi and X. H. Zhai, Global monopole surrounded by quintessence-like matter, Phys. Lett. B666 (2008), 125-130. ● P. Xi and X. Z. Li, Quasinormal modes and late-time tails of canonical acoustic black holes, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D16 (2007) 1211-1218. ● P. Xi and X. Z. Li, Object picture of quasinormal modes for stringy black holes, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (2005) 2763-2765. ● P. Xi and J. M. Zhu, Object picture of electromagnetic quasi-normal ringing on the background of small Schwarzschild anti-de Sitter black holes, Nuov. Cim. B119 (2004) 353-359. 2011-2-5

  6. 3. Preparation for data analysis of LCGT ◆The methods of solving the motion equations of compact binary ► Inspiral The post-Newtonian (PN) expansion of GR ► Merger Numerical relativity ► Ringdown Perturbation theory 2011-2-5

  7. ◆some papers about binary black-hole case ●S. A. Hughes, Gravitational waves from merging compact bianries, Annu. Rev. Astrophys. 47 (2009), 107-157 ● N. Yunes, A. Buonanno, S. A. Hughes, Y. Pan, E. Barausse, M. C. Miller and W. Throwe, Extreme mass-ratio inspirals in the effective-one-body approach: quasi-circular, equatorial orbits around a spinning black hole, arXiv:1009.6013. ●D. Shoemaker, B. Vaishnav, I. Hinder and F. Herrmann, Numerical relativity meets data analysis: spinning binary black hole case. Class. Quantum Grav. 25 (2008) 114047 ●P. Ajith, Gravitational-wave data analysis using binary black-hole waveforms, Class. Quantum Grav. 25 (2008) 114033. 2011-2-5

  8. Thank you ! 2011-2-5

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