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Pengaruh pengalaman pembelajaran ke atas Jatidiri pelajar UKM. Zaharah Hassan Zarina Othman. Apa dia jati diri. Refers to an individual’s or group’s sense of who they are as defined by them and/or others (Swan, et al 2006) Social identity and personal identity
Pengaruh pengalaman pembelajaran ke atas Jatidiri pelajar UKM Zaharah Hassan Zarina Othman
Apa dia jati diri • Refers to an individual’s or group’s sense of who they are as defined by them and/or others (Swan, et al 2006) • Social identity and personal identity • Personal identity – description s of unique individual characteristics
Social identity • Social identity consists of descriptions of ourselves with respect to the characteristics of our group membership • Emphasizes the ways in which we are similar to members of our own group and the ways in which our group differs from other groups
Objektif kajian • Mengenal pasti domain/categories/konstruk jati diri pelajar ukm dari perspektif pelajar dan orang lain • Memahami proses pembentukan jatidiri di ukm • Mengenal pasti faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan jati diri pelajar -proses pembelajaran dan latar belakang • Mencadang dan melaksana tindakan intervention
Methodology – data gathering techniques • pemerhatian • Temubualmendalamdantemubualberfokus – pelajar, majikan, public untukmebinainstrumen • Survey
Methodology – sample/population & data analysis • Random sampling • pelajartahun 1, 2 3 (proses) • Semuafakullti Analisis data • N Vivo 8 – theme and categories • SPSS
Bertudung Health - healthy Family – family role – elder sister Religion Citizenship Gender Educated Ethnicity Being a student College/school Marital status Language State of origin Youth Economic status Asian Rural or urban origin Social identities generated by UM research
Cont….media exposure and language preference • Language used for drama series and frequency of viewing for each language • Language used for music & entertainment and frequency of use • Language use for news n documentaries and frequency of using for each language • Language use for newspaper n magazine and frequency of use for each language • Language use for surfing theinternet and frequency of use for each language
Identity markers in research on Children of Indian Bidayuh mixed marriage • Language use with family members • Food habitually consumed at home • Festival celebrated • Marriage preference • Social identity
Jati diri UKM? Berasaskan syarahan Naib Canselor 2008 • Jatidiri kebangsaan (berasaskan jenama kebangsaan)? Beretika dan mempunyai nilai-nilai murni, dapat menangani cabaran globalisasi dan kepelbagaian??? • Siswazah dapat bekerja dipasaran global –berinovatif untuk memajukan firma • Usahawan, industrialist yang memajukan masyarakat setempat • Mahir bahasa global – Inggeris disamping mendaulatkan bahasa melayu • Ukm contoh perpaduan kerana ini agenda kebangsaan – nilai, sikap dan prinsip
Cadangan…. • Use identity markers – we determine based on VC speech n others – advantage and challenges??? • Based on identity generated by students and other people – advantage and challenges. • Strategy to intervene – e g video corporat, iklan TV. Selitkan dalam popular media ect.
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