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Homework 3 : DEADLINE Friday, Dec. 9, 6 PM Write a procedure that inserts a character into a sorted binary tree (one node contains one character). Write a procedure that prints out the characters of that tree (in order).
Homework 3 : DEADLINE Friday, Dec. 9, 6 PM Write a procedure that inserts a character into a sorted binary tree (one node contains one character). Write a procedure that prints out the characters of that tree (in order). Use the two procedures in a program that prints out the ordered characters of a string taken from the command line, followed by a newline. Example: tm charsort “Programming is fun” should print out Pafggiimmnnorrsu (the first two characters are blanks). NOTE: Please do it just by yourself, don’t show your program to others. You must run and test your program: if you don’t, it won’t be accepted. The program must be properly indented and commented. Submission in the form of printouts on paper: - a listing of the program; - actual printouts from all the test runs. Screen images will not be accepted.