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Parte 2 LA MENTIRA: LA RAIZ DE LA POBREZA. 3 La Estructura 4 Aplastando a la Mujer5 La Cultura del Sexismo6 La Desaparici?n de la Mujer. ?No existe una cultura que trate a la mujer con la misma integridad con que tratan a los hombres! . El Trasfondo del Machismo. En su mayor parte, cada cultura

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    1. Nutriendo las Naciones Aplastando a la Mujer

    2. Parte 2 LA MENTIRA: LA RAIZ DE LA POBREZA 3 La Estructura 4 Aplastando a la Mujer 5 La Cultura del Sexismo 6 La Desaparicin de la Mujer

    3. No existe una cultura que trate a la mujer con la misma integridad con que tratan a los hombres! While the West generally treats women better than the rest of the world, it is safe to say that there is no culture .While the West generally treats women better than the rest of the world, it is safe to say that there is no culture .

    4. El Trasfondo del Machismo En su mayor parte, cada cultura vive de acuerdo al trasfondo cultural de: Superioridad masculina Inferioridad femenina Esto nos lleva a: El aplastamiento de la mujer en una cultura sexista La desaparicin de la mujer en una cultura feminista Culture after culture institutionalizes the lie that men are superior to women, male is superior to female. Because of the culture of female inferiority, in much of the world a girl has a life to look forward to that is filled with disrespect, poverty and violence. This culture of female inferiority leads to: Culture after culture institutionalizes the lie that men are superior to women, male is superior to female. Because of the culture of female inferiority, in much of the world a girl has a life to look forward to that is filled with disrespect, poverty and violence. This culture of female inferiority leads to:

    5. La Nia No deseada desde antes de nacer y abortada frecuentemente Desatendida y mal nutrida desde su niez Privada de la educacin y del cuidado mdico Sujetada al trabajo desde su infancia Abusada, violada y vendida a la prostitucin o sometida al matrimonio a una temprana edad

    6. La Nia (Cont.) Mal nutrida como adulta y durante su embarazo Sobrecargada en trabajo y pobremente reconocida Tratada con violencia y humillada por su esposo y por otros hombres Asesinada por un esposo o un padre Abandonada como viuda

    7. La Guerra Silenciosa El sistema judicial y legislativo le dan la espalda Muchas veces, no hay leyes para proteger a la mujer. Cuando hay, el abusador usualmente no recibe castigo. La iglesia, la primera institucin llamada a defender a la mujer, es: A menudo, aptica Con mayor frecuencia, cmplice The war against women is largely a silent war, a war that goes un-seen or unnoticed. The war against women is largely a silent war, a war that goes un-seen or unnoticed.

    8. La Venganza de Eva Parece que, universalmente, la vulnerabilidad fsica de la mujer, y las ideas arraigadas acerca del significado de la femineidad incitan el sentido de dominio en el hombre y el auto-odio en la mujer. (itlicas aadidas) Calles Barger Maternal Feminist Calles Barger Maternal Feminist Calles Barger

    9. Elementos Claves de la Guerra Destruccin Familiar Traficar Reproduccin Asesinato There are four major areas where the war against women is being carried out Family Destruction Domestic Violence Rape Divorce Trafficking Pornography Prostitution Sex Trafficking Sex Tourism Reproduction Forced Sterilization Abortion Murder Female Infanticide Female Feticide Honor Killing Dowry Death There are four major areas where the war against women is being carried out Family Destruction Domestic Violence Rape Divorce Trafficking Pornography Prostitution Sex Trafficking Sex Tourism Reproduction Forced Sterilization Abortion Murder Female Infanticide Female Feticide Honor Killing Dowry Death

    10. Destruccin Familiar Violencia domstica Violacin Divorcio

    11. Violencia Domstica Domestic violence is a universal phenomena. It transcends race and ethnic boundaries, education and economic levels, and religion. For the most part it is mens violence against women. Men abuse their wives or girlfriends to exercise power and control over them. In Brazil 80% of murders of women and 70% of the rapes are done by husbands, relatives or friends Worldwide it is estimated that between 25-50% of women have been victims of domestic violence Domestic violence and spousal abuse are most often viewed as a family matter in which there is no need for the civil authorities to become involved Domestic violence is a universal phenomena. It transcends race and ethnic boundaries, education and economic levels, and religion. For the most part it is mens violence against women. Men abuse their wives or girlfriends to exercise power and control over them. In Brazil 80% of murders of women and 70% of the rapes are done by husbands, relatives or friends Worldwide it is estimated that between 25-50% of women have been victims of domestic violence Domestic violence and spousal abuse are most often viewed as a family matter in which there is no need for the civil authorities to become involved

    12. Cita de Violencia Domstica Tanto el pescado seco como la mujer, son mejores luego de ser azotados. Proverbio Koreano

    13. Violencia Domstica En los EEUU una mujer es abusada por su compaero cada nueve segundos. De acuerdo a una Encuesta del Departamento de Justicia de EEUU en 1998, 22% de las mujeres adultas son golpeadas por sus esposos o novios.

    14. Tipos de Violencia Abuso Sexual Sexo forzado Sexo violento Forzar a la esposa a tener sexo con otros hombres Abuso sicolgico Lenguaje humillante Intimidacin Hostigamiento Asfixie de la persona Abandono emocional

    15. Tipos de Violencia (Cont.) Abuso Econmico No proveer para las necesidades de la esposa Tomar ventaja del ingreso de la esposa Llevar a la bancarrota las finanzas de la familia Crear un espritu de dependencia econmica. Abuso Fsico

    16. Ataque con cido En el sur de Asia, a las mujeres se les castiga tirndoles cido en sus rostros para desfigurarlas y hacerlas no deseables para otros hombres. En Bangladesh 2,200 mujeres son desfiguradas cada ao por ataques con cidos. In Bangladesh 2,200 women are disfigured every year by acid attacks.[1] In parts of South Asia, womens faces are cut or acid is thrown into their faces to disfigure them for punishment and to make them undesirable to other men. DLM Story: Rwanda Real men beat their wives! Conference in Kenya same thing [1] Goodman, Ellen; How Long Before we Take the Honor out of Killing? The Washington Post [in the Guardian Weekly, April 6-12, 2000] internet www.gendercide.org 03/22/03In Bangladesh 2,200 women are disfigured every year by acid attacks.[1] In parts of South Asia, womens faces are cut or acid is thrown into their faces to disfigure them for punishment and to make them undesirable to other men. DLM Story: Rwanda Real men beat their wives! Conference in Kenya same thing

    17. Palizas En Pakistn, aproximadamente de un 70 90% de las mujeres han sido abusadas por sus esposos. En las afueras del Cairo una encuesta de 100 mujeres demostr que un 30% eran golpeadas cada da y un 34% eran golpeadas una vez a la semana

    18. Violacin Los patrones alrededor del mundo son los mismos, se repiten Aproximadamente entre una de cada cinco y una de cada siete mujeres sern vctimas de violacin durante su vida.

    19. Violacin, un Arma de Guerra La milicia rabe en Sudn lleva a cabo violaciones grupales y secuestran a nias desde los 8 aos hasta mujeres de 80 aos, matndolas, torturndolas o usndolas como esclavas sexuales Sudan: Storyline: Arab Militias Seen Using Rape as Weapon[1] Fiona O Brien of Reuters News Agency writes: They raped women. I saw many cases of Janjaweed [The Arab militias aligned with the Sudanese government] raping women and girls. They are happy when they rape. They sing when they rape and they tell us that we are just slaves and that they can do with us how they wish. [2] [1] Washington Times National WeeklyEdition; July 26 August 1, 2004; pg. 24 [2] ibid Washing TimesSudan: Storyline: Arab Militias Seen Using Rape as Weapon[1] Fiona O Brien of Reuters News Agency writes: They raped women. I saw many cases of Janjaweed [The Arab militias aligned with the Sudanese government] raping women and girls. They are happy when they rape. They sing when they rape and they tell us that we are just slaves and that they can do with us how they wish. [2]

    20. Relaciones Sexuales con una Virgen Previene el SIDA En Sur frica hay un mito que establece que tener sexo con una virgen cura el SIDA. Mientras ms joven es la virgen, la cura ser ms potente. Esto ha causado una epidemia en la cual hombres infectados contagian a nias inocentes. Muchas han muerto en estas violaciones crueles. Recientemente, en Ciudad de El Cabo, una beb de nueve meses fue violada por 6 hombres La pobre nia est peleando por su vida. Esto es slo uno de los millones de casos de abuso infantil 1] [1]From the SAPS Child Protection Unit in the government of South Africa internet www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/aids-virgins.htm 03/21/03[1]From the SAPS Child Protection Unit in the government of South Africa internet www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/aids-virgins.htm 03/21/03

    21. Violacin Agresiva al Alma Lo violento en una violacin no es meramente una agresin fsica, sino una agresin a la naturaleza interna de la mujer; es un ataque a su alma, personalidad, dignidad e identidad. The impact of rape on the inside of a woman will last longer than the scars on the external. Depression, an inability to risk given herself wholly to another person, loss of trust of men The impact of rape on the inside of a woman will last longer than the scars on the external. Depression, an inability to risk given herself wholly to another person, loss of trust of men

    22. Trfico Pornografa Prostitucin Trfico de esclavas sexuales Turismo Sexual

    23. Pornografa

    24. Dos tipos de Pornografa Muy Explcita Es violenta y enfermiza Sadista-masoquista Se trata del poder y el control sobre la mujer Poco Explcita El contenido de los chistes de casillero o locker room. Los calendarios pornogrficos expuestos en los comedores de los trabajadores Playboy

    25. La Industria de Pornografa en EEUU La industria de pornografa en EEUU, recoge de $10 a $14 miles de millones al ao, y se ha vuelto una de las de mayor incremento en el pas. La misma sobrepasa los ingresos de las franquicias del ftbol americano, el beisbol y el baloncesto profesional - y sobrepasa la ganancia de las ventas de taquillas de cine en la nacin. [1] [1] ibid Selle; pg 7A Porn Statistics While Hollywood produces 400 feature films per year, the porn studios produce 11,000 a year.[1] As of July 2003, there were 260 million pages of porn online, an increase of 1800% since 1998. Porn amounts to about 7% of the 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google.[2] Cybersex compulsive refers to the 200,000 American adults that spend 11 hours a week or more on internet porn sites.[3] [1] Adult Video News; Quoted in Porn Matters Divorce and Pornography Statistics; internet www.divorcewizards.com [2] N2H2/Secure Computing Corp.; Quoted in Porn Matters Divorce and Pornography Statistics; internet www.divorcewizard.com; 10/27/04 [3] ibid, Selle; pg. 7A [1] ibid Selle; pg 7A Porn Statistics While Hollywood produces 400 feature films per year, the porn studios produce 11,000 a year.[1] As of July 2003, there were 260 million pages of porn online, an increase of 1800% since 1998. Porn amounts to about 7% of the 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google.[2] Cybersex compulsive refers to the 200,000 American adults that spend 11 hours a week or more on internet porn sites.[3]

    26. Publicaciones Pornogrficas La distribucin de las revistas Playboy y Penthouse (24 millones en total) es el doble de la distribucin de las revistas Newsweek y Time. [1] [1] Task Force on Prostitution and Pornography, 1985; quoted on Pornography Information Sheet; internet www.mncasa.org 10/06/03; pg. 1of2 In the USA alone, there are more than 400 different pornographic magazines sold in 20,000 adult bookstores. [1] [1] Stringer, Dr. Phil; The Pornography Plague; USIAP; internet www.usiap.org; pg 1of 5; 10/6/03 [1] Task Force on Prostitution and Pornography, 1985; quoted on Pornography Information Sheet; internet www.mncasa.org 10/06/03; pg. 1of2 In the USA alone, there are more than 400 different pornographic magazines sold in 20,000 adult bookstores. [1]

    27. Pornografa Muy Explcita Las mujeres y jvenes fueron torturadas y sufrieron heridas fsicas permanentes, como respuesta a las demandas pblicas de obtener fotografas que representaran el abuso sadomasoquista El torturador/fotgrafo sigui las instrucciones del editor, tortur a las mujeres y nias, y luego, le vendi las fotografas. Estas fueron incluidas en las revistas vendidas en mercados pornogrficos por toda la nacin.[1] In 1986, the Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography held hearings in Los Angeles. One of the witnesses testified: [1] Attorney Generals Commission, 1986; pg. 787-788; internet www.dianarussell.com; 10/06/03In 1986, the Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography held hearings in Los Angeles. One of the witnesses testified: [1] Attorney Generals Commission, 1986; pg. 787-788; internet www.dianarussell.com; 10/06/03

    28. La Depreciacin de la Mujer El traje de bao de hilos El Burka Small Group Process Describe the ideas/ values represented in these two pictures Is there a difference between the string suit and soft porn? If yes, what is it? If not, why not? Feedback In much of the world sexuality has been divorced from its moral and spiritual moorings. In some circles (some Muslims, some Christians), sex is seen as an evil thing With the rise of secularism in the West, sex has become both recreational and a spectator sport With the rise of internet technology Pornography has been mainstreamed and Is often seen as a legitimate entertainment option. The cost of pornography to society Dehumanizing of both men and women It reduces men to consumers and women to commodities. It creates a fantasy world that no real woman can live up to. It drives addictive impulses It destroys the lives of individuals, marriages and families, and communities It leads to sex crimes, the promotion of sex trafficking and violence against women. .Small Group Process Describe the ideas/ values represented in these two pictures Is there a difference between the string suit and soft porn? If yes, what is it? If not, why not? Feedback In much of the world sexuality has been divorced from its moral and spiritual moorings. In some circles (some Muslims, some Christians), sex is seen as an evil thing With the rise of secularism in the West, sex has become both recreational and a spectator sport With the rise of internet technology Pornography has been mainstreamed and Is often seen as a legitimate entertainment option. The cost of pornography to society Dehumanizing of both men and women It reduces men to consumers and women to commodities. It creates a fantasy world that no real woman can live up to. It drives addictive impulses It destroys the lives of individuals, marriages and families, and communities It leads to sex crimes, the promotion of sex trafficking and violence against women. .

    29. Prostitucin

    30. Prostitucin: Una Carrera Escogida El movimiento pro-aborto ha hecho del derecho de la mujer de controlar su propio cuerpo, algo sagrado. Y si es as, entonces tienes que proteger el derecho de que venda su cuerpo cuando ella quiera.[1] Chuck Colson [1] ibid, Colson[1] ibid, Colson

    31. Trfico de Sexo En los EU, hay alrededor de 50,000 a 70,000 mujeres cautivas como esclavas sexuales.[1] Aproximadamente 2.5 millones de mujeres son forzadas a la esclavitud alrededor del mundo.[2] [1] Selle, Robert R; A World That Seems to Hate Women; The Washington Times National Weekly Edition; pg. 3A [2] ibid Selle; pg. 3A [1] Selle, Robert R; A World That Seems to Hate Women; The Washington Times National Weekly Edition; pg. 3A [2] ibid Selle; pg. 3A

    32. Trfico en los Nios 10,000 nios entre las edades de seis y catorce aos son esclavizados en burdeles de Sri Lanka[1] Mdicos sin Fronteras establece que en Cambodia, nias de 5 aos son forzadas a tener sexo oral con los clientes; nias de 10 aos son penetradas.[1] [1] ibid, CNN [1] Morse, Anne; The Abolitionist; World Magazine; <arch 2003; pg. 20 In fact the average rate of HIV infection in children rescued from brothels ranges from 50% to as high as 90%.[1] [1] Exploited Child Unit: Sex Tourism; internet: www.missingkids.com; 3/20/03 [1] ibid, CNN [1] Morse, Anne; The Abolitionist; World Magazine; <arch 2003; pg. 20 In fact the average rate of HIV infection in children rescued from brothels ranges from 50% to as high as 90%.[1]

    33. Estadsticas de Trfico 200,000 mujeres y nias son traficadas en los Balcanes cada ao.[1] En el 1993, la embajada Tailandesa en Tokyo, Japn estim que haban de 80,000 - 100,000 mujeres tailandesas trabajando en la industria de sexo en Japn.[2] Las mujeres asiticas son vendidas por $16,000 a los burdeles en los EEUU.[3] 10,000 mujeres de la Unin Sovitica actual son forzadas a la prostitucin en Israel [4] La industria de sexo gener de $20-23 mil millones en los aos 1993-1995[5] [1] Quotables; World Magazine; Jan. 11, 2003 pg. 12 [2] ibid, Dorman, pg. 8 [3] CNN; Sex Slavery: The Growing Trade; March 8, 2001; internet www.cnn.com/world 3/19/03 [4] ibid, CNN [5] ECPAT Australia, ECPAT Development Manual, Melbourne, Australia, 1994, pg. 29 from internet www.missingkids.com; 3/20/03 [1] Quotables; World Magazine; Jan. 11, 2003 pg. 12 [2] ibid, Dorman, pg. 8 [3] CNN; Sex Slavery: The Growing Trade; March 8, 2001; internet www.cnn.com/world 3/19/03 [4] ibid, CNN [5] ECPAT Australia, ECPAT Development Manual, Melbourne, Australia, 1994, pg. 29 from internet www.missingkids.com; 3/20/03

    34. Los tres mtodos de los Traficantes Fraude ofrecen trabajos, en un lugar romntico, como amas de casa, cuidado de nios, en viajes o en entretenimiento Violencia rompen la voluntad de la mujer a la fuerza. Ella puede ser azotada, violada o aprisionada hasta llevarla al punto de someterse. Intimidacin Pueden quitarle sus documentos de viaje, para que permanezcan ilegalmente en su nuevo pas. Reciben amenazas de heridas o de muerte para sus familias.

    35. Trfico de Novias La poltica China de un solo hijo Existen ahora 111 millones de hombres que no podrn encontrar esposa.[1] Comercio floreciente del trfico de novias Dentro de China Fuera de China: Corea del Norte, Vietnam [1] Quoted in Selle; pg. 7A [1] Quoted in Selle; pg. 7A

    36. Partes del Cuerpo de un Beb[1] Mujeres de Europa del Este son llevadas a Italia. Embarazadas. Mantenidas en cautiverio hasta que el bebe nace. Se recolectan partes del cuerpo del bebe. Se venden en clnicas privadas en Israel y Turqua [1] Frat, Peter; How Baby M Escaped Europes Trade in Humans; The Age, Saturday, May 24, 2003; pg 16[1] Frat, Peter; How Baby M Escaped Europes Trade in Humans; The Age, Saturday, May 24, 2003; pg 16

    37. Compaas de Turismo Sexual Paquetes tursticos Boletos areos Transportacin terrestre Hoteles Acompaante turstico

    38. Por qu pasa esto? Hombres mayores, de EEUU y Europa, buscan compaa en lugares exticos. Intentan evitar el estigma social de usar prostitutas en sus propios pases. Buscan nias jvenes, esperando as evitar las enfermedades de transmisin sexual.

    39. Reproduccin Esterilizacin Forzada Aborto Mutilacin Genital Femenina Forced Sterilization Abortion Female Genital Mutilation Forced Sterilization Abortion Female Genital Mutilation

    40. Esterilizacin Forzada

    41. Margaret Sanger Fundadora de Paternidad Planeada Neo-Maltusianismo Lder del Movimiento Americano de Eugenesia Eje de la Civilizacin Se vincula Sexo y hambre. Deshacerse de las malas hierbas

    42. Darwinismo Social Ellos [el Occidente] quieren terminar con la pobreza, evitando que nazcan pobres. Eloni Bonotto, Sindicato de Mujeres de Sao Luis, Brasil

    43. Estadsticas de Esterilizacin En Vietnam, ms de 31,000 mujeres fueron qumicamente esterilizadas entre 1989 y 1993.[1] El gobierno Peruano inici un programa de salud pblica de esterilizacin en 1995. En 1997 110,000 mujeres fueron esterilizadas en este programa.[2] Entre 1965-1971, 1 milln de mujeres en Brasil han sido esterilizadas.[3] En los aos setenta se estima que entre 25-40% de las mujeres Indgenas Americanas fueron esterilizadas sin ser informadas y sin su consentimiento [4] [1] Rao, Mohan; Neo-Eugenics: The Quinacrine Sterilisation of Women in India; Womans Link, July-September 1997; internet www.hsph.harvard.edu; 2/23/04 [2] Failoa, Anthony; Peru is accused of Coercing Poor Women to Be Sterilized; International Herald Tribune; Friday, February 13, 1998; pg. 9 [3] Latin and Indigenous Women & Children at Risk; February 23, 2004; internet www.libertadlatina.org/Crisis_Forced_Sterilization.htm. 2/23/04 [4] Ibid Latin and Indigenous

    44. Cuotas e Incentivos Trabajadores de salud Peruanos reciban entre $4 y $12 por cada mujer pobre que lograran persuadir para que se esterilizara.[1] [1] Rivera, Roberto; You Are That Man!; BreakPoint Worldview; April 2003; pg. 6

    45. Aborto

    46. Aborto Mundialmente[1] 46 millones por ao/ 126,000 cada da. 78% ocurren en naciones en desarrollo y 22% en pases desarrollados. 26 millones en naciones donde el aborto es legal. 20 millones donde el aborto es ilegal o limitado. El promedio mundial es un aborto por mujer durante su expectativa de vida. [1] Center for Bioethical Reform; internet www.abortiontv.com; 12/04/03[1] Center for Bioethical Reform; internet www.abortiontv.com; 12/04/03

    47. Feministas Pro Vida Frederica Mathewes-Green en una cultura que trata el embarazo y la crianza como impedimentos, el [aborto] quirrgico adapta a la mujer para que encaje en esta cultura. Si las mujeres son un grupo oprimido, ellas son el nico grupo que requiere ciruga para ser iguales. En la Mitologa Griega, Procusto era un anfitrin exigente: si tenias la estatura equivocada para su cama, el te estirara o cortara para que encajaras. La mesa de aborto es la cama del Procusto feminista moderno, uno que es espantoso y perverso, sus victimas marchan actualmente protestando en las calles. [1] [1] Mathewes-Green, Frederica; Abortion: Womens Rights and Wrongs; internet www.members.tripod.com; 12/04/03 [1] Mathewes-Green, Frederica; Abortion: Womens Rights and Wrongs; internet www.members.tripod.com; 12/04/03

    48. Un Vientre Vaco Un vientre vaco le permite a la mujer funcionar como un macho no encumbrado en el mundo del mercado. Los hombres no tienen que embarazarse. Para convertirse en no-embarazada, instantneamente, mientras niega la naturaleza ms fundamental de la mujer, es precisamente la misma cosa que le permite parecerse ms a un hombre.

    49. Aborto es una capitulacin al sistema de valores dominado por los hombres!

    50. El Vientre Materno El vientre materno fue diseado para ser el lugar ms seguro del mundo, un lugar de compasin. Pero en vez de esto se ha convertido en uno de los lugares ms peligrosos del mundo.

    51. Efectos del Aborto en la Mujer Efectos Fsicos Principales[1] Muerte: Se reporta que el Aborto Legal es la quinta causa principal de muerte materna en los Estados Unidos,. Cncer de Seno: El riesgo de cncer de seno casi se dobla despus de un aborto, y se incrementa con dos o ms abortos. Incremento de Cncer Cervical, de los Ovarios y del hgado. [1] The Elliot Insititute; Alist of Major Physical Sequelae Related to Abortion; internet www.abortionfacts.com; 12/04/03Dr. Breast Cancer: Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S. of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute writes: Abortion is a risk factor for breast cancer. I see it every day in my practice. Thirty percent of my breast cancer patients who are in their thirties do not have a family history of cancer, but have had an abortion. It is estimated that and additional ten thousand cases of breast cancer occur each year because of abortion.[1]] Cervical Cancer, etc: Women with one abortion face a 2.3 relative risk of cervical cancer, compared with non-aborted women. Similar elevated risks of ovarian and liver cancer have also been linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted women are apparently linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany pregnancy and untreated cervical damage. [1] Lanfranchi, Dr. Angela; The Abortion-Breast Cancer Link; internet www.physiciansforlife.org; 12/4/03; pg. 1 [1] The Elliot Insititute; Alist of Major Physical Sequelae Related to Abortion; internet www.abortionfacts.com; 12/04/03Dr. Breast Cancer: Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S. of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute writes: Abortion is a risk factor for breast cancer. I see it every day in my practice. Thirty percent of my breast cancer patients who are in their thirties do not have a family history of cancer, but have had an abortion. It is estimated that and additional ten thousand cases of breast cancer occur each year because of abortion.[1]] Cervical Cancer, etc: Women with one abortion face a 2.3 relative risk of cervical cancer, compared with non-aborted women. Similar elevated risks of ovarian and liver cancer have also been linked to single and multiple abortions. These increased cancer rates for post-aborted women are apparently linked to the unnatural disruption of the hormonal changes which accompany pregnancy and untreated cervical damage.

    52. Efectos del Aborto en la Mujer Efectos Sicolgicos Principales[1] Sndrome Post Aborto (SPA): por lo menos un 19% de mujeres padecen de desorden de estrs post traumtico, despus de abortar. Disfuncin Sexual: 30 a 50 % de las mujeres que abortaron, reportaron disfunciones sexuales, a corto y largo plazo. Pensamientos Suicidas e Intentos de Suicidio: Aproximadamente 60 % de las mujeres que experimentaron secuelas post aborto, reportaron tener pensamientos suicidas, y 28 por ciento intentaron suicidarse en realidad ... [1] The Elliot Institute: A List of Major Psychological Sequelae of Abortion; www.abortionfacts.com; 12/04/03[1] The Elliot Institute: A List of Major Psychological Sequelae of Abortion; www.abortionfacts.com; 12/04/03

    53. Mutilacin Genital Femenina (MGF) The World Health Organization recognizes four types of FGM[1]: Type 1 Circumcision Excision of the prepuce, with or without excision of part or all of the clitoris. Analogous to male circumcision Known as Sunna Circumcision in Muslim counties Type 2 Excision Excision of the clitoris with partial or total excision of the labia minora. Type 3 Infibulation Excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening. Known as Pharonic circumcision in Muslim countries Most severe 20% of all affected women[2] Type 4 All other types [1] Frequently Asked Questions about Female Genital Mutilation; United Nations Population Fund; internet www.unfpa.org; 3/19/03; pg.2-3 [2] Frequently Asked Questions about Female Genital Mutilation; United Nations Population Fund; internet www.unfpa.org; 3/19/03; pg 3 The World Health Organization recognizes four types of FGM[1]: Type 1 Circumcision Excision of the prepuce, with or without excision of part or all of the clitoris. Analogous to male circumcision Known as Sunna Circumcision in Muslim counties Type 2 Excision Excision of the clitoris with partial or total excision of the labia minora. Type 3 Infibulation Excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening. Known as Pharonic circumcision in Muslim countries Most severe 20% of all affected women[2] Type 4 All other types

    54. Estadsticas de MGF Dos millones de nias son genitalmente mutiladas cada ao (6,000 cada da).[1] 130 millones de nias ya padecieron mutilacin genital.[2] MGF es practicada en 40 pases, incluyendo los Estados Unidos.[3] [1] ibid Bunch; pg. 2 of 3 [2] Kristof, Nicholas D. ; Guest Commentary: Bush vs. Women; Naples Daily News/Perspective 08/16/02; www.naplesnews.com [3] Maher, Robin M.; Female Genital Mutilation: The Modern Day Strugggle to Eradicate a Torturous Rite of Passage; Human Rights, Volume 23, Number 4, Fall 1996.; internet www.abanet.org; 3/19/03; pg. 1

    55. Mapa de MGF 75% de todos los casos ocurren en Egipto, Etiopa, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia y Sudan. Es ms comn entre la poblacin Musulmana.

    56. MGF y Cultura Seguridad para los hombres. Algunos grupos creen que el cltoris de la mujer es peligroso, y que si toca el pene del hombre, el hombre muere. [1] Belleza Femenina Los genitales no mutilados de las mujeres son feos y voluminosos. En algunas culturas, existe la creencia que los genitales de la mujer pueden crecer y hacerse pesados, colgando entre las piernas, a menos que el cltoris sea extirpado.[2] [1] ibid FGM; pg. 6 [2] ibid FGM; pg. 6 [1] ibid FGM; pg. 6 [2] ibid FGM; pg. 6

    57. Instrumentos para la MGF Usualmente se realiza sin esterilizar y en condiciones primitivas, con instrumentos de corte comunes, que incluyen cuchillos de cocina, rocas afiladas, pedazos de vidrio, cuchillas de afeitar o tijeras caseras.

    58. Mutilacin Genital La Circuncisin limpia a la mujer, promueve la virginidad y la castidad, y guarda a las jovencitas de la frustracin sexual al reducir su apetito sexual.[1] [1] ibid FGM; pg. 6[1] ibid FGM; pg. 6

    59. Una Cancin Kenyana Pos MGF El cuchillo cort al guardin de la aldea hoy. Ahora esta muerto y se ha ido. Antes la aldea estaba sucia, Pero ahora la aldea esta limpia sin el guardin. Entonces mrennos, somos solo mujeres. Y los hombres han venido a tocar el tambor. Ellos tienen falos como los elefantes. Ellos vinieron cuando sangrbamos. Ahora regresamos a la aldea donde un falo grueso nos espera. Ahora podemos hacer el amor porque nuestro sexo est limpio.[1] [1] Lightfoot-Klein; Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey into Female Genital Circumcision in Africa; New York: Harrington Park Press, 1996; pg. 71

    60. Asesinato Infanticidio de la Mujer Feticidio de la Mujer Asesinato por Honor Asesinato por Dote

    61. Infanticidio Femenino El asesinato de bebes hembras, antes de nacer, sencillamente porque son mujeres

    62. India Anuncio en una Clnica de abortos es mejor gastar $38 ahora para terminar con un feto femenino, [bebe] que pagar $3,800 ms tarde en su dote.[1] [1] www.thp.org; The Hunger Project Online Briefing Program: The Condition of Women in South East Asia; The Cycle of Malnutrition. Pg. 20 of 25; 7/21/03 [1] www.thp.org; The Hunger Project Online Briefing Program: The Condition of Women in South East Asia; The Cycle of Malnutrition. Pg. 20 of 25; 7/21/03

    63. Tecnologa Moderna Determina el sexo del beb Amniocentesis Ultra sonido Mquina de aborto

    64. Estadsticas del Infanticidio Femenino Entre 2 a 5 millones de bebs hembras son abortados cada ao en la India.[1] Un censo nacional en China, dado a conocer en Mayo del 2002, revelaba que hay ms de 116 nacimientos de varones por cada 100 nacimientos de hembras [1] La desproporcin entre los sexos est tan distorcionada ahora que hay 111 millones de hombres en China ms de tres veces la poblacin de Canad quienes no podrn encontrar una esposa.[1] [1] Quoted in Selle; pg. 7A [1] ibid, Selle; pg. 7A [1] Gittings, John; Growing Sex Imbalance Shocks China; THe Guardian, May 13, 2002; quoted in Jones, Adam; Case Study: Female Infanticide Gendercide Watch; internet www.gendercide.org; 3/17/03; pg. 5 [1] Quoted in Selle; pg. 7A [1] ibid, Selle; pg. 7A [1] Gittings, John; Growing Sex Imbalance Shocks China; THe Guardian, May 13, 2002; quoted in Jones, Adam; Case Study: Female Infanticide Gendercide Watch; internet www.gendercide.org; 3/17/03; pg. 5

    65. Infanticidio Femenino El asesinato de bebs hembras antes de nacer, simplemente porque son mujeres

    66. China e India China La poltica de un solo hijo. Bebs hembras llamadas como gusanos en el arroz.[1] 1 milln abandonadas cada ao. Cuartos de muerte. India Los costos de la dote y del matrimonio agobian a los pobres. Bebecitas son enterradas y muertas de hambre. [1] Woods, Brian; The Dying Rooms Trust; quoted in Jones, Adam; Case Study: Female Infanticide Gendercide Watch; internet www.gendercide.org; 3/17/03; pg 7 [1] Woods, Brian; The Dying Rooms Trust; quoted in Jones, Adam; Case Study: Female Infanticide Gendercide Watch; internet www.gendercide.org; 3/17/03; pg 7

    67. Asesinato por Honor

    68. En el Islam La Mujer es una Propiedad La Mujer es considerada como una propiedad de los varones de la familia independientemente de su clase social, etnicidad o grupo religioso. El dueo de la propiedad tiene el derecho de decidir su destino. El concepto de propiedad ha convertido a la mujer en una mercanca que puede ser intercambiada, comprada y vendida.[1] Shahid Khan, un profesor de la Universidad Aga Khan de Pakistan [1] Khan, Aga; Chained to Custom; 1999; quoted in Hillary Mayells Thousands of Women Killed for Family Honor; National Geographic New; February 12, 2002; internet wwwnews.nationalgeographic.com Lakshmis Story Lakshmi already had one daughter, so when she gave birth to a second girl, she killed her. For three days of her second childs short life, Lakshmi admits, she refused to nurse her. To silence the infants famished cries, the impoverished village woman squeezed the milky sap from an oleander shrub, mixed it with castor oil, and forced the poison potion down the newborns throat. The baby bled from the nose, then died soon afterwards. Female neighbors buried her in a small hole near Lakshmis square thatched hut of sunbaked mud. They sympathized with Lakshmi, and in the same circumstances, some would have probably done as she did. In some of the hamlets of Tamil Nadu, murdering girls is still something believed to be a wiser course than raising them. A daughter is always liabilities. How can I bring up a second? Lakshmi, 28, answered firmly when asked by visitors how she could have taken her own childs life eight years ago. Instead of her suffering the way I do, I thought it was better to get rid of her.[1] [1] Dahlburg, John-Thor; Where killing a baby girl is no big sin; The Los Angeles Times [in The Toronto Star, February 28, 1994] internet www.gendercide.org 3/17/03 [1] Khan, Aga; Chained to Custom; 1999; quoted in Hillary Mayells Thousands of Women Killed for Family Honor; National Geographic New; February 12, 2002; internet wwwnews.nationalgeographic.com Lakshmis Story Lakshmi already had one daughter, so when she gave birth to a second girl, she killed her. For three days of her second childs short life, Lakshmi admits, she refused to nurse her. To silence the infants famished cries, the impoverished village woman squeezed the milky sap from an oleander shrub, mixed it with castor oil, and forced the poison potion down the newborns throat. The baby bled from the nose, then died soon afterwards. Female neighbors buried her in a small hole near Lakshmis square thatched hut of sunbaked mud. They sympathized with Lakshmi, and in the same circumstances, some would have probably done as she did. In some of the hamlets of Tamil Nadu, murdering girls is still something believed to be a wiser course than raising them. A daughter is always liabilities. How can I bring up a second? Lakshmi, 28, answered firmly when asked by visitors how she could have taken her own childs life eight years ago. Instead of her suffering the way I do, I thought it was better to get rid of her.[1]

    69. Honor Familiar Siendo que la mujer es una propiedad de los hombres, ella es un reflejo del honor familiar. A las jovencitas se les ensea a permanecer vrgenes hasta el matrimonio. Se les ensea acerca de eib que significa vergenza y sharaf que significa honor.[1] Una mujer es como un vaso; si alguien bebe de el, nadie ms lo querr Una mujer es como una lamina de vidrio, una vez que se rompe, nunca se podr arreglar. [1] [1] Kamguian, Azam; Yes, It is Islamic Dont Apologize for It!; Institute for the Seculoarization of Islamic Society internet wwwsecularislam.org; 03/19/03 [1] Khouri, Norma; Honor Lost; Atria Books; New York; 2003; pg. 1st page of Farewell [1] Kamguian, Azam; Yes, It is Islamic Dont Apologize for It!; Institute for the Seculoarization of Islamic Society internet wwwsecularislam.org; 03/19/03 [1] Khouri, Norma; Honor Lost; Atria Books; New York; 2003; pg. 1st page of Farewell

    70. Provoca el Asesinato por Honor Adulterio - infidelidad marital. Fornicacin sexo pre-matrimonial. Percepcin de comportamiento Inmoral. Coquetear. Victima de violacin. Rehusar someterse a un matrimonio arreglado. Procurar el divorcio de un marido.

    71. Medios del Asesinato Honor Disparar Apedrear Envenenar Decapitar Apualar Estrangular

    72. La ONU estima que el Nmero de Asesinatos por Honor en 1998 1,000 ocurrieron en Pakistn y Afganistn 400 en Yemen 50 en Lbano 1,000 en Egipto 2,330 en la Franja Occidental, Gaza, y Jordania[1] [1] Khouri, Norma; Honor Lost; Atria Books; New York; 2003; pg. ? [1] Khouri, Norma; Honor Lost; Atria Books; New York; 2003; pg. ?

    73. Asesinato por Dote

    74. Asesinato por Dote En India son asesinadas anualmente mas de 5,000 mujeres por causa de dotes inadecuadas.[1] [1] ibid Bunch; pg. 2 of 3 Story Baskars family was not able to pay the full dowry price in her arranged marriage. The lacking item was a motorcycle. The 15-year-old bride from Firozpur Namak, India will never forget her first day of marriage. On her wedding night, Baskar says, her drunken new husband and his three friends beat her and took turns raping her. They forced her to crouch on all fours while they: taunted her. They said, Lets make her a motorcycle. Baskar relates in an interview, her face half-hidden by her traditional Islamic veil. Baskar was one of the fortunate ones. More than 5,000 women are killed every year in India because their husbands considered their dowries to be inadequate.[1] [1] SARAH, this is footnote number 1 from the monograph Raising Up Esther. Please get it and insert it here. Also, please check the quote. [1] ibid Bunch; pg. 2 of 3 Story Baskars family was not able to pay the full dowry price in her arranged marriage. The lacking item was a motorcycle. The 15-year-old bride from Firozpur Namak, India will never forget her first day of marriage. On her wedding night, Baskar says, her drunken new husband and his three friends beat her and took turns raping her. They forced her to crouch on all fours while they: taunted her. They said, Lets make her a motorcycle. Baskar relates in an interview, her face half-hidden by her traditional Islamic veil. Baskar was one of the fortunate ones. More than 5,000 women are killed every year in India because their husbands considered their dowries to be inadequate.[1]

    75. La lgica de estas asesinato por dote La esposa fracasa en traer una dote alta y suficiente. El esposo o su familia quieren obtener otra dote, entonces matan a la primera esposa.

    76. Medios usados en las asesinato por dote Empujadas al suicidio Accidentes en la cocina

    77. Otros Aspectos de la Guerra Educacin 60% de los estudiantes a los que se les impide ir a la escuela, son nias.[1] 66% de los 880 millones de analfabetas adultos del mundo, son mujeres.[2] Mortalidad Materna 600,000 mujeres mueren cada ao mundialmente por causas relacionadas con el embarazo y el parto.[1] [1] ibid Kristof NDN/P [2] Sadik, Dr. Nafis; Lives Together, Worlds Apart; THe State of World Populations 2000, UNFPA; pg 41[ 1] Watkins, Sheryl; Women: Five Barriers Facing Women in the Developing World; Today Magazine; 04/97; pg. 2 of 6 [1] ibid Kristof NDN/P [2] Sadik, Dr. Nafis; Lives Together, Worlds Apart; THe State of World Populations 2000, UNFPA; pg 41[ 1] Watkins, Sheryl; Women: Five Barriers Facing Women in the Developing World; Today Magazine; 04/97; pg. 2 of 6

    78. Otros Aspectos de la Guerra (Cont.) Sin Hogar La mayora de los 100 millones sin techo son mujeres y nios.[1] Refugiados 80% de los refugiados del mundo son mujeres.[1] Pobreza en general Las mujeres reciben el 10% del ingreso mundial, 1% de la propiedad del mundo y conforman el 70% de los pobres del mundo.[1] [1] ibid, Watkins; 5 of 6 [1] Barrett, Dr. David; The Monday Morning Reality Check-980311; GEM World Evangelization Research; 03/12/98 [1] Barrett, Dr. David; The Monday Morning Reality Check-980311; GEM World Evangelization Research; 03/12/98eneral Poverty [1] ibid, Watkins; 5 of 6 [1] Barrett, Dr. David; The Monday Morning Reality Check-980311; GEM World Evangelization Research; 03/12/98 [1] Barrett, Dr. David; The Monday Morning Reality Check-980311; GEM World Evangelization Research; 03/12/98eneral Poverty

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