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ES Transition Committee P Clark ; D Hickey; A Quinney; G Kachanoski; Project Manager S Conn ; P Stack; D Dawson ; P Sorenson M Paul; J Pawluk; G Bauer; K Moore. Marketing, Communications and Media S Conn ; S Halme; E Rowan; E Carlson; D Herman; Proj Mgr.
ES Transition Committee P Clark; D Hickey; A Quinney; G Kachanoski; Project Manager S Conn; P Stack; D Dawson; P Sorenson M Paul; J Pawluk; G Bauer; K Moore Marketing, Communications and Media S Conn; S Halme; E Rowan; E Carlson; D Herman; Proj Mgr Building & Operations D Dawson; H Warren; L Rodriques; L Baker-Perri; C Moore; B Temple; E Carlson; D Herman; Proj Mgr Info Tech P Sorenson; R Lake; K Moodie; S Kimoff; Project Manager Proposed Enterprise Square Committee Structure November 21, 2006 • Terms of Reference • principle adherence • decision making • budget approval (non-project expenses) • approve communication strategy • issue resolution • keep EPC informed Tenants D Cox; K Spencer; S Peirce; D Mann; M Craige; C Campbell; T Scott; J Boyes; A Varsava; P Thorbourne; CHUM, AGA