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IBPS RRB Officer mains section-wise preparation tips<br>
IBPS RRB Officer Mains - section wise tips to score more marks? The IBPS RRBP Exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) every year to recruit the deserving candidates into various posts in Regional Rural Banking Sector across the country. IBPS Officers’ job is considered as one of the prestigious jobs and most sought-after career in the banking sector. The IBPS RRB Officer Mains exam is scheduled to be held on 30th September, 2018. This article will cover the Mains exam pattern, syllabus as well as the section-wise tips for you and. In order to prepare well, you must also be aware of the pattern and syllabus thoroughly. Let us see the syllabus alongside the IBPS Officers Mains section-wise tips to score marks. IBPS RRB Officers Scale 1 Mains Exam Pattern: Below is the exam pattern: Serial Number Number of Questions Maximum Marks Name of Test Duration 1. Reasoning 40 50 Quantitative Aptitude 2. 40 50 English Language 3 a. 40 40 Composite time of 2 hours 3 b. Hindi Language 40 40 General Awareness 4. 40 40 Computer Knowledge 5. 40 20 Total 200 200
IBPS RRB Officers Scale 1 Mains Syllabus & Section-wise Tips: Here, I will provide the section-wise syllabus as well as preparation tips that will be helpful to score. Reasoning - Syllabus & Preparation Tips: The questions will be time consuming. The level of difficulty will be from easy, moderate to difficult. Take a look at the break-up of questions as per the sample date taken in the last few years: Number of Questions Topic Puzzles and Seating Arrangement 21 Input-Output 5 Logical Reasoning (Statement- Assumption) 5 Data Sufficiency (2 Statement) 5 Direction Sense 4 Preparation Tips: 1. This section appears as tough but one of the most scoring sections. This is time-consuming though, but with a lot of preparation, you can improve accuracy and speed. 2. Learn the concepts thoroughly, practice mock test papers, old question papers. 3. You will need analytical skills for solving topics like Seating Arrangement and puzzles. Quantitative Aptitude - Syllabus & Preparation Tips: Topic Number of Questions
Number Series (wrong number series) 5 Data Interpretation (pie- chart, bar graph, caselet, table) 20 Data Sufficiency 5 Time & Work 1 Probability 1 Ratio, Proportions & Partnerships 2 Mixtures & Alligation 1 Boat & Streams 1 Miscellaneous Questions 4 1. Memorize the formulae wherever required. 2. Practice time and work related problems as much as you can. 3. Solve the problems from previous question papers as well mock tests. Analyze your results and see where you are taking too long to solve. Pick such type of questions and practice the solution to improve speed. English – Syllabus & Preparation Tips:
Number of Questions Topic Reading Comprehension 14 Cloze Test (2 sets)(1 conventional, 1 sentence based) 10 Miscellaneous (Fillers, Opposite Pairs, Sentence Connectors) 16 1. There will be idiom based questions, those of you who are above average in English will be able to answer with a little practice. Those who are not familiar with such type of questions have to practice many questions based on that. 2. Practice a lot of questions on fill-in-the-blanks. 3. Read magazines, newspapers to improve your vocabulary, this is how you will improve synonyms and usage of the words. Hindi – Syllabus & Preparation tips: The below table gives a clear picture of what to prepare in. Practice is the key. Number of Questions Topic Reading Comprehension (अपठठत गदददश) 10 Error Spotting / Sentence Correction (वदकयममततरठट) 5 Cloze Test (कललज़पररकण) 10
Sentence Rearrangement (वदकय पपनरयरवसथद) 5 Word Usage (शबदपतरयलग) 5 Vocab Based- Errors (शबददवलर आधदठरत- ततरठटयदय) 5 General Awareness – Syllabus & Preparation Tips: 1. The question that come in General Awareness are from current affairs and Banking awareness. The current affairs are typically those which are the events happening during the month of September & October. The static GK questions will also be asked. 2. This is a section which fetches better scoring. Hence, prepare well, as it is easy to score. 3. The banking awareness questions relating to Banking terminology will be asked. For example, you may be asked about the meaning of C in PCA (Prompt Corrective Action)? So, you must make sure to cover the meaning in detail and not just the abbreviation. 4. Also, you will see questions on Financial and Economic Awareness questions include Fiscal Policy, GDP, Debentures, Budget, Basel Norms, Capital Market, Money Market etc. 5. You must also be aware of the questions about digital banking, issues about internet banking, electronic fund transfer, mobile banking, Aadhaar based banking service etc. Computer Knowledge – Syllabus & Preparation Tips: 1. This section is the easiest one, you can score well. The questions are of basic level. 2. The topics are – Software, Internet, Networking and the most often used abbreviations. 3. Refer previous question papers and prepare, keep updated with the current terms too. The above tips will help in preparing better. Cover the entire syllabus and take mock tests. All the best.