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THIS IS A GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY – SEE NOAA APG CHAPTERS for specific guidance and references to applicable statute, regulation, DOC policy, and NOAA policy. Sealed Bidding Process Map – Part 14 (1 of 3).
THIS IS A GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY – SEE NOAA APG CHAPTERS for specific guidance and references to applicable statute, regulation, DOC policy, and NOAA policy. Sealed Bidding Process Map – Part 14 (1 of 3) Finalize solicitation per FAR 14.202 and other applicable guidance in FAR 14 or agency policy and prepare for required reviews and issuance Obtain required solicitation reviews and approvals in accordance with agency procedure: NOAA AGO Handbook Prepare the Invitation for Bids (IFB) per FAR 14.201 Review Market Research No Acquisition is above the SAT and meets the requirements of FAR 6.401 and FAR 14.103-1 Will this follow the two-step process for sealed bid IAW FAR 14.5? Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Yes If not using the combined synopsis solicitation at FAR 12.603, synopsis required by FAR 5.2 may be developed, reviewed, approved and issued prior to final solicitation approval Return from Step 1 Sub-process and Conduct Step 2 in accordance with the following steps Go to Special Step 1 Sub -process Issue the IFB per FAR 14.203 Retain a record of the IFB per FAR 14.204 When applicable, amend the IFB per FAR 14.208 When applicable, hold pre-bid conference IAW FAR 14.207 No Will the IFB be cancelled prior to bid opening? Go to Map 2 Sealed Bidding Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Yes Follow procedures at FAR 14.209 Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer
THIS IS A GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY – SEE NOAA APG CHAPTERS for specific guidance and references to applicable statute, regulation, DOC policy, and NOAA policy. Sealed Bidding Process Map – Part 14 (2 of 3) From Map 1 Sealed Bidding Receive bids in accordance with solicitation provisions and FAR 14.401 Open Bids per FAR 14.402 Review Bid for responsiveness and mistakes Record Bids per FAR 14.403 No Is the invitation going to be cancelled? Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Yes Follow requirements at FAR 14.404-1 Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer No No No Was/were bid(s) submitted electronically and unreadable? Is there a minor informality or irregularity in bid(s)? Must bid(s) be rejected per FAR 14.404-4? Is there a mistake in bid(s)? Go to Map 3 Sealed Bidding Yes Yes Yes Yes Follow procedures at FAR 14.407 Follow procedures at FAR 14.405 Follow procedures at FAR 14.406 Reject bid(s) per FAR 14.404-4 Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer
THIS IS A GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY – SEE NOAA APG CHAPTERS for specific guidance and references to applicable statute, regulation, DOC policy, and NOAA policy. Sealed Bidding Process Map – Part 14 (3 of 3) From Map 2 Sealed Bidding Follow award criteria in solicitation and at FAR 14.408 for selection of the responsive, responsible bidder that is advantageous for price and price related factors Obtain required award reviews and approvals in accordance with agency procedure: NOAA AGO Handbook Sign Award and create administrative record of award obligation in C* Prepare Award in C* and prepare Award Documentation (as applicable from FAR 14.408, CAR, CAM, NOAA Handbook and local policy) for review Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer FPDS Entry (obtain review and approval when required by local policy) Issue required post award notices per FAR 14.409 and Congressional and Public Affairs in accordance with agency procedure at NOAA AGO Handbook When applicable, handle post-award protest per FAR 14.408-8 and FAR Part 33.1 Map to APG Post Award Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer
THIS IS A GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY – SEE NOAA APG CHAPTERS for specific guidance and references to applicable statute, regulation, DOC policy, and NOAA policy. Sealed Bidding Process Map – Part 14 (Special Sub-Process for Step 1 in 2-Step Sealed Bidding) Sealed-Bidding Map 1 of 3 Prepare Step 1 Request for Technical Proposals per FAR 14.5 and agency procedure Obtain required solicitation reviews and approvals in accordance with agency procedure: NOAA AGO Handbook Synopsize Request for Technical Proposals per FAR Part 5 and FAR 14.503-1 Receive Step 1 Technical proposals in accordance with solicitation provisions and FAR 14.501(c) Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Evaluate Step 1 Technical Proposals in accordance with solicitation criteria and FAR 14.501(e). Are there sufficient acceptable proposals to ensure adequate price competition in Step 2? Yes Yes Proceed to Step 2 (Return to Sealed Bidding Map 1 of 3) Proceed to Step 2 (Return to Sealed Bidding Map 1 of 3) Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer No Obtain any required reviews prior to obtaining clarifications or opening discussions (accordance with agency procedure: NOAA AGO Handbook) Are there sufficient acceptable proposals to ensure adequate price competition in Step 2? Discontinue 2-step sealed bidding or continue by negotiation (SEE FAR 14.501(i)) Evaluate clarified and/or revised Step 1 Technical Proposals in accordance with solicitation criteria and FAR 14.501(e). Request clarifications or proposal revisions Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer Contract Specialist/ Contracting Officer