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Do you want to build a strong trademark? Then the first step is to protect it, in order to prevent others from taking your idea.<br>
Trademarks411 brought to youby trademarks411.com trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow WhyTrademark? Brand identity is crucial to the success of a businesstoday trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow What toTrademark? You can trademark your Name, Slogan &Logo. trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow Forexample trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow Trademark Procedure in a fewwords A trademark application has to be filed before the Registrar of TradeMarks. While applying define the class under which you want the product / service to be classified and pay the fees associated with the Trademark. The Government application fee per trademark class is Rs.3500. trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow When can I use theTM and ® symbol? As soon as you file the application, you can begin using the TM symbol. Once your trademark is granted (registered), you can begin using the ®symbol. trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow Reasons for Trademarkrejection Descriptive NotDistinctive Too similar to an existing trademark (and therefore confusing) Too similar to a well-known trademark (like sayFerrari) trademarks411.com
Simple Legal isnow Common questions: Can my Indian trademark protect me in the U.S.A as well? How much time does the processtake? Under what class should Ifile? Should I get a trademark for both my name ANDlogo? Should the trademark be in my name or the name of mycompany? trademarks411.com
Create By Trademarks411 trademarks411.com
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