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A Deviation from Conventional Medicines: Traditional Medicine

The knowledge and skill that have travelled over hundreds of generations – is used even today to protect our health or cure an illness.

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A Deviation from Conventional Medicines: Traditional Medicine

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  1. Blog 3: Traditionalmedicaltherapy.com A Deviation from Conventional Medicines: Traditional Medicine The knowledge and skill that have travelled over hundreds of generations – is used even today to protect our health or cure an illness. The use of herbs for medicinal purpose can be traced back to 5000 years ago to the ancient Sumerians. Different cultures have their own connotations and processes for the treatment of every ailment. In the modern day, any kind of the medical treatment that is outside of the conventional processes is known as alternative medicine. WHO defines traditional methods of treatments as: "The sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness." A wide variety of these traditional skills are still in use today and it varies across different countries, regions and cultures – from the acupuncture process of the Chinese, to the Heilpraxis of the Germans, to the magnetic healing by the French and the Herbalism of the English right to the Ayurveda in India and not to forget the Shiatsu of Japan. The most common therapies that are available even today includes: Yoga, Ayurvedic medicine, Ashiatsu Bar therapy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Cupping, Gua Sha, Lomi Lomi, Tuina, Shiatsu, Thai massage, reflexology, Qigong, T’ai ji Chuan as well as Traditional Chinese medicines. There are centers that provide these services in packages like corporate wellness that come to your workplace to provide medical care to the employees, or mobile therapies which you can request to come to your home to provide the services. Also there are websites, like traditionalmedicaltherapy.com, that make it even easier to experience alternative medicine. With just a few clicks you can schedule an appointment at your office, home or the therapist’s clinic. These websites are a community of alternative medical practioners and provide you the flexibility to choose your preferred alternative medicine from one place.

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