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M A R Y V Q U I N N . Phenomenology:. Phenomenology is the music, singing, violence, and dancing in a play. Themes displayed in Macbeth. Phenomenology:. Blood will to blood. Respect for Violence. Violence= Guilt. Violence= Masculinity. "Blood will to blood".
Phenomenology: Phenomenology is the music, singing, violence, and dancing in a play
Themes displayed in Macbeth Phenomenology: Blood will to blood Respect for Violence Violence= Guilt Violence= Masculinity
"Blood will to blood" • the nature of violence is: violence leads to more violence. • Macbeth uses violence to take the throne. He then uses violence to keep the throne. Macbeth realizes that violence opens the way for others to try to take the throne. This causes Macbeth to commit more violence, and more violence, until violence is all he has left. • Macbeth becomes completely out of control. He sees nothing wrong with killing Macduff's wife and children and plans to kill Macduff's entire line. • After seeing Banquo’s ghost Macbeth says, “blood will to blood”. He is admitting to himself that he understands that he is caught in a murderous cycle that he can not get out of. • Macbeth ends with the suicide of Lady Macbeth and the beheading of the main character, Macbeth, proving that violence leads to more violence, a horrible unending cycle.
Violence=Guilt ~Guilt is symblolized by blood~ • Murder, death, and violence can happen in a second, but the blood remains. • Blood can not only stain physical things, such as hands and clothes, but it can also stain someone’s mind. • Macbeth fears that his crime has stained him so that he can never be washed clean. “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?”(Act 2, Scene2), Macbeth says after killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth nonchalantly says"Go get some water, / And wash this filthy witness from your hand" (Act 2, Scene 2). This creates the laughable idea that just water could cleanse them after committing such a crime.
Respect for Violence • During the 11th century there was actually a respect for violence in the right situation. • Violence was a part of culture during that time and people were often rewarded for it. • Certain violence was considered courageous. For example Macbeth, being a soldier, was awarded the Thane of Cawdor because of his bravery shown in war.
Violence and Masculinity • Many forms of violence and cruelty are often associated with masculinity • Macbeth, Macduff, Siward, etc. that must prove their "manhood" by killing. It is obvious that the world of Macbeth is a warrior culture, where violence seems "valiant" and deems a man "worthy." • Another example of violence being associated with masculinity is when Lady Macbeth kills Duncan. She literally calls on "murdering ministers" to "unsex" her so that she can kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth feels that being a woman and a mother will hinder her plans for violence. She also hints that "direst cruelty" is synonymous with masculinity.
"O, full of scorpions is my mind.“ There is scorpions actually filling the crown of his head "False face must hide what the false heart doth know." They are trying to hide their guilty faces with masks. To the right behind the serpent is a candle.In the ambush murder of Banquo, the third murderer shouts: "Who did strike out the light?" This painting by Hannah Tompkins shows Macbeth and Lady Macbeth painted looking very scared and self conscious. The painting is of the scene of them plotting the murder of Duncan. They are trying to hide their guilty faces with masks.
Pity William Blake 1970 Blake's watercolor illustrates a passage from the beginning of Act 1, scene 7 Macbeth in a soliloquy debates the murder of Duncan, who, he says: Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued against The deep damnation of his taking-off; And pity, like a naked new-born babe Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubin horsed Upon the sightless couriers of the air, Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye That tears shall drown the wind.
Henry Fuseli's The Three witches 1783 The source for the painting is Macbeth, Act 1, scene 3, lines 39-47 Banquo and Macbeth’s first encounter with the Weird Sisters on the heathBANQUO . . . What are these, So wither'd and so wild in their attire, That look not like th' inhabitants o' the earth, And yet are on't? Live you? or are you aught That man may question? You seem to understand me, By each at once her choppy finger laying Upon her skinny lips: you should be women, And yet your beards forbid me to interpret That you are so.
Music Music from Macbeth is a 1972 album by progressive-rock band Third Ear Band. It consists of the soundtrack from Roman Polanski's 1971 film The Tragedy of Macbeth, an adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. "Overture" – 4:20 "The Beach" – 1:54 "Lady Macbeth" – 1:47 "Inverness: Macbeth's Return/The Preparation/Fanfare/Duncan's Arrival" – 5:00 "The Banquet" – 1:21 "Dagger and Death" – 2:49 "At the Well/The Princes's Escape/Coronation/Come Sealing Night" – 3:03 "Court Dance" – 2:28 "Fleance" – 4:02 "Grooms' Dance" – 4:21 "Bear Baiting" – 1:10 "Ambush/Banquo's Ghost" – 2:27 "Going to Bed/Blind Man's Buff/Requiescant/Sere and Yellow Leaf" – 3:04 "The Cauldron" – 2:39 "Prophesies" – 1:53 "Wicca Way" – 1:24 (All compositions by Bridges, Sweeney, Minns, and Buckmaster.)
Stories Inspiration from the play Macbeth has inspired other works including a film featuring Ian McKellan and Judi Dench. Also the opera by Verdi was inspired by the famous play. The Holinshed Chronicles was also inspired by the play Macbeth. In 2006, Harper Collins published the book Macbeth and Son by the Australian author Jackie French. In 2008, Pegasus Books published The Tragedy of Macbeth Part II: The Seed of Banquo, a play by American author and playwright Noah Lukeman which endeavoured to pick up where the original Macbeth left off, and to resolve its many loose ends. David Greig's 2010 play Dunsinane took Macbeth's downfall at Dunsinane as its starting point, with Macbeth's just-ended reign portrayed as long and stable in contrast to Malcolm's.
The most significant screen performances are: • Macbeth (USA, 1948), Orson WelleS director • Macbeth (1954 TV special), (USA, 1954), George Schaefer, director, a live television production now preserved on kinescope • Macbeth (1960 film), (UK, 1960), George Schaefer director'Play of the Month' Macbeth (1965 TV, UK), John Gorrie director • Macbeth (USA and UK, 1971), Roman Polanski director • Macbeth (UK, 1978, Royal Shakespeare Company), Trevor Nunn director • Macbeth (UK, 1981), Arthur Allan Seidelman director • BBC Television Shakespeare Macbeth (TV, UK, 1983) • Macbeth (UK, 1997), Jeremy Freeston and Brian Blessed directors • Macbeth (TV, UK, 1998), Michael Bogdanov director • The Animated Shakespeare Macbeth (TV, Russia and UK, 1992), Nicolai Serebryakov director • Macbeth (Video, UK, 2001, Royal Shakespeare Company, Greg Doran director • Macbeth (2006 film) (Australia, 2006), Geoffrey Wright director • Macbeth (2010 film) (UK, 2010), Rupert Goold director The most significant screen adaptations are: • Joe MacBeth (UK, 1955), Ken Hughes director • Throne of Blood • Men of Respect (USA 1991), William Reilly director • Rave Macbeth (Germany, 2001) • Scotland, PA (USA, 2001), Billy Morrissette director • Maqbool (India, 2004), Vishal Bharadwaj director • Shakespeare-Told Macbeth (UK, TV, 2005)
Act 1, Scene 1 (SMOKE) (Backstage Technician pushes play on VCR, removing lens cap, and we watch the MacHomer trailer) NARRATOR In 1603, William Shakespeare wrote one of his bloodiest tragedies: Macbeth. It was a variation on the old “Guy murders King, Guy becomes King, Guy murders best friend, Guy murders another friends family, other friend takes Guy’s head off” story. Despite suffering through 400 years of misguided interpretations, and brutal dissections, Macbeth has remained intact… Until now. (At the end of the trailer, when the title of “MacHomer” appears on the screen, Rick discreetly emerges through the crack in the screen, and places himself behind the cauldron, hidden. “MacHomer” painting appears. When the first “flash” sound appears, Rick suddenly rises behind the cauldron. The play begins… (Scene 1. Witches’ lair) IMAGE FLASH: Captain HECATE When shall we three meet again? In Thunder, Lightning, har in Rain?....Har! Har! IMAGE FLASH: Moe WITCH #2 When the hurly-burly's done, When the battle's lost and won. IMAGE FLASH: Skinner WITCH #3 That will be ere the set of Sun. HECATE Where the place? WITCH #2 Upon the heath. WITCH #3 There to meet with MacBeth!!!(Thunder) WITCH #2 Oh God! Don’t say that! It’s bad luck. WITCH #3 Oh…I mean MacHomer ..ahem 2 WITCH #2 Fair is foul, and foul is fair. WITCH #3 Hover through the.....(Coughs) My tie’s on fire. WITCH #2 I told you it’s bad luck, huh? Didn’t I? Huh? Huh? WITCH #3 …and filthy har.....har har har har dar har. Har! MacHomer: The Simpsons Do Macbeth (1995) Rick Miller with Jelly-Doughnut